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EXTERMINATE! (How Evil Are You?)

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posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 05:01 PM
Those of you who have seen Doctor Who, you know what my avatar is. It's a red version of a certain Dalek, and his name is Dalek Sec. Daleks are my favorite villains, and Dalek Sec is my favorite Dalek.

A Dalek is a creature that lives inside an indestructible container, and it's a genius. Also, it has a lazer on the outside of it's shell, which it uses to exterminate all life forms that are not Daleks.

Why? Well... Daleks were genetically engineered and programmed to hate, to destroy, and to love nothing except the purity of the Dalek race. They were geared from the start to believe that anything non-Dalek--anything different from Daleks at all--is wrong, and it should die. Hence their catch phrase, EXTERMINATE!

Daleks can think faster than a super computer, they're bullet proof, and they can even fly. Or, as they say, ELEVATE.

Why am I explaining all this?

I just wanted to compare the Dalek race with us, the human race.

Our most primal, basic instinct; if there is a problem, we get rid of it. Right?

Some of us have adapted to the world around us, accepting different ideas from our own, and respecting differences instead of hating and fearing them, as we instinctively do.

Still, we ALL have that little bit of hatred in us, no matter how kind and accepting we are. We all have that little voice in us, saying; That thing is different from me. It's an enemy.

We all feel that way about a particular idea, be it gun control, or a particular class of people, be it goths, women, African Americans, etc.

And, at our angriest, we all feel that primal surge directed at the different person, place, thing, or idea that has provoked our beliefs, simply by being different. Everything would work out if that person/place/thing/idea just died.

And that's where we relate to Daleks. Exterminate.

We all get stressed to the point where we think; you know what? Screw it. I don't care anymore. I wish it would just die.

Example; there's someone you hate at your work. One day, you go to work really happy--finally able to be happy after a stressful time in your life--then this person whom you dislike begins avoiding you, muttering under their breath, apparently really mad at you. Later, in passing, you hear them mutter "Bitch."

They ruined your day. No matter how much you ignore the feeling, it festers inside of you, and you simply can't feel better for the rest of the day.

Then, the Dalek in you thinks; I wish they'd just die. Everything would be better if they just died.

Of course, a lot of us feel guilty for thinking such dark, hateful things. In fact, many of us have trained ourselves away from such morbid thoughts... and those are our best people.

But, this very Dalek thought it also very human.

Look at the Nazis.

Look at the Black Panthers.

Look at the KKK.

Look at the street gangs. Look at the cults. Look at the anti-gun activists. Look at the differing religions.

We do not simply disagree with someone who believes differently from us--we HATE them.

Some of us very much more than others.

Dalek Sec is my favorite Dalek because he repented the Dalek way of life, and he merged himself with a human. He wanted to merge the few Daleks left with humans, so that they could evolve and survive (which later lead to his Dalek comrades betraying him, because he lost his purity).

Sec before his transformation. The Black Dalek, leader of his Dalek gang called the Cult of Skaro.

Dalek Sec after his human transformation.

Awesome Dalek Sec artwork.

Just after Dalek Sec transformed into a Dalek human, he was overcome with human feelings.

This is what he said;

"I... feel... humanity. I... feel... everything we wanted from mankind, which is ambition, hatred, aggression and war. Such a genius for war. At heart... this species is so very... Dalek."

Can you say he was wrong?

The main character of the show, the Doctor, who hates Daleks, called Sec "The cleverest Dalek ever."

Well, later, he overcomes his dark Dalek side and learns to cherish the good in humanity, learning that there is much more to humanity than war.

That is why Sec is the greatest Dalek ever. He wanted to save his comrades from the dark Dalek life, and they betrayed him.

Still, I just wanted to point out that we, on a whole, certainly have the potential to be very Dalek.

How Dalek are you?
edit on 16-1-2013 by XxNightAngelusxX because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-1-2013 by XxNightAngelusxX because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-1-2013 by XxNightAngelusxX because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 06:57 PM

Originally posted by XxNightAngelusxX
Those of you who have seen Doctor Who, you know what my avatar is. It's a red version of a certain Dalek, and his name is Dalek Sec. Daleks are my favorite villains, and Dalek Sec is my favorite Dalek.

A Dalek is a creature that lives inside an indestructible container, and it's a genius. Also, it has a lazer on the outside of it's shell, which it uses to exterminate all life forms that are not Daleks.

Why? Well... Daleks were genetically engineered and programmed to hate, to destroy, and to love nothing except the purity of the Dalek race. They were geared from the start to believe that anything non-Dalek--anything different from Daleks at all--is wrong, and it should die. Hence their catch phrase, EXTERMINATE!

Daleks can think faster than a super computer, they're bullet proof, and they can even fly. Or, as they say, ELEVATE.

Why am I explaining all this?

I just wanted to compare the Dalek race with us, the human race.

Our most primal, basic instinct; if there is a problem, we get rid of it. Right?

Some of us have adapted to the world around us, accepting different ideas from our own, and respecting differences instead of hating and fearing them, as we instinctively do.

Still, we ALL have that little bit of hatred in us, no matter how kind and accepting we are. We all have that little voice in us, saying; That thing is different from me. It's an enemy.

We all feel that way about a particular idea, be it gun control, or a particular class of people, be it goths, women, African Americans, etc.

And, at our angriest, we all feel that primal surge directed at the different person, place, thing, or idea that has provoked our beliefs, simply by being different. Everything would work out if that person/place/thing/idea just died.

And that's where we relate to Daleks. Exterminate.

We all get stressed to the point where we think; you know what? Screw it. I don't care anymore. I wish it would just die.


Daleks - A good Analogy of the " Human Race " - However...

I Hate You for pointing out this Analogy in your OP

Just Joking of course - LOL

Yes, the Human Condition, what a bunch of " Hypocrites " we all really are... Huh ???

Non - Stop Insanity 24/7 on Planet Earth - Broadcasted all around the World for Everyone to See !

Military Killer Drones now Flying 24/7 All over North America now too ! All controlled by " Present " Military Industrial Complex Crowd.

What a Day in The USA and the rest of The World !

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 07:41 PM
It could be why you have him as your avatar, that it is you who feels this most?

I agree with you however. Our instinctive reaction to adversity is to over come it.

How we do this, is the crux of the matter - do you destroy it, or do you counter it with thought.

Do you find a solution to a situation that confronts you, or do you resort to human instinct which tells you to destroy it.

I used to be, maybe I still am, very easily offended by people I worked with. They could just walk into a room and I would be hostile, they didn't even need to say anything. The "Them" they were was something I detested.

Having to work closely with people like that made it impossible for me to really engage in work. Always on my toes, waiting for them to make a smug remark.

Now... well, I may still be that way. But I've changed one thing.

Would you get mad and angry at the coffee machine if it took your $1.40 ? Would you plot revenge against it? Hate it, unable to sleep at night? Worried everytime you walk past it, it would sneer and remind you of the time it took your $1.40 ?

Maybe a swift boot and a curse and then back to the office.

So what difference is there, when some biological machine that is out of your control, acts in a way that antagonises you. It's a machine. A broken machine. nothing more.

I can't hate a coffee machine any more than I can hate that tosser in the office, if all they are is a broken faulty machine.

I don't seek to fix them, they are not my problem. And I certainly don't let anything the coffee machine does, fester in my mind. Taking control over my thoughts.

Humans are wired to over come adversity. So even when it's a futile effort, we spend an enormous amount of personal mental, physical and emotional energy trying to fix things that simply are not ours to fix.

It helps us invent. Fire, the wheel, irrigation, etc and then it helps us to improve. We overcome problems with thought.

It's easy to fall back on instinct, which is a survival trait. If that bear comes at me, I have to kill it. I can't make friends with it.

But now the bears are people in the office. Or the coffee machine. We're not in mortal danger, but we have not lost the 'exterminate' instinct.... because we're still animals born in the wild.

... i need to stop the coffee in the morning lol

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 09:51 PM
Thank you both for the interesting replies.

Sure, maybe I feel this a little more often than I'd like, but I KNOW I'm much more patient and kind than I used to be. I was once MUCH worse. Anyone who opposed, disagreed, or challenged me in any way, was an enemy. I'm still overcoming this.

You're right. It's thought vs EXTERMINATE.

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 10:05 PM
One more write up on humans that is out to lunch basically. 5% of the population are like that, and that tiny percent of "nephilim/annanuki/dark orverlords, orcs/trolls/draco's" (we can call them many things but theyre not like the rest of humanity, so they're not human), they do it all. They form the KKK, the Black Panthers, every terrorist group there is, they conduct all wars, they cause such trauma and dispair in inner cities that our children become gangsters, criminals, or commit suicide, they are responsible for all child abuse, porn, drug crimes, money laundering, all extermest, fundamentalism, for women in burkas,for BP, fukushima, for the destruction of nature.

Humans are good, loving and decent, minus the trauma of them.

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 11:30 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
One more write up on humans that is out to lunch basically. 5% of the population are like that, and that tiny percent of "nephilim/annanuki/dark orverlords, orcs/trolls/draco's" (we can call them many things but theyre not like the rest of humanity, so they're not human), they do it all. They form the KKK, the Black Panthers, every terrorist group there is, they conduct all wars, they cause such trauma and dispair in inner cities that our children become gangsters, criminals, or commit suicide, they are responsible for all child abuse, porn, drug crimes, money laundering, all extermest, fundamentalism, for women in burkas,for BP, fukushima, for the destruction of nature.

Humans are good, loving and decent, minus the trauma of them.

I think you see things too "black and white."

Humans are a huge, complex mixture of gray. No one is strictly good or evil.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

No they're not. Im a mother of 5 boys, and have an unofficial foster young man, about to turn 19, and many of his friends here. Humans are treated to extreme trauma on a daily doses, and the vast majority live in third world conditions. A woman with her child is the most common example of a woman and the human race.

There is no grey, only a large number of people being broken and traumatized, or stressed out and programmed, therefore unable to help or change things. And a small group of evil doers.

Its extremely black and white.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

No they're not. Im a mother of 5 boys, and have an unofficial foster young man, about to turn 19, and many of his friends here. Humans are treated to extreme trauma on a daily doses, and the vast majority live in third world conditions. A woman with her child is the most common example of a woman and the human race.

There is no grey, only a large number of people being broken and traumatized, or stressed out and programmed, therefore unable to help or change things. And a small group of evil doers.

Its extremely black and white.

Um... everything you said seems true, to an extent, but I still believe that the line that connects the black and white is a huge gray area.

A lot of bases for certain classes of morality are flawed, according to other classes of morality. Like religion, for example. Who's to say, if any, which one of them is right?

Personally, I believe they are all right AND wrong. They all worship the same God in different ways. See the gray area? Then, you can make the argument that people sometimes do evil, because they think they're going good. Nazis, for example. Christian racial cleansing.

There are so many loopholes, flaws, and questions in between everything, be it logical or spiritual. Those things hold reality together. They are the gray area.

I don't believe that all people are basically "good" or "evil."

I believe that SOME people are mostly one and barely the other, but on a whole, people aren't basically good or evil. People are basically a question mark.
edit on 17-1-2013 by XxNightAngelusxX because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 11:51 AM
Well, it could simply explained by going back to an earlier episode. The Genesis of the Daleks to see where they came from. Once you know their original form you'll likely understand why you feel as such.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by Thalestris
Well, it could simply explained by going back to an earlier episode. The Genesis of the Daleks to see where they came from. Once you know their original form you'll likely understand why you feel as such.

I'll check that out when I get home (school computer won't load videos)

I haven't seen any of classic Doctor Who, I'll look into it.

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