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Questions about astral projection/ astral plane

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posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 07:15 AM
Hello this is my first thread! Yay!

After reading about astral projection for a few weeks now I have some questions. Answer any or all! The help is appreciated.

How do I get in the correct mindset to astral project?

Where to go in the astral plane? Are there any limitations?

What are the dangers? I have heard that there are no dangers astral projecting but that seems too good to be true. I mean what do you do when you're faced with a dark entity?

Can you eat/breathe or anything like that in the astral plane?

Are there any limitations?

Can I talk with spirit guide there?

What about non/sub-humans? Harmful, helpful, uncommunicative?

Please no BS, be nice. Share your stories about your OBE(s) please! Thanks for the help everyone.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 07:34 AM

Originally posted by Jill89
Hello this is my first thread! Yay!

After reading about astral projection for a few weeks now I have some questions. Answer any or all! The help is appreciated.

1. How do I get in the correct mindset to astral project?

2. Where to go in the astral plane? Are there any limitations?

3. What are the dangers? I have heard that there are no dangers astral projecting but that seems too good to be true. I mean what do you do when you're faced with a dark entity?

4. Can you eat/breathe or anything like that in the astral plane?

5. Are there any limitations?

6. Can I talk with spirit guide there?

7. What about non/sub-humans? Harmful, helpful, uncommunicative?

Please no BS, be nice. Share your stories about your OBE(s) please! Thanks for the help everyone.

1. You need to study more.

2. You need to study more, but you can go anywhere.

3. You need to study more, but yes, there are dangers, you need way more study to learn how to deal with a dark entity

4. No need to, but you can if you want, if you want it it will be there.

5. Yes, your mind and experience.

6. Yes but are they really your spirit guide or a dark entity in disguise?

7. Again, you need to study more.

Please, this isn't BS, nor is astral travel just something to do. From what I've read it's the same realm as what you connect to via Ouija board, tarot cards and whatnot, but you're there...not communicating through a mechanism. You need to ensure you have plenty of study more.

You'll know when you're ready because you won't be on ATS asking questions about it.

Oh, and I can view my self and house....but aren't all that keen to travel any further.....I have a wife and four children to protect....I have to be here....not out there.
edit on 17-1-2013 by LightAssassin because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 07:48 AM
Just my experience, but all the times I have AP'd, I broke on through by sleep paralyses & always by accident. One time I did it with the tv on & when I popped, I could still see the tv on & remember it was The Boondocks. I had fallen asleep watching Adult Swim & Boondocks was scheduled to be on later that night. I looked down & saw myself sleeping & went down and tried to go through my walls, but couldn't, frustrated I sat on top of my dresser & watched tv.

Another time I was crashing at my friends house & I rolled over & fell off the couch. I looked up at the couch & still saw myself sleeping on the couch. I got up & would go up his stairs, stand on the bannister & do back flips down back to the floor.

Another time I popped in my bed & instead of floating up like normal, I sunk through my bed & into the floor & just found myself floating in a pitch black space.

It's been years since I've had a projection & everytime I have sleep paralyses I try to induce it & feel like I am getting close & it feels like my body is vibrating insanely & throbbing with electricity, but I can't make myself "pop." I'd love to go there again.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by LightAssassin

I do look forward to studying more. I came here to find answers I could not find elsewhere. Thank you for your help. Have a good day

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 08:12 AM
I can't make it happen, but it does, and no nothing attacks me. However, you need to study a bit just in case it gets confusing. Once when I tried to confront an entity, I went out violently into darkness, but knew enough to manifest vision and light, this before hand or it would have been scary.

Guides or someone is there, I saw one a female a few years ago, she was beautiful and actually took me out of body to give me a lift and a message. On another outing I backed down a being and demanded i take control of my own destiny which led me to come up against a barrier, but then was warned by a voice/guide to not cross. A year later when I was at the edge of earth, the same voice told me to stay with the earth, but it was ok to be where I was.

I might add, animals such as cats can see you in the astral which is cool. I suppose for the clear outings, others are as much in control as you are, you are never alone it seems, I have been pulled out by the others several times, some may say abductions or such. Sorry, can't tell you how, it is personal and I can't just do it whenever I like either.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 08:14 AM
reply to post by TopherWayne

That sounds frustrating, maybe you need to do it with a clear mind. From what I read, you should try to AP in silence. Keep trying
we will get there one day.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 09:41 AM
reply to post by Jill89

How do I get in the correct mindset to astral project?
A. Meditation with headphones and slowing down your breathing until you are perfectly one way to get there. There are no maps...

What are the dangers? I have heard that there are no dangers astral projecting but that seems too good to be true. I mean what do you do when you're faced with a dark entity?
A: There are many dangers. Facing the darksides? You eject back out

Can you eat/breathe or anything like that in the astral plane?
A. No. You dont need to.

Are there any limitations?
A. Only the limits of the projector.

Can I talk with spirit guide there?
A. Yes, but one can learn to talk to them anywhere and anytime in the real world of reality.

What about non/sub-humans? Harmful, helpful, uncommunicative?
A. Well...all and more are helpful and harmful...instructors and deceivers. Beware of negatives and the dark forces. Walk in the light in searching out entities.

Good luck and safe travels. If you need anything, U2U me. A forum isnt the place for all information. You face ridicule and non-constructive critism from non-believers and doubters..

edit on 06-10-2010 by mysterioustranger because: spelling

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by Jill89

I have never been able to force an OBE. I kept trying last year, but I always heard a very loud bang that brought me out of my relaxed state.
When I asked a medium on ATS why this happened all the time, he said I was being blocked because it "wasn't my calling".
He said going on astral journeys isn't something people do for "fun". It is a serious undertaking, and should be treated as such. He said only certain people are chosen for OBEs because they will be the ones helping in the fight against the evil ones there, and they are being trained for this task while they are in the astral plane. (These are the ones who aren't forcing it themselves.)
He said if I continued trying to force an OBE I could injure my mind. So... I stopped.
I'll leave the sword fights with demons to someone else, thanks very much.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 09:58 PM
I'll toss out a few answers.

How do I get in the correct mindset to astral project?
There are many ways to do this - I particularly am fond of mysterioustranger's answer. Meditation is probably the best for you right now (seeing as you're new to it, just work on meditation for now).

Where to go in the astral plane? Are there any limitations?
I think this depends on where you personally want to go. From my experiences, the only limitations are the ones you believe in.

What are the dangers? I have heard that there are no dangers astral projecting but that seems too good to be true. I mean what do you do when you're faced with a dark entity?
Here, I'm going to play Devil's Advocate to the other answers to this question. Here's the only real danger you have to face on the astral: Forgetting that you are in control. I won't lie, there are a lot of nasty things crawling on the astral that few books tell you about: Negative Entities (NEGs, Robert Bruce's term), thoughtforms, even physical emotions.

The thing is, none of these can harm you, unless you think they can.

Should you ever come across a negative entity, quite literally try to give it a hug (before you disregard this as a joke, read on). On the astral, think of the negative entity as a bully - if you have a lot of stuff that the bully likes (such as negative feelings like anger, hatred), or the bully knows you fear them, then they will stick to you. Give it a hug, show it that you aren't afraid, laugh at it, try to imagine it doing something silly (your thoughts will literally take life on the astral).

To quote a friend: "Your astral body ain't your physical body - the worst that could happen is that the projection ends early".

Can you eat/breathe or anything like that in the astral plane?
Well, you can...sort of - but there's not really a need for it. Does a ghost need to eat or breathe?

Are there any limitations?
Again, your mind's the limit

Can I talk with spirit guide there?
You can, but just make sure it's really your guide
. You can also do this through meditation as well.

What about non/sub-humans? Harmful, helpful, uncommunicative?
Depends on what you run into - some of the entities might be fun, others in astonishment (almost as if they've never seen a human astral projecting before), some may not even be able to detect you, because to them, your nothing more than a ghost.

Now, instead of telling you "You need to study more", I'll provide some of the resources that you should consider looking to (these will help you become more "well rounded", at least literature-wise).

1. Robert Monroe (I advise reading all 3 of his books - mentioned in the wiki)

2. Robert Bruce - Astral Dynamics ( This one really helped me out a lot in understanding what I couldn't learn from Robert Monroe's information.

3. When you feel "ready" goto here ( and click the banner for their guidebook). It's pretty much a cut-down method to astral projecting. Which they offer for free (238 pages).

4. I have to include AstralSociety (as I was a former member), and AstralPulse (you'll have to google them). Both of these forums are filled with devoted astral projectors (more people on the AstralPulse though).

The above should be enough to get started at least.

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 12:50 AM
I don't purposely attempt to travel anymore - it just happens in my dreams. And I just go with the flow. I don't force it. And I've learned not to muck around with it either. I find whatever knowledge I need to know comes in dream form. And if I go through a period without dreaming, I know that means I'm avoiding something important. But I've learned not to force these things. You can learn a lot from your dreams if you listen and pay attention.
edit on 18-1-2013 by Charmeine because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 01:46 AM
reply to post by fossilera

Discovering the tools is half the lesson.

You're no fun.

But if the OP were truly keen to learn the right way, and not trying to take a shortcut here or there, they could benefit wholly from the entire experience. You've shown her the hidden door AND opened it for her, taking away her opportunity to learn.

reply to post by Jill89

OP, just be sure to be thorough in all you research in this matter. Best of luck. Trust that my intentions were true in not providing you source information and links. Searching for answers, and finding them, is far more rewarding than having them handed to you.
edit on 18-1-2013 by LightAssassin because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 04:02 AM
One piece of advice I can give from my experience ( which isn't much) is to remain calm, too scared and you won't OOBE as your afraid or what 'might' happen.
Too excited and you won't have the ability to OOBE as you'll be in a rush to get out so to speak and you'll simply spring back and awake.
Think of it like a rubber band, too tentaive and you won't get anyway in fear of snapping, too fast and you'll travel to fast and too far and snap!!.
Like the saying goes softlysoflty catchymonkey ( thats so daft but I love it.)
Treat every episode as a learning experience whether you fail or not, and just relax.

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 06:25 AM
reply to post by Jill89

I would recommend a particular book from Robert Bruce, Astral Dynamics...Wonderful and lovely read...I own it and several others available for download on my TPB account...U2U me if you'd like the link. I can't post on forums, and I'm going to be seeding for some folks here who asked me to through private as well.

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 06:26 AM
reply to post by fossilera

Robert Bruce - Astral Dynamics ( This one really helped me out a lot in understanding what I couldn't learn from Robert Monroe's information.

Ahhhh! You beat me to the punch. Good tastes sir

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 08:03 PM
Wow! Thank you everyone. I appreciate you all sharing your knowledge with me.

I do not plan on trying to astral project for a long time. I plan on reading all of your book recommendations. I also plan on losing all the fear I have. I've been an amateur meditator for a couple years. Going to focus on meditating more often.

I don't believe any doorway has been opened for me & I don't believe the learning experience has been taken away. You can never learn too much
I look forward to looking for the answers I need & new experiences.

I truly appreciate the help, everyone. I think learning more now & waiting is better for me personally. I would love to reply to each individual post but I can't! Once again your help is deeply appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to help me out.

Share your experiences and advice! Have a nice evening

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by LightAssassin

Hey now, I didn't spoil the entire thing
- I see it as I'm leaving a couple pieces of a treasure map, and letting her do the exploring, hardly showing the secret door

I mean, I could have mentioned hemi-sync, or my tricks for getting out (now that would be cheating). Or that Robert Bruce wrote another equally cheating book (of which I own, and it comes with the Brainwave Generator software as well), but I won't

You are right though - The adventure leading to an astral projection is the important part, because it's where you learn how to do astral projection.

reply to post by VeritasAequitas

And Thank You! - The copy of Astral Dynamics that I have is the first one. I also did get to read the newer one when Robert Bruce was sending free digital versions to anyone that signed up with his website (I think they stopped doing it now).

I'll add one more author to the list (otherwise, LightAssassin might get me for giving away too many map pieces - Kidding ) : William Buhlman. His readings are a bit like Monroe's, and you can probably still find some of the podcasts he used to do with some radio stations on their websites.


posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 10:15 PM
This may sound odd but, has anyone experienced seeing the room around them when absolutely positive that your own eyes are closed? Kind of like, the edges of everything are a blueish tint...

Has happened multiple times, though I pass it off as just an image burned into my retina somehow, though I'll open my eyes to be sure and the "real world" is just slightly different than what I saw previously.

Curious what you Astral types think of this type of thing.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 06:23 AM
Hi there,

How do I get in the correct mindset to astral project?

Three main aspects come to mind.

1) Determination and intent. My first attempts at astral projection used to involve lying on the living room floor 'trying' to come out my body. I'd practice this every day for about an hour. It's quite funny to look back on, as I remember lying there, every muscle tense trying to force myself out my body! LOL! Even though I'd read how you have to be relaxed, I was so excited and keen to acheive it I just lay there thinking 'I WANT TO COME OUT MY BODY' with clenched teeth. One thing this did do, actually two things, was first this practice was giving me experience and secondly it was charging my intent with energy and determination.

2) Passion. I was so determined to experience this because I had such a PASSION for it. Use your passion to charge your intent.

3) Awareness. As you practice exercises you read, you'll become more and more aware of how it feels to be in an altered state of consciousness. Be consciously aware of the different aspects of the process. For example, you might notice a certain softness within your body, or vibrations or noise. The more you bring awareness to this when you practice, the more likely you will become aware of those phenomenna when they occur in that special time between being asleep and being awake. This is the easiest moment to project.

Where to go in the astral plane? Are there any limitations?

I would say ultimately there are no limitations, but we are limited by our beliefs and they can be quite deep seated and even unconscious. You can do something about that. A group of Russian dreamers called the Dreamhackers did extensive research into dreams, and mapped the territory. According to them there are real limits on certain borders.

What are the dangers? I have heard that there are no dangers astral projecting but that seems too good to be true. I mean what do you do when you're faced with a dark entity?

According to the Dreamhackers, the dangers are not so much there for the average unaware dreamer. However, once you bring awareness into dreaming this all changes. There are areas to be avoided in the dream/astral worlds where some of your awareness/energy can be taken from you. These places should be avoided when in an aware state. Also, be careful how you behave out of body or in astral/energy/dream body. In an aware state, don't deliberately antagonise anything.

Can you eat/breathe or anything like that in the astral plane?

It appears that you don't have to do those things when out of body/lucid dreaming, as you can (for example) be under water and breathing. You will find your astral/dream body will do things that are familiar in physical life. So although those things might not be essential in the astral/dream worlds, you certainly can experience a version of them. When you bring awareness in and pay attention to what it feels like, you'll notice it's not quite the same as in the physical - usually not so fulfilling (with regards eating and other sensory experiences) but that might vary from person to person.

Are there any limitations?

As above. There do seem to be general limits or rules. For instance, most notice that it can be hard to fly higher than a few feet. This is not always the case and some people never experience a problem with this. However, from what I've read and chats with people on forums etc. there seems to be certain basic 'rules' most encounter, and that is an intermittent problem (at least) with being able to fly up as high as one would like to. Like I said, this can vary with some experiences (where you soar up easily into space) and some dreamers don't have a problem with it, but on the whole there seems to be a general 'law' with regards this. Another one is electrical things/technological things not working properly.

Can I talk with spirit guide there?

Yes you can. I empowered the likelihood of this by practicing shamanic journeying (a bit like visualisation). I then called on them when out of body. Amazing when they come!

What about non/sub-humans? Harmful, helpful, uncommunicative?

I would say they can be all of those.

Good luck with your adventures!


posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by Aelfrede

Hello, thank you for your detailed & informative response.

I did enjoy reading that story, I am always very excited and I never thought to gear that energy to passion.

I am going to read up on the Russian Dreamhackers. Sounds quite intriguing.

Very interesting read

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 09:41 AM
Thanks! Enjoy researching dreamhackers!

Originally posted by Jill89
reply to post by Aelfrede

Hello, thank you for your detailed & informative response.

I did enjoy reading that story, I am always very excited and I never thought to gear that energy to passion.

I am going to read up on the Russian Dreamhackers. Sounds quite intriguing.

Very interesting read

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