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Originally posted by Mary Rose
So, he's saying gravity is actually incoming ether . . .
Originally posted by Mary Rose
I follow the posts of independent researcher Jason Verbelli. On his Facebook page he linked to a book that he has uploaded to Scribd. It was written in 1979 and it is entitled Gravity Is a Push by Walter C. Wright.
Push Gravity as I understand it is not a pushing force FROM MATTER.
Instead it is based on Aether/ZPE being omnipresent in the universe yet having varying densities in space and near matter.
In my view, matter is essentially a hole in the energy density of space. Aether/ZPE functions as a highly pressurized fluid that flows INTO these holes.
When aether/zpe flows in this fashion, we call it 'gravity'. The volume of aether/zpe which flows into mass, produces what we call 'weight'.
In its flow, aether/zpe precipitates into and PUSHES mass together, not only to sustain the physical form, but also to hold us onto the surface of the earth, much like insects being pressed against a screen (the earth surface) by a high wind.
In my opinion, we can alter these aether flows into mass by deflecting it around a mass, preventing it from entering mass, or cancelling its flow in a given region.
This can be done by phase conjugation (meaning there is a frequency involved) or by high energy discharges in the form of spikes that interfere with the flow. These energy discharges can be electrical, magnetic or even sonic.
Time will tell the truth of it by discovery and implementation of aether/zpe tapping to develop new technologies for practical use in our daily lives.
Originally posted by Mary Rose
And I just noticed that someone commented on the link with a link to a KeelyNet article entitled "Wright's Push Gravity."
Wright's basic idea -- which he says is borne out by his experiments and calculations -- is that gravity doesn't emanate from the earth's core, it comes from the sun.
Originally posted by john_bmth
Originally posted by ImaFungi
You make the mistake of equating the frequency attribute of a wave with the wave itself. Notes have pitch, but to state "notes are frequency" is false. My height can be measured but I am not "height".
I only meant it was a similar phenomenon to the wave/particle duality of QM ( everythings related mannnnn).
Wave/particle duality appears similar only due to your misconception of waves and their attributes.
I have been trying to comprehend this for a bit... waves dont actually exist then? they are just mathematical terminology to describe the probability an energy level will be at a specific point in space and time, some distance away from the source of such an energy emitting event? and the 2d wave diagram correlates with the wavelength as the speed of propagation ( intensity too maybe) and the frequency, as how often it (oscillates) in a given interval?
This Wikipedia article has a very comprehensive primer for understanding waves:
do sound waves exist as waves? literal crest and trough waves?
For example, the act of a finger plucking one guitar string, is a force of friction ( or something similar, ) which causes the tense string to vibrate or oscillate? the sound is caused, by the vibrating string, sending vibrational (?) energy into the surrounding air atoms?
Does the sound wave travel in every direction equally or are there physical variables which determine a more strong direction of sound propagation? any way.. is the sound wave not, the vibration of the string, causing the atoms of the air to vibrate in a "mirroring" manner?
Originally posted by Mary Rose
reply to post by ErosA433
Actually, I'm not interested in engaging in a debate about mainstream vs. alternative science.
I'm only interested in analyzing alternative ideas with others who are interested in the same thing.
So, I have nothing to say to you. I'm not going to spend my time on the debate you want to have. Maybe others will be interested in spending their time that way.
Originally posted by ImaFungi
so then I must ask,,, is "sound", the interaction of a vibrating/"moving" mass with air atoms?
so after the initial and immediate relay of vibrational energy from the mass to the surrounding air atoms... the sound it self, is all about the interaction of the air atoms? I know you cant have one without the other, so maybe its equal parts... But I guess what im asking is... do I hear what a guitar string sounds like? or do I hear what a guitar string, bumping atoms bumping atoms sounds like?
( now we get to this problem again, and im sorry to bring this up but) Is that not similar to how we manipulate radio waves to carry informational content?
( I know EM radiation doesn't require a medium) But, the snapping of my fingers is an atomically interacting energetic event... an atomically interacting energetic event of a grater force and magnitude can be known to produce EM radiation/waves...( That is a whole another topic I would love to talk about, why EM radiation doesnt need a medium,,, and how its wave particle duality is envisioned and actual..... Does the fact EM radiation doesnt need a medium to propagate mean that space is a superconductor?... sorry I dont know much technical aspects of that area as well, only bits and pieces
Although largely ignored by theoretical physicists, there is a question that has not been satisfactorily answered regarding the mass-energy equation usually attributed to Einstein. The question is: Why is the mass-energy equation E = mc2 while the kinetic energy equation is Ek = mc2/2 ? If energy from the annihilation of mass is truly energy, then it should be kinetic in nature. Yet, it is double the amount of the kinetic energy that one would expect it to be. Why isn't the mass energy equation E = mc2/2 instead of E = mc2 ? The following provides an answer to this question and links the heretofore mysterious world of subatomic matter and energy to our macroscopic world of mass and kinetic energy.
In a universe of dynamic ether, a vortex would be formed of this ether. . . .
Originally posted by Bedlam
Sound is a wave of compression and rarefaction in a somewhat elastic medium, like a gas. It's longitudinal, which means if you could see it, you'd see waves of compression and rarefaction coming toward you something like waves in a Slinky.
However, it's relevant in terms of aether. If you had 'luminiferous aether', as Mary is so fond of, then it would propagate EM as longitudinal waves, like air with sound. There's just one issue with that - you can't polarize a longitudinal wave. That's why you can't polarize sound.
You can polarize a transverse wave, though. And you can polarize EM. Since EM is polarizable, it can't be propagating as a longitudinal wave.
Originally posted by ImaFungi
Thanks for the response.. "something like waves in a slinky".. but more like millions of slinkies? or one giant slinky composed of the totality of vibrating air?
Does this have to do with wave/particle duality? How do you envision a Photon ever being a particle? What is EM radiation and how can it be composed of electric magnetic field if it is not a charged particle? Since we are not completely familiar with what space is, why would you compare it to air? What exists where there are no atoms.. and when EM radiation travels through air, does it travel "in between atoms" or via atoms?
Introduction to Light
The product of Planck's constant, "h", and frequency, "f ", equals the energy in a photon. Planck's constant is the kinetic energy, Ek, in the passage of one wave of light. However, the correct quantum for light is the half-wave rather than the complete wave which is composed of two half-waves. This is because a photon is composed of transverse waves caused by an electron reversing directions regularly and thus creating opposing accelerations in the ether. These accelerations move outward at the speed of light. Each acceleration is created by a reverse in the electron's direction which reverses the rotation of the incoming ether. Two adjacent acceleration reversals create one light wave.
It is the electron's reversals in direction during the production of a "photon" that creates the energy in the photon. . . .
I have been criticized for using the word "photon" for light when I believe light to be a series of waves. "Photon" is the term given by particle physicists and relates to the theory known as "quantum electrodynamics" or "QED". I use the term "photon" because it is the popular word allowed in light theory and the only way I can communicate to most people regarding what is actually a wave packet of light.
The unit kilogram may be considered either mass or force which creates a certain amount of confusion when working with it or in communicating.
The use of the number one (as we use it in our one second denominators) also creates problems because in an equation, the number one is essentially invisible.
Max Planck started quantum theory by showing that radiant energy is proportional . . .
. . . However, if Planck's constant were considered to be energy, in the first instance it would be equal to 6.757704 x 10-35 meter kilogram, and hf would be h(n/t) which is power. This, in my opinion, is where much of our trouble in physics lies today. Because a second is always used and is equal to one, it does not show up in numerical values obtained by experiment and could either be a multiplier or a divisor without anyone being the wiser. . . .
Magnetism has become one of the best proofs of the existence of an ether even though its effects have been masked by the brainwashing process of most college physics classes. Perhaps the most dramatic example of ether existence was placed in Scientific American back in the days when it was still a very good magazine. The article was on high intensity magnets and it described how there was pressure inside an electromagnet that caused the magnet to explode when the magnet was of a very high strength. There was no way to avoid the pressure exceeding the tensile strength of the material of which the magnet was constructed. Such magnets could remain intact, however, if the DC current creating the magnetic field were pulsed very briefly so that the inertia of material of which the magnet was made could hold the magnet together for this short period of time.
Apparently, this explosive tendency was not in accord with current theory which stated that there was nothing inside the magnet to cause it to explode. So a more recent article in the same magazine implied that the magnet only exploded due to the heat of the current weakening the coils. Of course, the magnet still exploded violently from the inside out, but this was a fact that was ignored.
Actually, a high intensity magnet explodes because the nether (dynamic ether) is compressed inside the magnet. . . .
"As accelerator techniques advance, physicists will undoubtedly continue to discover new subatomic entities. The proliferation will raise deep, unsettling questions. Are the kinds of quark limited in number? If there are six, why not 12? If there are 12, why not 24? And if the number of kinds of quark is large, does it make any sense to call the quarks elementary? The history of science suggests that the proliferation of physical entities is a sign the entities are not elementary. The chemists of the 19th century reduced the apparently infinite variety of chemical substances to some 36 elements which escalated over the years to more than 100. As indivisible, ultimate constituents of matter the chemical elements simply proved to be too many. In the 1930s it was discovered that all elements were made up of electrons, protons, and neutrons. After World War II, these particles were joined by dozens of others: pions, kaons, lambda particles and so on. Again there were too many. Then it seemed that all of these could be reduced to three quarks. Now experiments indicate that a fourth and fifth quark exist. Are they also too many? Will simpler structures from which quarks are made soon be proposed? Is it possible that there are no elementary particles at all, that every entity in nature has constituent parts? Or will the ultimate simplicity that most physicists believe in, be lodged in the mathematical groups that order the particles rather than in truly elementary objects?"
Originally posted by Mary Rose
I follow the posts of independent researcher Jason Verbelli.
This Universe contains 1 energy and it's electricity. There is an inward push which is mislabeled "pull" and an outward push.
"Light doesn't travel." -- Walter Russell
Light and magnetism are no different.
Magnetism and gravity are no different.
There is no "speed of light."
There have been other theories for over 100 years, but they're ignored because people would rather put Einstein on an infallible pedestal than study the more accurate theories.
Originally posted by Mary Rose
I think the problem in universities is that the power structure that controls funding tailors what is taught in order to maintain that power structure for itself. There would be no fame in debunking mainstream physics; mainstream physics is the way it is because it suits those in control.