posted on May, 7 2003 @ 04:37 AM
I think the meaning of life is what you make of it, doing things that make you realise that you're a living entity, i.e., being alive.
For example, I jumped off a plane from 18,000 feet recently. That was an existential experience and what I went through when I experienced that was
what made me realise what life is about---I was being alive (or existing). Likewise, when I have great sex, that also makes me feel extremely alive.
Or when I do skiing. Or eating a great meal. Or enjoying a good laugh or a cry. Or marvelling at the beauty of nature and reaching a Zen-buddist-like
state with it. Or answering to your post on this web page.......
And so on---in general, doing things you're passionate about makes you realise that you're alive.That is when I realise I'm alive. I'm being
alive. And that is the meaning of life!
If there is confusion about what I'm writing about , think of it this way: what does it mean to be a rock? Or a planet or a star? Or a table? Or a
cloud? Or a wind? Or a ray of light? That meaning lies in what each object is, the way it is defined and characterised, the way it exists. The meaning
of "a ray of light" is just that being a ray of light. Likewise, the meaning of life is just that being alive!