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Obama to unveil gun control plan within the hour

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posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 11:28 AM
Not sure what the controversy is...I read through the faux news list and am unsure what people are angry it the background checks to make sure crims don't get guns easily, or erm..actually, most of the stuff was about background checks overall.

Not overly helpful mind you...mass murder tends to come in the form of either someone legal and fine going nuts, or someone whom obtained illegally to begin if anything, everything mentioned is ineffective.

oh..right. Obama said it.
Well, at least he didn't pull a "Reagan" and ban automatics...

So..a bit of enforcement of existing law, and a token nod to help mental health industry identify psychopathic behavior...
Ya...Tyranny at its finest

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 11:28 AM
I'm so pissed off right now that I am going to try and take a quick nap and try to think a bit more rationally in a hour or so.

I don't think it will help though. But I have been up for the last 24 and am tired.

Sooo...with that, see y'all in a hour or so.

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 11:29 AM
Can any of you that are outraged about the EOs Obama is signing actually articulate exactly which EO you are upset about and why?

Or should we wait a day for the right wing media to instruct you on what you should be outraged about?

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by beezzer
After today, I no longer own any firearms
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

If you started a thread asking how many people here had their guns just 'disappear' ...
You'd have the longest thread in ATS history I'd bet.

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by ElohimJD

Exactly, prime example .

the mother owned the weapons.

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 11:31 AM

Originally posted by xedocodex
Can any of you that are outraged about the EOs Obama is signing actually articulate exactly which EO you are upset about and why?

Last post before I hit the hay.

The point is we don't know what EO's he has signed. Only a few. What about the rest?

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by TDawgRex

Originally posted by xedocodex
Can any of you that are outraged about the EOs Obama is signing actually articulate exactly which EO you are upset about and why?

Last post before I hit the hay.

The point is we don't know what EO's he has signed. Only a few. What about the rest?

There is a post here with a link a page or so back. There also a new thread with the orders listed.

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 11:33 AM
Say what?

Obama Asks Doctors to Help Deal With Guns

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by TDawgRex

Originally posted by xedocodex
Can any of you that are outraged about the EOs Obama is signing actually articulate exactly which EO you are upset about and why?

Last post before I hit the hay.

The point is we don't know what EO's he has signed. Only a few. What about the rest?

Then why are you so "pissed off"???

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 11:34 AM

Originally posted by TDawgRex

Originally posted by xedocodex
Can any of you that are outraged about the EOs Obama is signing actually articulate exactly which EO you are upset about and why?

Last post before I hit the hay.

The point is we don't know what EO's he has signed. Only a few. What about the rest?

I agree, way to vague to know what exactly was signed. This coming from the most "Transparent administration" as promised. I'm all for the increased background check as long as it still allows you to pass them down through your family through inheritences and such.


posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by ElohimJD

Ahh....cheers, i didn't click with that one. Sorry about that.


posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 11:35 AM
For those who haven't yet scrolled to the bottom of the doc:


Gun Violence Reduction Executive Actions Today, the President is announcing that he and the Administration will:

1. Issue a Presidential Memorandum to require federal agencies to make relevant data available to the federal background check system.

2. Address unnecessary legal barriers, particularly relating to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, that may prevent states from making information available to the background check system.

3. Improve incentives for states to share information with the background check system.

4. Direct the Attorney General to review categories of individuals prohibited from having a gun to make sure dangerous people are not slipping through the cracks.

5. Propose rule making to give law enforcement the ability to run a full background check on an individual before returning a seized gun.

6. Publish a letter from ATF to federally licensed gun dealers providing guidance on how to run background checks for private sellers.

7. Launch a national safe and responsible gun ownership campaign.

8. Review safety standards for gun locks and gun safes (Consumer Product Safety Commission).

9. Issue a Presidential Memorandum to require federal law enforcement to trace guns recovered in criminal investigations.

10. Release a DOJ report analyzing information on lost and stolen guns and make it widely available to law enforcement.

11. Nominate an ATF director.

12. Provide law enforcement, first responders, and school officials with proper training for active shooter situations.

13. Maximize enforcement efforts to prevent gun violence and prosecute gun crime.

14. Issue a Presidential Memorandum directing the Centers for Disease Control to research the causes and prevention of gun violence.

15. Direct the Attorney General to issue a report on the availability and most effective use of new gun safety technologies and challenge the private sector to develop innovative technologies.

16. Clarify that the Affordable Care Act does not prohibit doctors asking their patients about guns in their homes.

17. Release a letter to health care providers clarifying that no federal law prohibits them from reporting threats of violence to law enforcement authorities.

18. Provide incentives for schools to hire school resource officers.

19. Develop model emergency response plans for schools, houses of worship and institutions of higher education.

20. Release a letter to state health officials clarifying the scope of mental health services that Medicaid plans must cover.

21. Finalize regulations clarifying essential health benefits and parity requirements within ACA exchanges.

22. Commit to finalizing mental health parity regulations.

23. Launch a national dialogue led by Secretaries Sebelius and Duncan on mental health.

edit on 16-1-2013 by tjack because: misc formatting fixes

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Quote from Star Wars ....
"So this is how liberty dies ... to the sound of applause .... "
Lest We Forget.

Twenty Six People had their Liberty Killed.

To the Sound of Gunfire.

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by SaturnFX
Not sure what the controversy is...I read through the faux news list and am unsure what people are angry it the background checks to make sure crims don't get guns easily, or erm..actually, most of the stuff was about background checks overall.

Not overly helpful mind you...mass murder tends to come in the form of either someone legal and fine going nuts, or someone whom obtained illegally to begin if anything, everything mentioned is ineffective.

oh..right. Obama said it.
Well, at least he didn't pull a "Reagan" and ban automatics...

So..a bit of enforcement of existing law, and a token nod to help mental health industry identify psychopathic behavior...
Ya...Tyranny at its finest

how about re-enacting the ban on "military style" assault rifles? reducing the magazine size to 10? what about people that may already have those? they going to take them away? alienating.

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

You use the children as pawns. He is a master at what he does.

"The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation. " -Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler, Publ. Houghton Miflin, 1943, Page 403

Play on peoples emotions and you will get them to do anything you want.

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 11:39 AM

Originally posted by TDawgRex

Originally posted by xedocodex
Can any of you that are outraged about the EOs Obama is signing actually articulate exactly which EO you are upset about and why?

Last post before I hit the hay.

The point is we don't know what EO's he has signed. Only a few. What about the rest?

If you don't know what EO's are signed, that is your own fault.

They are being widely reported and are out in the open, nothing is hidden.

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by SaturnFX

Just how much of the duties laid out to the Congress of the United States is okay, by your thinking, for the Executive branch to take unto itself and claim for it's own before a problem is seen here??

His decrees enhance law in some places...but create NEW POLICY in others and radically CHANGE POLICY in yet more. The President, under our system, has sweeping power granted his Office in matters of foreign policy, trade and the conduct of war declared by Congress. Well skip all the declaration crap since no President since Nixon has given that more than passing lip service anyway....

That doesn't mean we gleefully watch as the LAST of the powers are simply seized by the executive branch. What New York state did was at least legal and proper. It may die in court challenge, but New York STATE can do what it did.... It's STATE SYSTEM doesn't say it can't. THE FEDERAL system is a whole different animal on every level.

Obama SPIRIT if not absolute black letter, DO what he's trying to do. Not without essentially redefining the system we have for Government in this nation. Congress has to LET this happen. Will they? That's the question now.

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by kaylaluv

Originally posted by TDawgRex

Originally posted by xedocodex
Can any of you that are outraged about the EOs Obama is signing actually articulate exactly which EO you are upset about and why?

Last post before I hit the hay.

The point is we don't know what EO's he has signed. Only a few. What about the rest?

Then why are you so "pissed off"???

He has no idea...Obama did "something"...logic dictates he must be angry.

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
reply to post by Golf66

I couldn't listen... I tried... I really did...

Well, I have had the responsibility for interrogating a good number of bad people in my day, contrary to popular opinion there isn't a lot of ranting, hitting and or water involved on the part of the interrogator. Because if the interrogator is talking the subject isn't.

So I have patiently and sat listening intently to people basically brag about having participated in acts that would make Genghis Khan blush they were so hideous.

I listen to him to sharpen and hone my KENISIC skills.

Some of the terrorists were really good liars - I mean they live a lie in their covers every day all day. That makes them good. However, he is the best I have ever seen. Yet occasionally he will let something slip that betrays truth.

Two possibilities of how the POTUS became such a great liar neither option is a flattering statement about America since the "people" elected him.

Either he is well trained and coached before he speaks, which means someone else is really pulling his strings and he is a puppet - a conspiracy if you will.

Or he is an absolute pathological liar who believes his own lies to be true, which means he is completely insane and delusional - has nuclear launch codes and control of last Superpower.

Both options scare me…

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 11:47 AM
reply to post by Golf66

What did Obama lie about in his speech, and what is your proof?

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