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The ATS Popularity Contest

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posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 11:46 AM
This is a genuine question please don’t misinterpret it as a rant, a flag grab, or as if I have some other agenda it is just a question and I am interested to hear what other ATS members think and if there is a solution.

I find myself become more and more perplexed with what constitutes a “popular” thread on ATS, it would seem that the “oohh look a pretty picture” threads and the one line “it’s all Al-CIAdu” threads get the most attention. I keep seeing threads that have say a couple of paragraphs at most, no links, nothing yet end up with over a hundred replies and 50 or 60 flags.

Now call me bitter, jealous or whatever you want but it seems to me that if I write a thread that ends up spread over a couple of posts, is well written and has multiple references I am lucky if I get 20 responses and perhaps 5 or 6 flags.

I am starting to wonder if this is to do more with me than it is with the content of my threads or if it is just that people are lazy. It’s so frustrating to find a thread that has say one YouTube video or a pretty picture in it with perhaps a line of commentary get 150 plus flags and as many responses. So does this say to us that members of ATS have become lazy, if they have to read for any more than a couple of minutes without a YouTube video to break the monotony they just give up and don’t bother with the thread.

Or is it as starting I am to suspect something more personal, is it that people don’t want to respond to a thread by a guy who they don’t like or whose views they disagree with. Is it that they are reading a thread a that really does challenge their views so they just let it pass by and hope that everyone does the same so they don’t have to face a difficult question. In other words has ATS turned into a popularity contest where attention is given to the threads by authors who the members agree with because they are “popular views” by “popular members”. If I think a topic is worth discussing I discuss it and usually flag it even if I strongly disagree so long as the OP has brought forward a valid argument that is well presented.

The reason I ask is because the other day I put up the breaking news thread regarding Obamas announcement about new gun control measures and a member effective said “ohhh no not this guy getting the scoop” based on my previous posts and threads. It kinda got me thinking, are members deliberately avoiding my threads because they don’t like me rather than my content.

To be clear I am here to make friends, I am here to debate, I don’t want to be “popular” but when I raise a valid interesting and well-made thread I would like it if members would address the thread and not me as the author.

If any other members have experience of this I would be very interested in what you have to say.
edit on 17-1-2013 by OtherSideOfTheCoin because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 11:49 AM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

i guess people just S&F what they like eh ?

personally , i like to S+F a thread that is detailed and time has been put into it ,

the only time i notice anything really odd , (not saying its a bad thing) but Mods tend to get S+F more than average

edit on 17-1-2013 by LightningStrikesHere because: (no reason given)

if i had to guess , though ...this type of thread might just fall under the "rant"category not trying to be rude or mean .. i am just letting you know that if its moved you will know why .. for your sake i hope it stays and gets many replys

edit on 17-1-2013 by LightningStrikesHere because: herp derp

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by LightningStrikesHere

I agree mods do tend to get S&F more than us mere mortals but that’s just the way it is I guess and I have to say I have read some threads my Mods that have also been ignored.

I agree this could be interpreted as a bit of a rant but it’s really not I just want people’s views on this and how we could work around it.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

i hear you brother , well i hope you get a solid answer , ill be checking up on this thread , cause i am curious my self
god speed

humbly LSH

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 12:18 PM
As someone who writes longer threads spread over multiple posts with plenty of sources, something highlighted in your opening post, I like to think I'm in a fairly good position to chime in here. Fact is, if you work hard on your research and you post your findings and if you try to stay fairly neutral and/or unbiased, despite popular belief around here, you are by far more likely to see a successful thread. I really don't care for or have the time for anyone who says the contrary because that's just how it is here. I really do know, I've seen it and I've been making threads here long enough.

Sure, there is bad threads that do receive attention, no one has ever said that doesn't happen because it does. I accept that as I'm sure everyone else reading does too. It's not always deserved but it happens. A shame, but there you go. These few examples are all people focus on though. On the whole, the thread with the more information and the more sources does indeed do much, much better I've found and seen. I know from experience that putting hard work into a thread, doing your research, and finding your sources to try and back up the claims being made does pay off here and people appreciate you taking the time out to post it for them too.

I reject completely the claims made by some that to create a successful thread you need to post a video and a few words, or something else like this too. That kind of activity benefits absolutely no one. As far as I'm concerned we're on ATS to learn something and if all some want to do is gain stars and flags, well unfortunately for them that's time thoroughly wasted.

Take the time to put some real research and effort into a thread however, and take the time out to really learn about the subject you're bringing up for discussion and the stars and flags are nothing but an added bonus because you're bettered yourself anyway, you've made progress and learnt something. And you've also potentially helped someone else learn something too - Now, isn't that truly a great thing?

This being so my advice would be to just forget about what everyone else things hen writing something up. Think about yourself, begin writing about the thing's you thoroughly find fascinating - if you do then someone else out there will find it fascinating too - and put some real research and effort into what you write. You know, take the time to find those few extra sources, take the time to re-read the thread a couple of times and look for ways it can be improved and so on. You'll learn something and you'll maybe help someone else learn something too. A win-win..

A lot of people read ATS after all, millions every month. Who out there wants there username associated with crap when you could associate it when real content and real attempts to learn? I know which I ant to be associated with and I know what I want from this site - knowledge, as was intended with it's inception.

Edit to add:

I agree mods do tend to get S&F more than us mere mortals

I've been writing the same threads as a member and a mod and I'm genuinely not seeing what you're claiming here. Like I said above - those who work hard are often rewarded, not those with a mod tag or anything else like this. Genuinely, I'm not just saying this either, It's honestly just the way it is.

edit on 17-1-2013 by Rising Against because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by LightningStrikesHere
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

the only time i notice anything really odd , (not saying its a bad thing) but Mods tend to get S+F more than average

I honestly believe that is most likely because Mods are seasoned veterans at posting on ATS and know how and when to post to make them count. They don't necessarily usually make frivilous posts with no content. I am sure a certain amount of it has do do with them just being mods but usually they do make posts that are above average in content. In my opinion of course. That isn't to say I agree or like all the mods, but usually even if I disagree with them they are still contributing instead of bashing or ganging up on someone.

Otherside, it is just the breaks. Some people have fans that will earn them stars and flags regardless of content just because people assume they know what they are talking about because of past posts. Welcome to life I guess =)

Keep posting quality stuff and eventually you might get a mega thread.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 12:23 PM
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

ATS is a community. A big old family of sorts, connected in a myriad of different ways. Some people you like, some people you dislike and sometimes you meet people who absolutely despise.

Such is life in a society you choose to become a member of. Personally a thread will receive positive attention from me if it's well thought out, thought provoking and makes me want to reply.

The most popular members of ATS are those who contribute the most. My contributions that garnered the stats I have were made long before I became a mod. Actually a common theme among mods is that we sometimes stop contributing to the boards in favor of sitting back and helping moderate.

Taking a look at the top members list, all of them are popular, and only popular because of the time and effort they spend creating content on these boards. That doesn't mean they are all liked however.

As I stated earlier, regardless of how one might feel about another, there's always somebody to feel the opposite.

In short, it is somewhat about popularity, as much as anything else in life is.


As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by Rising Against

To some extent yes I do agree with you members of ATS do appreciate a good thread, I consider you to be one of the best contributors to ATS. That said however if you look at the “all time most flagged” there are more than one of these “here is a video” or one line threads in there.

Also I think you misquoted me, I did go on to say that while yet I do think that mods in general do get more S&F than the rest of us I have seen threads by mods that have also gone ignored. I also would add that perhaps part of the reason behind that is because mods tend to be ATS veterans who produce better threads anyway.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by OtherSideOfTheCoin
This is a genuine question please don’t misinterpret it as a rant, a flag grab, or as if I have some other agenda it is just a question and I am interested to hear what other ATS members think and if there is a solution.

I find myself become more and more perplexed with what constitutes a “popular” thread on ATS, it would seem that the “oohh look a pretty picture” threads and the one line “it’s all Al-CIAdu” threads get the most attention. I keep seeing threads that have say a couple of paragraphs at most, no links, nothing yet end up with over a hundred replies and 50 or 60 flags.

Now call me bitter, jealous or whatever you want but it seems to me that if I write a thread that ends up spread over a couple of posts, is well written and has multiple references I am lucky if I get 20 responses and perhaps 5 or 6 flags.

I am starting to wonder if this is to do more with me than it is with the content of my threads or if it is just that people are lazy. It’s so frustrating to find a thread that has say one YouTube video or a pretty picture in it with perhaps a line of commentary get 150 plus flags and as many responses. So does this say to us that members of ATS have become lazy, if they have to read for any more than a couple of minutes without a YouTube video to break the monotony they just give up and don’t bother with the thread.

Or is it as starting I am to suspect something more personal, is it that people don’t want to respond to a thread by a guy who they don’t like or whose views they disagree with. Is it that they are reading a thread a that really does challenge their views so they just let it pass by and hope that everyone does the same so they don’t have to face a difficult question. In other words has ATS turned into a popularity contest where attention is given to the threads by authors who the members agree with because they are “popular views” by “popular members”. If I think a topic is worth discussing I discuss it and usually flag it even if I strongly disagree so long as the OP has brought forward a valid argument that is well presented.

The reason I ask is because the other day I put up the breaking news thread regarding Obamas announcement about new gun control measures and a member effective said “ohhh no not this guy getting the scoop” based on my previous posts and threads. It kinda got me thinking, are members deliberately avoiding my threads because they don’t like me rather than my content.

To be clear I am here to make friends, I am here to debate, I don’t want to be “popular” but when I raise a valid interesting and well-made thread I would like it if members would address the thread and not me as the author.

If any other members have experience of this I would be very interested in what you have to say.
edit on 17-1-2013 by OtherSideOfTheCoin because: (no reason given)

Marketing my friend is the biggest way to do what you are talking of. The content of what you are talking about whether it be important or not. If your headline isnt interesting you gets no play.IMHO

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 12:38 PM
To be honest , i really don't care about the S+F system , as long as the info gets out their and i am able to read it
but at the same time i can understand how one would feel about working hard on something and hoping for a good flow of response , the only down side to the S+F system is in a situation like this , where you would make a thread hoping that to get feedback to answer some questions but due to the lack of S&F people don't reply ,

I my self do not go by the S+F system and most ATS vets should understand that as well ...

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 12:42 PM
Just a suggestion, but if you are concerned people don't read your threads because of bias toward you rather than the content, consider changing your avatar every now and then. It's amazing how many people remember avatars over usernames. Heck, it's even possible people are turned off by aliens in business suits with cell phones (he/she/it does look a bit grumpy)

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

It's an interesting point you bring up. I've been here for almost 7 years now, and I stay relatively quiet, as you can tell by my post count! Of the few threads I've started, the ones that I put the most effort in seem to go un-noticed, whereas the few I've gotten a lot of flags on were on topics of generally low interest. Like my personal hobbies. So I really don't know what goes on, it must just be volume of usage. If too many people post new threads all at the same time as you, then your thread might get lost in the abyss. As stated by GradientWell, it's all about advertising. Give it a catchy title that really nothing to do with the post, and it'll probably get more attention! Of course, that would probably backfire as most people would comment on the misleading thread title as opposed to the content... Catch 22 I guess...

My advice is this... Copy the following photo and use it when you want to bump your thread to the top of the recent posts list...

It works every time!

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by PollyPeptide



posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by PollyPeptide

Yea i agree but no misleading headers you can advertise in an awesome way w/o that. i do not suggest that

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

This thread is about something that crossed my mind too. My conclusion is that it is the way it is and nothing will strap more flags onto my pole..

Some dudes here on ATS will receive stars no matter how long or what the content is of their reply. People seem to be fans of such ATS members and reward anything and everything these pop-stars post on ATS. I happen to belief that some of these "pop-stars" even recent such undeserved rewards.

Btw... how can I not like you..? I have no reason to dislike you, on the other hand I have no reason to like you either. It is my personal opnion to look at what you bring to the matter if it is one sentence or a complete lecture. If I think it has some value I will flag or star the input.

People who ignore what you have to say because of who you are have every right to do so but what can you do...or say?

There are ATS members of all layers of society and one is more intelligent than the rather flags a pretty picture instead of a worthwhile and genuine discovered conspiracy. Again...what can you do...or say?

Just take a look at my threads and posts.. unbelievable.. I'm at it since 2007 and still nobody recognise my true genius... I am the only one willing to reward a thread of mine with 100+ flags..

Just kiddin' ... keep up the good work, stay close to yourself and enjoy being on matter how many flags and stars come your way.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by Zarniwoop
Just a suggestion, but if you are concerned people don't read your threads because of bias toward you rather than the content, consider changing your avatar every now and then. It's amazing how many people remember avatars over usernames. Heck, it's even possible people are turned off by aliens in business suits with cell phones (he/she/it does look a bit grumpy)

Very true a Pot leaf in the background of your profile could prolly deter a lot of people from listening to what you have to say. Before your ideas can be marketable YOU have to be marketable.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

you want a popular thread , you need several key ingrediends

1 - the title should be dishonest , or innacurate

2 lies - you need at least one claim that is a bare faced lie in the first paragraph

3 sources - NEVER use credible sources - use know loons , hoaxers or just dont give any

4 logic should be avoided at all costs -

5 follow up posts should contradict your OP

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 12:53 PM
In answer to a small part of your original question, if the OP is spread over two posts it is that big, I will generally click away unless the first paragraph really grabs me. And normally to be fair, most extended posts I have read tend to not get around to saying much at all in the first couple of paragraphs, thus I click away. Yes I have a very short attention span.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by zatara

Ive only been here for like three days and already have like seventy stars. But my answers are usually thought out and constructed. Play a little politics on the forums look for patterns look for repeating posters cater to their posts figure out what a certain number of people like to post then go from there. Be observant. make it a game.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by ignorant_ape
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

you want a popular thread , you need several key ingrediends

1 - the title should be dishonest , or innacurate

2 lies - you need at least one claim that is a bare faced lie in the first paragraph

3 sources - NEVER use credible sources - use know loons , hoaxers or just dont give any

4 logic should be avoided at all costs -

5 follow up posts should contradict your OP

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