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The arrogant west is slowly accepting the fact that China is the most successful nation and the near futures undisputed superpower. People in the west are starting to understand that they are in no position to be giving China advice about anything.
One thing the west uses for propaganda is 'democracy'. The west insists that China must reform and become more democratic.
As a westerner I have lived under democracy my whole life. In my opinion democracy is dishonest and corrupt. I think democracy is an illusion and a charade. Western governments are run by and for multinational corporations. Almost all western democracy descends into a two party duopoly. A two party duopoly is a regime. Western democracy is designed in a way that prevents minor parties from forming government even when they win the popular vote. A western democracy is designed to ensure that power stays with those that hold it and to ensure that the status quo remains intact.
I wonder if China would really be better off by becoming more democratic. I hate democracy and few westerners actually have faith in it because its simply nonsense. Less than half of Americas population bothered to vote in the last election and those that did are fed up. US Congress has an approval rating of around 10% and the Banks are a law unto themselves anyway. Here in Australia we are forced to vote and many just turn up to get their name marked off so they dont get a fine. Its a joke. The leaders of both Australias major parties are hated by Australians. But they are our only real choice. Our media ignores any party that is not the duopoly or they cover them with bias. Democracy does not work in any way shape or form.
So why would China want to reform?
Originally posted by littled16
reply to post by HenryNorris
If you think things are so wonderful in China try asking one of the many Foxconn workers who have been jumping to their deaths for years to escape the horrible working conditions. Oh that's right- you can't because they committed suicide rather than suffering anymore.
Worker from Foxconn, Apple's Chinese factory, jumps to death
Originally posted by jude11
So, what part of China are you from?
Originally posted by polarwarrior
reply to post by HenryNorris
The ruling class still controls china, just like they do here in the west.
Millions of Chinese people live on less than 2$ per day, while the ruling class aristocracy dines on fine cuisine with silverware.
The workers don't own the means of production in china, so it is not socialist or communist. And there is no equality, there is still a ruling class oppressing the poor masses.
It's not much better than what we have, but at least many of them know they are oppressed. "None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free"
edit on 15/1/13 by polarwarrior because: (no reason given)
Originally posted by HenryNorris
That is a front for apple.
Stop supporting Imperial Corporations.
China is just doing their best. Standards of living are rising.
Really?In Tibet they end their slavery by set tying themselves on fire.As the world would were the Chinese conquest to succeed.
Originally posted by littled16
reply to post by HenryNorris
If you think things are so wonderful in China try asking one of the many Foxconn workers who have been jumping to their deaths for years to escape the horrible working conditions. Oh that's right- you can't because they committed suicide rather than suffering anymore.
Worker from Foxconn, Apple's Chinese factory, jumps to death
The arrogant west is slowly accepting the fact that China is the most successful nation and the near futures undisputed superpower. People in the west are starting to understand that they are in no position to be giving China advice about anything.
Originally posted by littled16
Originally posted by HenryNorris
That is a front for apple.
Stop supporting Imperial Corporations.
China is just doing their best. Standards of living are rising.
So that's supposed to be some kind of excuse? Your "wonderful" Chinese government does NOTHING to protect it's workers from abuse. To keep jobs the people are basically slaves to their employers. Workers who are not locked inside factories to keep them from escaping are dying in their 30s of stress induced heart attacks from working 80 to 120 hour work weeks in a lot of cases. If THAT is what a successful government allows to happen to it's people they can keep it, because it makes them piss poor human beings.
Originally posted by grey580
reply to post by HenryNorris
The arrogant west is slowly accepting the fact that China is the most successful nation and the near futures undisputed superpower. People in the west are starting to understand that they are in no position to be giving China advice about anything.
This person has no idea what they are talking about.
China is a nation built upon false growth. And right now is facing a bubble of epic proportions.
Ghost cities. Empty 1/2 billiion dollar 100 story office buildings.
And you think China is isn't in the same boat as the USA? You're dreaming.
China is just in the proccess of stageism. They are in a capitalist empire and must play the capitalist game to beat America at it. China has beaten America at their own game.
And its an arrogant western attitude to take away from Chinas rise by saying its simply because the affluent OPEC nations have exploited them. OPEC exploits lots of places. The CPC is smart. They have long term plans and are not influenced by the imperial west. China has protected their people ans now has better infrastructure than America and the standard of living continues to rise.
Turnover taxes. This includes three kinds of taxes, namely, Value-Added Tax, Consumption Tax and Business Tax. The levy of these taxes are normally based on the volume of turnover or sales of the taxpayers in the manufacturing, circulation or service sectors.
Income taxes. This includes Enterprise Income Tax (effective prior to 2008, applicable to such domestic enterprises as state-owned enterprises, collectively owned enterprises, private enterprises, joint operation enterprises and joint equity enterprises), Foreign Investment Enterprise and Foreign Enterprise Income Tax ("FEIT"), and Individual Income Tax.
These taxes are levied on the basis of the profits gained by producers or dealers, or the income earned by individuals. Please note that the new Enterprise Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China has replaced the aboves two enterprises taxes as from 1 January 2008.
Resource taxes. This consists of Resource Tax and Urban and Township Land Use Tax. These taxes are applicable to the exploiters engaged in natural resource exploitation or to the users of urban and township land. These taxes reflect the chargeable use of state-owned natural resources, and aim to adjust the different profits derived by taxpayers who have access to different availability of natural resources.
Taxes for special purposes. These taxes are City Maintenance and Construction Tax, Farmland Occupation Tax, Fixed Asset Investment Orientation Regulation Tax, Land Appreciation Tax, and Vehicle Acquisition Tax. These taxes are levied on specific items for special regulative purposes.
Property taxes. This encompasses House Property Tax, Urban Real Estate Tax, and Inheritance Tax (not yet levied).
Behavioural taxes. This includes Vehicle and Vessel Usage Tax, Vehicle and Vessel Usage License Plate Tax, Stamp Tax, Deed Tax, Securities Exchange Tax (not yet levied), Slaughter Tax and Banquet Tax. These taxes are levied on specified behaviour.
Agricultural taxes. Taxes belonging to this category are Agriculture Tax (including Agricultural Specialty Tax) and Animal Husbandry Tax which are levied on the enterprises, units and/or individuals receiving income from agriculture and animal husbandry activities.
Customs duties. Customs duties are imposed on the goods and articles imported into and exported out of the territory of the People's Republic of China, including Excise Tax.