posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 01:39 PM
I was just mulling over the article regarding New York City law limiting the capacity of magazine to no more than seven rounds. In turn that got me
to thinking about the effect of a total gun ban as well as successful confiscation and destruction (which we know is impossible) of ALL guns.
So just how do you attack crowds in the future? How would you inflict the greatest amount of death and horrible destruction if all the evil guns were
gone? Blame it on the medications, overpopulation, urban blight, video games or whatever you choose. Lets face it, crazy whack jobs seem to be
attacking groups with greater frequency all the time. Will banning guns stop madness? Not likely. It will however change the manner in which they
choose to affect their nasty plans.
Personally I would rather have a few bullets tossed around a movie theater than say a Molotov cocktail in a gallon jug. Mix it up with some petroleum
jelly and you have a device that will wreak at least as much terror or havoc as gunshots.
I am not trying to give anyone ideas, I am simply pointing out the absolute stupidity behind the anti-gun mindset. There are dozens of ways to maim
or kill people in a crowd. Most of them at least as easy as using a gun and many of them much more frightening.
So do we ban gasoline or do we figure out what is the cause of maniac killers? Personally I vote for proactive solutions. Reactive solutions always
come late and seldom work as well.