posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 05:34 PM
Good Evening All
I have finally taken the plunge and decided to join after lurking , for want of a better word, here for a number of years. I'm a humble man from the
county of Essex in the U.K. Please do not imagine me to be anything like the characters in the tv show "the only way is essex", which in my opinion
is awful! Like many of you I have a hunger for some answers to the riddles that surround us. I still have many questions and possibly some solutions.
This search has consumed me for almost my entire existence, in fact as long as i have been aware, I have qustioned all things, our purpose, the true
concept of time, consciousness, the reality of our being, O.B.E, and mainly the E.T. phenomenon. One of my earliest recollections is of being 6 or 7
years old and being at primary school, I was invited into a room and asked to choose a book. There were a great many books available to me, at least
to my childs eye, and it was made clear to me that i could choose any book i desired, regardless of the cost. I choose a small, modest book that was
covered by others, like i knew it was there. The cover was plain dark blue, with only three letters on it, U.F.O. ( I had no idea what this meant)
which was in plain white text. Below the title was a rather low quality picture of what is mainly referred to, as your classic "Flying Saucer". I
studied this book throughout my childhood years, indeed, it was the first book i could read cover to cover by myself. It detailed a number of stories
and legends, which included such things as time slips, aductions, the early airship sightings, foo fighters, close encounters of the third kind, and
men in black etc. This, along with a personal experience that happened a number of years later, sparked my interest in this field and i begain reading
with ernest a great many tomes on this subject.
But one question has always remained, and has bothered me for a long while. Why did i choose that book?
I hope I can be of some small service to all of you. I wish to continue lurking here, but with a difference, because now I'll be able to add my two
pennies worth.