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3 Moon/Earth Dream.

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posted on Jan, 15 2013 @ 08:50 PM
The following dream struck me as a " Vivid " dream because it has happened more than once.

The vividness begins as i'm driving in the car with my best friend, I look up and say " Dude, there is 2 moons man that's crazy," I take several pictures, with my phone but at awkward angles it was hard to really capture a picture. My friend and I go to this what appeared to be a cafe. We met up with a friend inside the Cafe who was a mixture between our friend Jake and our other lady friend Gretchen, weird. So I had begin to tell this Jake Gretchen monster that there is 2 moons out there, they don't believe me so I whip out my cold hard evidence and what do you know? my phone wouldn't work. I run outside to take another picture, and im surrounded by trees, As I look up I see a blue planet getting closer and closer and than suddenly a change in your lfie that was suppose to be wonderful becomes a nightmare. The Second Earth passes by so close i could see green land thinking that was the end it wasn't. A random person walks from a house next to me and said " This is the End the timer has started the 3 moons will collide" so a 12 second digital clock started in Red just out in the open as if it was projected and when the timer reached zero I had awaken to my alarm clock.

Any thoughts on this any similar dreams? just wanted to share my dream with fellow ATS'ers to see what encounters you guys have had recently.

posted on Jan, 15 2013 @ 09:10 PM
I had to log in to reply to this. I too had a similar dream months ago with three huge moons when i walked outside my house, so vivid i can picture it right now, 2 whole moons and a half moon all side by side Minutes later robot aliens came down and they pretty much looked like rovers....but intelligent.

posted on Jan, 15 2013 @ 09:15 PM
I've dreamt something very similar OP.

I am almost convinced that our souls/spirits live parallels lives when our present body is asleep in what's been called Delta stage (not sure the 'stages' are correct but.......)

I know science wants to suggest and for us to believe that, our dreams are based on random things we subconsciously pick up during our waking hours which are then filed away somewhere in our brain. But.....c'mon?....two Moons? I also dreamt I was somewhere SO vividly real....that housed two Suns.

So....will we ever figure out the truth? Most likely not. Science loves to guess then stick a period at the end.

posted on Jan, 15 2013 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by Human_Alien

Thanks for sharing! I really like that theory, I try to lucid dream as much as possible but it has been getting harder lately. I have also had a different dream where the world had turned upside down, and we were preparing for it throughout the whole dream, and when it finally happened it was intense and very scary, but relieving at the same time. Of course i woke up after all of the chaos.

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 12:20 AM
reply to post by iclark97

I had a dream about three moons a while back. It wasn't as prophetic though. It seems to be common. Maybe in another life there were three moons on some other planet we lived on.

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 12:30 AM
This world could be a dream for all we know?

I once got the wind knocked out of me and passed out. Someone actually punched me in the stomach when I wasnt expecting it. People man.. but anyways I guess I was out for like 3 seconds but I created a whole scenario in my head. It felt like a dream. I might have put some information into subconsciously after thinking about it the hours after it had happened. But interesting nonetheless

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 06:02 AM
I also had a multi-moon dream recently, incredibly vivid and real. There was a sense of fear and panic, and what appeared to be several asteroids/ meteors approaching...

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 07:14 AM
Ive had a dream with a 3rd object in the sky, i saw the sun moon and another..could of been planet or moon. I have also had a dream of 2 moons colliding, sending earth into geforce/sudden movement, felt the sensation of the movement which woke me up startled.

I reall think something is brewing for a big sky event, this would surely wake everyone up.

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 10:09 PM
I have not had a dream about multple moons or planets. But what's weird is I have been having this desire to see 2 or more moons in our orbit. I have had daydreams about seeing more than one moon for the past month.
It's really strange because I don't know why I would long to see multiple moons in the sky.

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 10:38 PM
Not a dream, but my security cam caught this in the sky on 1/11/2013, you might it interesting, read the text on part 1 and watch all 3 parts. It is all one video just broken up for space on u-tube. This is all raw video:
edit on 16-1-2013 by candlelight because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 11:07 PM
Finally!! Thank you OP, this gives me comfort.

Back in June of 2012 I had a dream that I was at a house, it was my house and I knew it, but it was unfamiliar to me after I awoke. It was a different house with a front porch that had a white picketed railing.

In the dream my wife and I ran outside and looked from our front porch to the left in the sky. We saw the moon and a second one of almost the exact same size but it was red.

The two moons collided and my wife asked me why we couldn't hear it. I explained to her about space and sound and distance. We stood there watching for a moment and then I thought we should get inside our basement for cover in case anything was going to fall our way.

After this dream I searched Google for "dreams of planet and moon" "dreams of two moons" etc. to no avail. I seriously thought I was the only one with this dream and that if I could find someone with a remotely similar dream it would have to be more than coincidence.

I told my wife of the dream immediately on the following day because it felt so real. I have had prophetic dreams in the past and took this one to heart for some reason. I remember the details of it almost like it is a vivid memory.

Now here is where things get good, remember at the beginning of my post that I said the house was familiar but unfamiliar? I told my wife about the details of the house, and how different it was from ours - (white picket front porch, a basement, the moon to the left in the sky, etc.)

Two months later (August) we are forced to move from our home where I had the dream.

I now live in the house with the white picket front porch, and here at this new house (since it faces South) the moon comes up to our left (just like in the dream)
. The house we were in before faced East and the moon would always come up directly ahead or slightly off to the right.

For some reason I think this dream has significance. Thank you for posting this OP. I have been looking for some type of confirmation about this dream and now I have something.

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 11:26 PM
Oh wow this is strange, i didn't dream of two moons,but i did have a dream about two earths, i dreamed i went outside and when i looked up i saw two earths in the sky,it was the most vivid dream i have had,it woke me up from a dead sleep,this was about a month ago

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 01:22 AM
I had a similar dream as well in June, 2012. A very vivid dream of where hubby and I were on our deck looking at the night sky and noticed 2 full moons, about the same size and distance. I felt fear over that and mentioned it to my husband and right after I told him that, the sky started to get brighter and longer night time appearance. It got so bright that I couldn't even see hubby anymore. Then I heard a loud "pop" sound and I woke up in a cold sweat with my heart pounding like a rabbits. It was a very vivid and unsettling dream to say the least!

I am having more success with lucid dreaming since that night. When I'm having a bad dream, I tell myself in the dream that I will wake up at the count of 3 and i start counting and then I wake up, it's been working. I now try and "program" myself before nodding off...telling myself to do the 3 count thingy if I have a nightmare. It seems to help.

Altogether, last year, I had 3 different dreams relevant to odd happenings in the sky and being amazed or fearful.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 01:54 AM
reply to post by gravitybender

I would think your dream has significance since you dreamed of your house you are living in now. That is too cool.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 09:02 AM
I have a dream dictionary at home and sometimes it's not what you dream of but the number that is important. I remember reading that it's also rare to be aware of how many things (moons in your case) are in your dream. Maybe you should look up what the number 3 means?
edit on 17-1-2013 by RomaSempre because: Edit: fixed spelling error.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 09:06 AM
I am really glad we don't have three moons, the 300 foot tides twice a day would not do humans much good!

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by Human_Alien

That's really "tight".

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by gravitybender
Finally!! Thank you OP, this gives me comfort.

Back in June of 2012 I had a dream that I was at a house, it was my house and I knew it, but it was unfamiliar to me after I awoke. It was a different house with a front porch that had a white picketed railing.

In the dream my wife and I ran outside and looked from our front porch to the left in the sky. We saw the moon and a second one of almost the exact same size but it was red.

The two moons collided and my wife asked me why we couldn't hear it. I explained to her about space and sound and distance. We stood there watching for a moment and then I thought we should get inside our basement for cover in case anything was going to fall our way.

Had to create an account to reply to this.

But have some more comfort on my part then, because I too had a dream very similar to yours.

It starts off with me being in an unfamiliar home, lots of white all around, I just remember so vividly this glass panel white door. Anyway, as the dream starts off I'm running outside to the porch to look up at the moon, which was turning frighteningly red, and reflecting red on the earth. I run back inside scared as hell and heart pounding, I mean.. not often does the moon turn red, at least this red.

Well that was the last dream I can remember having between then and this post. I had it sometime in the middle of the year 2012 or towards August.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by iclark97

what you describe is like the majority of this video....

or also like the end of this video....

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by Human_Alien
I've dreamt something very similar OP.

I am almost convinced that our souls/spirits live parallels lives when our present body is asleep in what's been called Delta stage (not sure the 'stages' are correct but.......)

I know science wants to suggest and for us to believe that, our dreams are based on random things we subconsciously pick up during our waking hours which are then filed away somewhere in our brain. But.....c'mon?....two Moons? I also dreamt I was somewhere SO vividly real....that housed two Suns.

So....will we ever figure out the truth? Most likely not. Science loves to guess then stick a period at the end.

When you dream you are in theta brain wave state. Delta is when you are in deep sleep.

Beta is waking state and alpha is day dreaming state. Inbetween waking and dreaming.

The reason alpha is placed after beta in order from waking to deep sleep is that it was the first
State they discovered.

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