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Who's crazy? What defines mental illness?

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posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 01:02 PM
This guy seems to have a clue. It's the state who is crazy, and they project this onto us all for submission.

edit on 18-1-2013 by unityemissions because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 01:11 PM

Originally posted by beezzer

Originally posted by Wertdagf
reply to post by beezzer

Did you even read it?

In the bill quite clearly defines who is to alert the government if they feel a gun owner is a danger to himself or others.

Yes, I read it. And wouldn't it also be up to the interpretation of the doc as to what constitutes a "danger"?

That is a very good question. The truth is in the doctor's claims, they don't have to explain what the problem is. You could come in scared that someone was chasing you, that's a danger. You could answer "yes" to gun ownership, and that could be called a danger, if your body has gotten through psychiatric hospital doors. If an officer brought you in for a psychiatric evaluation after you called 911 and said someone was following you, and he doesn't have a name or plate, you could be called a danger. Basically, if you find yourself in front of a psych doctor, you could be called a danger. They don't have to have logic to accuse you of being dangerous; all they need is authority.

One of these days people are going to need an attorney before they go to a doctor and answer any questions. Remember, there are no miranda rights when you go in for a psych evaluation. In a psych ward, you are guilty before innocent; your mere presence is evidence enough for them of guilt. The treatment for this sort of guilt is psychiatric meds, every time. I've found that the more you say no to the meds, the harder the meds they give you until you zombify or become too retarded to debate the system. The more you fight for rights in a hospital, the more they ignore it as a mental symptom.

A lot of people through the mental health system are ashamed to mention the lack of rights to say no to that sort of treatment, for fear of being labeled harder, like paranoid or delusions of persecution. It's very hard to get free from the justice system around mental health. Thought crimes, absolutely.

You ever hear those news stories about missing mentally ill people, how they are a danger without their psychiatric medications? Ever second-guess that story as a lie? Sometimes families, hospitals, and law enforcement gaslight people, or crazymake, so they can keep their illusions that nothing bad is happening. Now think, do you ever want to be running from a manipulative criminal person or corrupt government being chased with a story like that?

It's a really nasty cover-up tactic people use, to psych-out victims, motivated by evils like greed and hatred and ignorance. It's one of the corruptions in the system right now. You could be dangerous on a rumor these days.

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX
People decided that felons cannot have guns...even after their time is served. So lets not pretend like we as a people didn't start the process of removing liberties from groups long ago. You cannot cry..when you failed to speak out against the destruction of liberty to groups that weren't you, then you can't go crying as the destruction grows.

Expect over time mental illness to be "rampant"..or at least diagnosis of mental illness..and most everyone to be registered as something to safeguard others..

Keep focusing on this narrow issue and completely ignore the greater issue...that should work like a charm

I don't see where people were beating down the doors for such things.

Also, just because the people want something, doesn't mean that they are afforded it, when it is Unconstitutional.

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by Kali74

No, I'm saying let's hop in a weather balloon and see what this storm's made of.

It is made of Crap and unlawful BS.
Don't need a weather balloon to know that .

Originally posted by Kali74

Because you can't walk into the Supreme Court and say a diagnosis of depression is keeping me from buying a gun, I want the court to rule this unconstitutional, if such a diagnosis isn't ACTUALLY going to keep you from getting a permit.

That shouldn't even happen in the first place. There should be no need for that person to have to be even in the situation.

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 01:24 PM
I'm crazy!

I have a diagnosis which is about me being people avoidant. I don't like people in general, in an
-avoidant- way, and it has interfered with me keeping a slave wage full time position for some big corporation, so therefore, I am considered, "disabled".

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by Saucerwench

I guess that the ADA will be a new list from where the Tyrant 0bama will pull names from for people that can't own firearms.

Oh, which to choose. A ramp into a building or the 2nd Amendment.

Love it when Govt has created such wonderful choices.

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by macman

Yep so let's just scream and cry about how unfair it all is and do nothing. Oh wait I know... let's wait til they actually try to take citizens guns... right?

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by macman

Well I know that the President would be happy to know, that I don't like the loud gunshot noises, cuz I'm sensory sensitive hyper intolerent to sensory stimuli as well.
(But he would -not- be happy, though, to know I am totally pro 2nd Amendment) (along with the rest of the US

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by Kali74
reply to post by macman

Yep so let's just scream and cry about how unfair it all is and do nothing. Oh wait I know... let's wait til they actually try to take citizens guns... right?

Never said that.

I would push rather for the Govt to stop infringing, and less about "Hey, so Govt, watcha doin?"

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by macman

Good luck citing exactly where they are infringing. You can point out all day that any regulation infringes but you're not going to get far with that.

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 02:00 PM
Definition of Mental Illness-

Believing you have a representative form of government
Believing your votes have a lot to do with who wins in elections
Believing the 911 official story by the MSM
Believing there is no hidden group manipulating world affairs
Believing Capitalism is the best system on the planet
Believing one day you will be able to be part of the club if you just work hard enough
Believing there is such a thing as Republicans Democrats Conservatives Liberals Libertarian and Tea parties.

If you aren't experiencing depression, anxieties of various kinds, and mood may actually be you that is mentally ill.

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by beezzer

(being devil's advocate here).

Why does it matter that a person is labeled crazy now?

Just questioning the government is crazy..whats wrong with you. I think we should mandate that every "crazy" be forced to take medicine (Remember that one? many agreed with forcing drugs on others). Better yet, let's lock them up "just in case". We call that preventive. One step further (because you know we will) let's just kill them behind closed doors because they are too expensive to care for.

We were fine with sliding down this slippery slope..ok well not all of us.... but most were ok with pushing others down it. "As long as it's not me" was the song.

It's easy to ignore responsibility to society. We have chosen it takes a village only when it comes to ganging up on the weakest and most vulnerable... haha... how courageous we have become. We take the easy side instead of the right side...and we teach in schools there is no right (except what authorities tell you is right) so things will even run smoother as we go along....bravo!!

We even gave our kids to the state. You think Im wrong? See whose side they take on this gun issue. Now hey..let's all do what we do best.....blame someone else because our kids are not raised the right way.

Just like all the babies murdered, that's easier than keeping your legs closed or your pecker in your pants. oh...we rename them as fetuses (label them as something other than human so we can justify our actions...cause we all know it is wrong to kill humans...but hey new label = every time...just ask a "'n-word'", a "gook", or a "raghead"). Crazy has been used as a label to de-humanize our own people throughout history just like the other labels attached to people targeted for destruction. Now we suddenly have a problem with it? Anyone different is odd, weird and well weird people are crazy *shrugs

So many people are ok with doing these things ...even the homeless ( we call them bums)..ha instead of giving them a leg up or help them out, we kick them and complain they are all over the place (why don't we just kill them too...they are dirty and well if you look under the definitions of mental conditions it says those who cannot hold a job are mentally impaired...but ssshhh we will ignore the fact jobs are regulated out of least its not you right?)

...oh but wait maybe it isn't a good idea when you become the target, with those crazy thoughts and ideas you have?

For decades in America and other countries have used mental health departments to oppress and destroy the character of political enemies and children they have abused either sexually or medically. The people didn't have a problem with it either, not your problem if some loon gets locked up without a trial or committing any crimes. Of course they were a loon some authority said so...that's good enough for you right? Well it always has been in the past...don't see why it should change now, do you?

But now when a bigger segment of the population wakes up (too late I might add) and THEIR rights are going to be's a problem?

It's ok to objectify anyone and turn a blind eye when the law doesn't do what it's supposed to and protect the minority from their rights getting abused .... as long as it doesn't effect you?

Let's all say it..ready...Justice for all (who can buy it or know someone with the power to make things go your way)!!

Ha...your all crazy and you can fuss all you want but no one listens to crazies.

Dropping to your knees and repenting is the only thing left to do but that's just crazy huh *shrugs

(forgive my wry humor..just making a point).

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by Kali74
reply to post by macman

Good luck citing exactly where they are infringing. You can point out all day that any regulation infringes but you're not going to get far with that.

And therein lies the problem.

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by macman

Lose more cuz you already lost some?

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by beezzer

Originally posted by SaturnFX

Keep focusing on this narrow issue and completely ignore the greater issue...that should work like a charm

What do you consider the "greater issue"?

Laws are a byproduct with media fear fetish news. I am not sure how this can be solved mind you..but media makes bank by keeping people scared, be it about drugs, rapists, murderers, etc etc etc in your neighborhood, the average person gets tweaked out about all the zombies at their door according to the media, and demands more safety pronto..and so we have more and more laws being pushed on us.

The law is the symptom..our hands are tied to do anything about the actual aggravating factor. Facts don't appear to matter, people tend to ignore or don't know them

No solutions..just watching it in general can fight over how the latest symptom is unfair...meh, to me, I see it as repeat behavior..and it isn't the end. Tomorrow however, they will probably hammer something you don't care about and so will support it.

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 02:25 PM
You know how all of you were freaking out about how Obama was going to order the confiscation of assault weapons??

Do you see any parallels here?

I'll give you a hint. They aren't going to do anything overboard involving guns.

Let's all stop assuming the worst and think rationally.

ALL they will do is ban the sale to people unable to make rational decisions(ADD, depression, and such, don't fit this category).

edit on 18-1-2013 by Ghost375 because: typo

edit on 18-1-2013 by Ghost375 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by beezzer

I'll leave it up to healthcare professionals instead of pretending (or listen to people pretend) that they know what they are talking about.

I think everyone else should too.

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by superluminal11
Definition of Mental Illness-

Believing you have a representative form of government
Believing your votes have a lot to do with who wins in elections
Believing the 911 official story by the MSM
Believing there is no hidden group manipulating world affairs
Believing Capitalism is the best system on the planet
Believing one day you will be able to be part of the club if you just work hard enough
Believing there is such a thing as Republicans Democrats Conservatives Liberals Libertarian and Tea parties.

If you aren't experiencing depression, anxieties of various kinds, and mood may actually be you that is mentally ill.

Yeah, let's call the people who've been brainwashed mentally ill.....way to sink to their level.

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 02:45 PM

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by Kali74
reply to post by macman

Lose more cuz you already lost some?

We should never have lost any in the first place.

Instead of focusing on just living off the scraps left by the wonderful Govt, we also need to focus on reclaiming our position at the table.

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