posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 01:44 PM
Having read the articles the following can be stated:
Of all of the known diseases out there, Ebola is one of the more dangerous of the the viruses that tends to show up. It is a part of a family of
viruses called Filoviruses, that can and has caused death. It is nearly fatal in most cases, and there is are different cases of such:
Marburg, first came about in Marburg Germany. The lethal nature of this disease had not been seen, and the speed that it spread was frightening to
many. It was brought in with monkeys that were used in experiements, which were infected already.
The next was Ebola Zaire, the first recorded outbreak being in 1976, with 318 people infected, and 280 deaths, with a fatality of 88%
Then Ebola Sudan, with 284 infected, and 151 deaths, about a 50% lethality rate.
The next strain was Ebola Reston, that first came about in Reston Virginia, in 1989. Of all of the strains of Ebola, this is the only one that is
not lethal to humans. Here again, it came in with infected primates.
The next strain was Ebola Cote d'Ivoire, first was detected in 1992, official identified in 1994, found on the Ivory Coast, with no fatalities,
however it is believed that such has not yet jumped species.
While it could be that a new species of this virus is coming up, it is not known if it is one that we have already seen, and if it is, then it would
answer the one question, which is what species of animals are the carriers of this nightmarish disease, or if it is a new offshoot of the virus, a new
species as it were.
As the op did bring up weaponised ebola, and it bears to note that during the heyday of the cold war, before it was fully banned, that the Soviet
Union, did indeed have research into a weaponized version of Ebola as part of its NBC program, including a weapon called Ebolapox, that was a hybrid
of Ebola and Smallpox.