posted on Jan, 15 2013 @ 12:31 PM
I don't understand why I am seen as a revolutionary terrorists. I don't understand why others think I want a civil war. I don't understand why I am
seen as a radical.
Let me explain.
I believe a man has a right to speak opnely against anything or anyone regardless of location or topic, as long as it does not physically endanger
that person, as prescribed under article 1 of the constitution. Yet we now have protest free zones and politically correct restrictions. Why does this
make me a radical?
I believe that a man can have a firearm of his choice without regestration or permit and carry said firearm either openly or conceled on his person,
for protection and as a final measure for governmental checks and balances, as prescribed under article 2 of the constitution. Why does that make me a
I believe that a man has the right to openly worship his god or lack thereof free and with out reservation no matter his location or venue, as
prescribed in article one of the constitution. Why does this make me a radical?
I believe that I should be secure in my person, home, and posessions, without unjust and unwarranted search and seazure of my property without
probable cause or provocation, as prescribed in articles 4 and 5 of the constitution.
I believe that I as a citizen have the right to trial by jury and the right to face my accuser in a court of law. That I should be able to walk freely
in my own country without fear of government sanctioned hit squads assasinating me for my views or actions. As prescribed in article 5 and 6 of the
I believe that any punishment allocated to me be just and reasonable, and be be out of line of excess of financial burden or lifelong regestration
after I have served due dilligence, as prescibed under article 8 of the constitution. Why does this make me a radical?
I believe that power not espressly given to the federal government lies with the state or the people. Why does this make me a radical?
Why if I believe in the founding document of our country, am I now considered to be a radical and or extremist? Why am I a radical if I believe that
all men are created equal am I frowned upon by the powers that be. Why does my quest to be independant of government intrusion throw up flags in the
system so that I must be observed?
Why have we let our government intrude and define who we should be and what we should do without tossing them out on their behinds, as is our right
and some would say even our resposnibility.
Why am I singled out as a radical when I only want to see the law upheld as it is written?