What if they are using reverse psychology?
What if they are wanting us to stock up in preparation for something?
The president may be ignorant of the real plan.
The president may be just another useful idiot.
Or he may know what his job is, and is playing the part.
I am sure that the CIA and the military knows perfectly well what connections the president had before he became president. If they thought he was a
threat, and wanted to prevent him from taking office, they could have. You have to remember that they have taken plenty of time to model public
responses to certain forces. They know what the public’s response will be to his blathering will be. They have seen it before. Even the anti gun
people knew what the response would be long before the first word was said.
Remember that people in the intelligence community always think several moves ahead. Their actions may not make sense right now, but when things come
to pass, it all falls into place. The US is the king of unconventional warfare. They perfected it. They are the teachers. Do not underestimate their
capabilities. They can see any attack coming form miles away.
What if they are intentionally letting the president do this, or the president is intentionally doing this to make people stock up.
Some people on this board have alluded to similar things. But they default to the position that the reason they would do that is to make the big
business rich. Or things like that.
The reason that pops up in my mind is entirely different. What if they know that an outside country, or countries are slowly working toward an all out
assault on the US homeland through conventional, and unconventional means. Via jihadies, and other enemy agents in the US. If they know that the
unconventional attack will be beyond the ability of the US law enforcement, and military, to maintain order. The only people that will be able to
present a unified front is the US population at large.
Arming up for such a confrontation takes years. The quasi military/civilian industrial base that is needed to support such confrontations takes years
to grow to fill the demands that will be present when open conflict finally starts. And it takes enormous sums of money to do it.
Such a build up if done in the open would provoke condemnation of the government, and possible actions against that government to prevent them from
continuing the build up, or to prepare for the results of such a build up.
But what if you can get the population to institute the build up on their own?
The government could play the victim of a paranoid population, and avoid the condemnation of other governments, beyond the condemnation for the
inaction of not trying to control their citizens. While the government continues to prod and provoke the continued build up.
The self mustering army. Bringing a new level of capacity and power to the US militia. The true militia, the one that is comprised of all able bodied
citizens of the US.
The number of arms and value of the weapons stockpiled by the people would far surpass the cost it takes to instigate such a build up.
And all that time, the government plays the victim of the people, while the governments that are planning on such an attack secretly curse the
situation because it makes it almost impossible for them to carry out their plans.
It makes the US mainland so unpalatable that the foreign government wouldn’t want the US mainland if someone gave it to them. It is so heavily armed
that it could not be held by any army.
So the build up is actually deterring and preparing for a possible outside attack.
The military planners know that the outside military won’t attack with nukes, because it would mean that the outside country would be committing
suicide. So the biggest threat is conventional/unconventional warfare, and they are instituting this media blitz to get people to self prepare for a
coming conflict.
The people preparing think that it is going to be a conflict with their own government, but in actuality, it will be with an outside attacking force.
It’s like the government is letting it’s self be used as a punching bag to limber up the population and get them ready to the real fight to
Remember that there is plenty of irregular forces already in the US just waiting for orders to open up all hell. There is large groups of the
population that are openly hostile to the existence of the US We talk about it plenty on ATS. What if all of this is for getting the population ready
for such an attack? An attack from within, and without.
In addition to the above, is the effect of the military and wars in prepping the population for such a situation.
One thing that got me about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is we didn’t fight the war in the normal way. It is almost like we dragged it out to
give every reservist and full time military person the full battle hardening experience. That in it’s self is a sizeable group. With any such
situation you have a spill over effect. A lot of those have come back and started educating the civilian population in tried and proven combat
doctrine. You also have dissemination of knowledge along family groups, and friends. The returning troops educate their family and friends in the
basics of survival in the battlefield. They don’t have to do it intentionally. The normal day to day conversations will distribute large quantities
of information to the public at large. When asking a vet about a self defense rifle, he will tell you from real world experience what you need to do
the job.
If you had openly tried, it would be hard to better prepare the US population for open conflict. A good portion are already battle hardened, and can
educate the rest of the population as needed. They have the firearms. They have stockpiled all the ammo they will need.
When the population of the country with the most powerful military in the world, can openly tell their own government and military “MOLON LABE”.
Then what position is any other country to threaten that population? An enemy that has no fear of the mightiest forces in the world can not be ruled
by anyone..
Just because they may not want to tell the population the truth for fear of causing civil disorder, does not mean they can’t do what they think is
necessary to prepare that population.
Remember, agenda 21, and the like. The people behind the scenes may be making sure that the odds are in our favor.
edit on 16-1-2013 by Mr Tranny because: (no reason given)