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The racist origins of gun control

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posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 10:01 AM

We keep hearing the liberal talking point saying that gun owners are afraid of gun control because they are “afraid of black mobs coming after them”.

I’ve heard this argument several times on many different stations and each time I hear it, I can’t help but thinking that maybe these people are projecting their own fears onto their ideological opponents. The Democratic Party was for a long time the party of the Ku Klux Clan and they only managed to change that image by supporting Civil Rights legislation in the 60’s that could arguably be seen as being used to keep the black man down and dependent on government for their livelihood.

Has this party really changed its stripes or is their support for gun control laws just another part of their hidden agenda of control of minorities?

Racist origins of gun control [color=463E3F]and the war on drugs

It’s no secret that that the Ku Klux Klan was the first organization in America to lobby for gun control laws and that these gun control laws were specifically designed to keep African Americans from ever owning or possessing firearms. It’s also important to note that nearly all gun control laws in America originated in the South and were indeed an overt form of racism as well as an abridgment of the civil rights of African Americans.

Freedom Bunker

The favorite tactic of the gun grabbers was to price firearms out of the range of blacks and poor whites to ensure that only the “responsible” classes of people were able to afford to protect themselves.

As Kates documents, prohibitions against the sale of cheap handguns originated in the post-Civil War South. Small pistols selling for as little as 50 or 60 cents became available in the 1870s and '80s, and since they could be afforded by recently emancipated blacks and poor whites (whom agrarian agitators of the time were encouraging to ally for economic and political purposes), these guns constituted a significant threat to a southern establishment interested in maintaining the traditional structure.

Consequently, Kates notes, in 1870 Tennessee banned "selling all but 'the Army and Navy model' handgun, i.e., the most expensive one, which was beyond the means of most blacks and laboring people." In 1881, Arkansas enacted an almost identical ban on the sale of cheap revolvers, while in 1902, South Carolina banned the sale of handguns to all but "sheriffs and their special deputies--i.e., company goons and the KKK." In 1893 and 1907, respectively, Alabama and Texas attempted to put handguns out of the reach of blacks and poor whites through "extremely heavy business and/or transactional taxes" on the sale of such weapons. In the other Deep South states, slavery-era bans on arms possession by blacks continued to be enforced by hook or by crook.

Gun control: white man’s law

This isn’t just some crackpot theory advanced by the NRA and conservative Republicans; many black civil rights activists have taken note of the racist origins of gun control.

Detroit resident General Laney is the founder and prime mover behind a little publicized organization known as the National Black Sportsman's Association, often referred to as "the black gun lobby." Laney pulls no punches when asked his opinion of gun control: "Gun control is really race control. People who embrace gun control are really racists in nature. All gun laws have been enacted to control certain classes of people, mainly black people, but the same laws used to control blacks are being used to disarm white people as well."

Laney is not the first to make this observation. Indeed, allied with sportsmen in vocal opposition to gun controls in the 1960s were the militant Black Panthers. Panther Minister of Information, Eldridge Cleaver noted in 1968: "Some very interesting laws are being passed. They don't name me; they don't say, take the guns away from the 'n-word's. They say that people will no longer be allowed to have (guns). They don't pass these rules and these regulations specifically for black people, they have to pass them in a way that will take in everybody."

Some white liberals have said essentially the same thing. Investigative reporter Robert Sherrill, himself no lover of guns, concluded in his book The Saturday Night Special that the object of the Gun Control Act of 1968 was black control rather than gun control. According to Sherrill, Congress was so panicked by the ghetto riots of 1967 and 1968 that it passed the act to "shut off weapons access to blacks, and since they (Congress) probably associated cheap guns with ghetto blacks and thought cheapness was peculiarly the characteristic of imported military surplus and the mail-order traffic, they decided to cut off these sources while leaving over-the-counter purchases open to the affluent."

Gun control: white man’s law

Some even claim that it was the ultra-radical, leftist group, the Black Panthers who started the modern day gun rights movement.

Love Your Gun? Thank the Black Panthers, Says New Book

In his research for “Gunfight,” Winkler also noted a close intersection between guns and racism. “It was a constant pressure among white racists to keep guns out of the hands of African-Americans, because they would rise up and revolt.” he said. “The KKK began as a gun-control organization. Before the Civil War, blacks were never allowed to own guns. During the Civil War, blacks kept guns for the first time – either they served in the Union army and they were allowed to keep their guns, or they buy guns on the open market where for the first time there’s hundreds of thousands of guns flooding the marketplace after the war ends. So they arm up because they know who they’re dealing with in the South. White racists do things like pass laws to disarm them, but that’s not really going to work. So they form these racist posses all over the South to go out at night in large groups to terrorize blacks and take those guns away. If blacks were disarmed, they couldn’t fight back.”

Winkler also said that in the 1960s, laws passed by social conservatives to disarm black urban radicals like the Black Panthers in turn sparked a backlash that became the modern gun-rights movement.


It seems strange that we have an ultra-left wing group for protecting our gun rights but, adversity does create strange bedfellows and any enemy of my enemy is an ally in the fight for freedom. They recognized that the 2nd amendment ensured all of our other rights against government oppression.

It is funny how they have managed to control the rhetoric in this debate to such an extent that it is the man who questions their gun grabbing who is now considered the racist.

A flimsy piece of paper called the Constitution cannot protect our rights, it is only the citizen’s ability to stand up and defend their rights that ensures that those other rights cannot be violated. We already see how badly Washington ignores the Constitution today; imagine how much worse the situation would be if we did not have our gun rights to back up the few remaining rights the government permits us to hold on to?

The second amendment is the key to preserving all the other rights enshrined in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Without it, there would be nothing stopping the government from suspending all our freedoms and declaring itself a dictatorship.

I believe we are living in the times of the endgame on the part of the elites to enslave mankind. They have finally reduced the white middle-class in America to almost the same level of economic desperation as the blacks and other minorities and want to see all the middle-class disarmed before they proceed with their plan. The elites want to reduce the majority of mankind to a level of servitude to their great corporations resembling the slavery of ancient times. The right to bear arms may be the only think standing in the way of their achieving this goal.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 10:03 AM
All prohibition is based in fear and bigotry.

From drugs, to dog breeds, to speech, to firearms.

It's nothing more than ignorance, fear and even blind hatred.

There are no just or righteous prohibitions.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 10:09 AM
reply to post by FortAnthem

What an awesome thread!

Since yesterday I've been referring to the 2nd Amendment as a government privilege instead of a right.

It has become another way to bring divisiveness to America.

I saw the medical (have/have nots) debate end in Obamacare.
I saw the tax (rich vs poor) debate end in higher taxes.

Now we have a new meme. Personal responsibility for your own safety. Apparently there are those that wish to see government responsible for the safety and issuance of permission to own a gun of their choosing.

And what area has not been touched and has been left to fester and boil?

The inner-cities where large portions of the population are not caucasian.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 10:11 AM
Actually gun ownership is racist, because all the whites bought the guns to protest themselves from the blacks after the abolishment of slavery.

Michael Moore told me that

edit on 17/1/13 by blupblup because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 10:15 AM

“afraid of black mobs coming after them”.

The color of the mob would be the least of my concerns.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by blupblup
Actually gun ownership is racist, because all the whites bought the guns to protest themselves from the blacks after the abolishment of slavery.

Michael Moore told me that

Yes, he did tell you that. He forgot to tell you all about the whites in charge pushing to ban black ownership and putting extra fees and taxes on guns so the non land owning people couldnt afford to buy them.

In the same "documentary" he tries to link the Klan and the NRA as one and the same forgetting the NRA was founded by a Union abolitionist. Not that I'm particularly a fan of the NRA. They screwed us over more than once. It's just a little tidbit Moore seems to overlook.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 10:16 AM
reply to post by FortAnthem

Wow, Not only would you Probably be a KKK member 50 years ago, your now trying to Justify your need of Guns on their backs.

Now if the "evil" liberals were so scared of Blacks, why would we want Gun Control, when Blacks % wise, are usually on the WRONG end of Bullets??

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 10:18 AM

Originally posted by Tw0Sides

Now if the "evil" liberals were so scared of Blacks, why would we want Gun Control, when Blacks % wise, are usually on the WRONG end of Bullets??

I ask myself that too.

They're on the wrong end of bullets from handguns nine times out of ten yet the push is against rifles that account for less than 2% of all gun related crimes.

How do you rationalize that? Why not go after the handguns that so many minorities die by?

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere

Originally posted by Tw0Sides

Now if the "evil" liberals were so scared of Blacks, why would we want Gun Control, when Blacks % wise, are usually on the WRONG end of Bullets??

I ask myself that too?
How do you rationalize that? Why not go after the handguns that so many minorities die by?
Thanks for asking that Thread Killer Question?

Because the Action Taken are NOT Rascist Driven in Design.
All Obama did was try to keep guns out of the Hands of People who have Potenial to Misuse them.

Can I ask the Down Trodden Gun Owners a Question...

How Many Guns did you lose?

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by Tw0Sides

Wait, let me get this straight.

Up top you said opposition to gun control is racist. Down low you said ignoring controls on the predominate weapons used in minority gun deaths is not.

All the while citing high deaths among minority populations. How exactly does that work?

And to your other question, 10. Under the '94 ban I lost 10 guns.
edit on 17-1-2013 by thisguyrighthere because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by roadgravel

“afraid of black mobs coming after them”.

The color of the mob would be the least of my concerns.

What the PTB fear most is a rainbow colored mob descending upon themselves instead of going after each other like they've so carefully planned. That's why their muppets in media keep calling it "civil war" instead of revolution.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 10:34 AM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

Re-read both my posts, Both of them imply the OP is Full of ......

And in 1994 , it was a GOP who took your guns, not as THIS THREAD States, fear driven Libs.

Please dont "pull a Seabag" , and twist things outta context , even though you know it does not Apply.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by Tw0Sides
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

Re-read both my posts, Both of them imply the OP is Full of ......

And in 1994 , it was a GOP who took your guns, not as THIS THREAD States, fear driven Libs.

Please dont "pull a Seabag" , and twist things outta context , even though you know it does not Apply.

It was government who took them.

Just as the color of the mob is irrelevant so it the party affiliation.

Government did that to me and government is trying to do it again.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 10:42 AM
We can bet that when the federal security is protecting federal people, they will be using hand gun with capacities greater than 7 or 10 rounds and full auto weapons with magazines greater then 10 rounds.

Guess they feel the need to have better defense then the average citizen.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 10:49 AM
OK. So gun ownership is now an unofficial hate crime.


posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere

Government did that to me and government is trying to do it again.
You were the first reply, and basically crawled up the OP's ..... agreeing with his Premise of "a scared Liberal" agenda .

Was hoping to have a Dialogue, but you are unable to let reason trump your anger.

It happens in every Gun Thread, Start slow, then then the Frothing Circle Develops, and Reason Leaves.

Have a Nice Day,

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by Tw0Sides

Sure, you may think my OP is BS but, you have to think about the facts of the matter to realize the truth of the matter.

The white, middle-class has had it too good for the past few decades, even while their economic situation has gotten more and more desperate. They've been able to suppliment their shrinking incomes through credit, borrowing their way to the prosperity they think is their birthright. Only now is that ability beginning to fall apart and all are being forced to live within their means.

Whites have been too confortable to rise up against their oppressors and continue to think that change for the good can come from the ballot box. The left really has nothing to fear from the "law abiding" white middle-class; the white middle class does not have the history of violent opposition to oppression and it may take a long time and a much greater sense of desperation to bring them to that point. Add to that the social conditioning they get in the schools and the flouride in the water and its possible that the fight may have been permanently whiped out of their DNA.

One of the things I admire about blacks and other minorities is their ability to lash out violently when they see that they are being oppressed. They haven't had the fight taken out of them by years of living the good life and still know how to stand up for themselves when the chips are down. These are the people the government fears in the event of a social breakdown.

The government knows the whites have had it too good for too long and are afraid of lashing out violently, no matter how bad things get. The whites are convinced that all of their problems can be solved through the voting booths. They still haven't come to the full realization that the whole system is rigged and no matter who the vote for, the results will always be the same.

The real fear of the government is that the minorities may lash out as conditions continue to deteriorate and this time, the white majority may see the justice of their actions and join in. The government dose not fear a white uprising; they know they have us too well under their control but, they do fear that a minority uprising may lead to something more and look to prevent it at all costs.

Disarming all civilians to the extent that they cannot hope to resist the power of the government is only the first step in their plans. The gun grabbers claim its the whites who fear a minority uprising, when in fact, it is they themselves who fear such a thing because they know it may finally lead the whites to join in and overthrow them all.

The characterization of gun rights advocates as racist is just another of their tactics to keep the population divided against itself. A united public is one of their greatest fears. They can only control us all to the extent that they can keep us divided against ourselves.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 12:49 PM
Closed pending staff review

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 03:05 PM
And... reopened....

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by blupblup

Guns have no preference on Race or color. Guns were used before the slave trade in africa. Michael moore did not mention that i bet.

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