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Alex Jones is the ultimate strawman

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posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 06:44 AM
reply to post by bknapple32

and aj and you destroy the argument by calling people morons and idiots. It's immature and rude. Who wants to listen to an immature rude person.

Alex Jones has a weird cult of personality around him similar to the one Ron Paul and Barack Obama had. They get extremely angry when you even slightly criticize their leader.

They are the biggest sheep around yet love to tell everyone else that they need to "wake up".

posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by WaterBottle

Hmmmm, I have been listening to AJ since 9/11 and he has really woken me up to tons of things. His show used to be better when he didn't rant so much and had better guests on but what he said really pulled me out of the matrix. I have see stuff he said, where at the time I thought that it was just crazy, and then it comes true. Not always in 6 months but sometimes takes as long as 6 years, but does happen. I am not from USA, but seeing how things are there and what he had to say in general made me look at my own government with new eyes and see what is going on in my own country and the corruption here is astounding.

I have to admit though, as time has gone one, and he always was one for saying he doesn't want violence, I noticed that even though he said that, his rants and what he says has become more and more suggestive to people to start a revolution. Now this could be because as the NWO is getting more of a grip and closer to their end goal and he sees this and thinks that revolution is the only way out and so he has had to change tactic or it could be he is controlled opposition and the goal was always to start a revolution so that marshal law could be ushered in. I have wondered about this for a while now. Also it could be conceived that his films / predictions could be in itself predictive programming in a way.

However, having looked at the information he gives us, he does get a lot of things out that otherwise would not be heard of. I guess this is why I found the pro-gun rally or whatever it was called video quite strange, because he really does seem to be just disrupting things so they could not be heard, even though they were talking about what he says he is in agreement with and is at present going on about it daily. The only other thing I can think of, that is not him being a government disruptor, would be that he went there to show the 'new group' how protesting is done and to kind of take over and be the big 'I am' and be center stage through ego.

I guess we just all have to be suspicious of anyone telling us anything and just take what they give us and do some checking out on our own. That way we can pick out the real bits and trash the rest.

posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 07:48 AM
reply to post by bknapple32

In all honestly i have lost all respect for AJ since he went on PM. there is nothing that he says that from this point forward that will not be subjectated to the "crazy talk"

posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 08:33 AM
bknapple32 - great thread topic, I appreciate your (and others') perspective on the subject.
I do agree to questioning Mr. Jones role...

I feel in addition to considering that he 'is in it for the money' that people should consider what else he is selling.
In my opinion that other thing would be 'influence'.
For people to say he is just a loud mouth may be missing some of the more subtle (AJ & subtle? oh faux pas) issues.

Just as some people like Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh, some people really like Alex Jones. I hopped on his train years back, but it was a very short ride for me.
Is it just words? Think about what the speech writers did for GW Bush on Iraq. It's influence, one way or the other.

I don't think he is what could be referred to as a 'loose cannon' rather I liken him to be along the lines of 'agent provocateur'. Try not to drink too much kool aid, no matter the source.

ps: @ skepticconwatcher - 'It's the Great SHTF Pumpkin Charlie Brown' = profound and awesome!
pss: S&F

edit on 14-1-2013 by explorer14 because: thumbs for op

posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 08:35 AM
reply to post by WaterBottle

They make all their money through advertising... like Alex Jones

Your argument makes no sense.

Their argument makes perfect sense as there is a stark difference between the advertising revenue AJ gets, and that of just about any other service or product that is ad revenue based.

The products that buy airtime (sponsors) on his site and shows are selling products related to the conspiracies AJ is selling, for lack of a better term.

The government is poisoning the water.
Buy this reverse osmosis purifier
The government is imploding the monetary system
Invest in this gold and silver
The government is about to declare martial law
Buy this survival kit
The government is poisoning all your food at the seed level
Buy these seed kits
The government is going to take your guns away
Take this training course and get a free hand gun (I SAW THIS MYSELF)

So again, how exactly isn't that fear mongering?

How about this huff'post interview? You know, the one that ended with them cutting away as Alex literally, literally, SCREAMS "you're all in danger!!!!!"

He's setting you up for a massive fail, and you can't claim ignorance of it for much longer

ETA: I'm going with controlled opposition. While I do question some of his motives, and no one who has actually listened to this guy on a regular basis can deny there have been some questionable things over the years.......

I'm thinking that he's ignorant or willfully ignorant of the fact that he is now, and has been for some time, being used as a tool against us all.

These little tirades and rants do not bring anyone to "our" side, it pushes them away, while inciting those who have already bought into him hook line and sinker. It's a recipe for disaster.

You've got a poster child for:
gun control
forced mental health checks
restrictions on the internet and other media

all rolled into 1 guy. Think about the dominoes being set up in a line waiting to be tipped, be careful that you aren't one of them.

I'll make a prediction right here and now. This time, in say, 2 or 3 years, all of you defending Alex Jones will have distanced yourselves from him, and to an extent, will be as embarrassed about following him as much as some of us already are now.

edit on 14-1-2013 by phishyblankwaters because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 09:06 AM
I realise i am 6 days late on this, but i just watched the AJ/PM interview and i had no idea how much of a whackjob Alex is. I have been reading his stuff for a while but this was a different animal altogether. He completly shot himself in the foot again and again. He made the slime morgan look calm and collected.
Not a great day for AJ.
edit on 14-1-2013 by Elvis Hendrix because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 09:14 AM
The connections AJ has with Stratfor should make anyone take what he says with a grain of salt.
Of course, he makes a living doing what he does, good for him. But, it does not diminish the truth of what he is exclaiming.

Watching the clear and obvious shredding of our rights should make everyone angry no matter who or how you are given the information when it is found to be true.

“The Constitution keeps getting in our way.”
“The Constitution is a flawed document.”
To congress "it’s my way or no way."
Barrack Obama

What I believe is being done by having Alex on MSM is to associate all constitutional Pro Gun patriots with his over-the-top rants even though he is correct. Indoctrination - So any calm collected future debate of the issue MSM can use - Guilt by association. "You sound like Alex now" immediately discrediting the message in mass of people who do not see past their M.O. Yes, He must be crazy like Alex.

MSM can now use words repeatedly like Nut, Loon, Crank, "you support Alex Jones" to associate any who have an opinion "of the truth" with the Wild Man's point of view. They never debate the facts and focus all attention to the messenger's faults, NOT THE MESSAGE.

Just bringing up the word 'Conspiracy' will automatically associate one as the above. Proven time and time again, it is only a conspiracy until it is NOT.


posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 09:19 AM
reply to post by CthulhuMythos

"Martial Law" (after Mars, the God of War, not "Marshall" as in western territory sheriff). Martial Law would be an excuse to suspend the Constitution (including the Second Amendment), would it not? A revolution against the government would be an excuse to declare Martial Law, would it not? Hmmmmm (something to think about).

posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 09:21 AM
Bill Cooper has a lot more credibility than Alex Jones has in his cheque signing hand.

Alex Jones does open up people's eyes. The only problem is he leads them in the wrong direction.
His 911 rants should prove this (it was mentioned earlier), a real whistleblower would be talking about provable facts (there are many).

If you mention the missing plane at the Pentagon you have no idea of what happened, If you mention explosives you have no idea. This isn't a 911 discussion but if you consider him legit for his thoughts on 911 then i'd suggest looking into these new fangled gadgets called books.

AJ is either a stooge or an idiot and idiots don't have his marketing skills.

posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by Signals
reply to post by Human_Alien

Hmmmm, but Icke has got it all figured out, huh?

Never said that.

When someone needs to insert a conclusion like you just did, it makes their argument much weaker.

David Icke (much like the late Bill Cooper) shares his findings whether they are inanimate, witnesses or theories.

Alex Jones shares fear.

A government within the government is nothing new. There are layers so deep that they are unapproachable.
So, is there a plan for a one-world government? Sure. Why not. Could be. Who knows. And we shouldn't care because it won't happen anytime soon.
Don't like it? Start building a missile to Mars and start your own government.

I am not saying to be completely complacent. But I am saying stop being so concerned.

Any idiot can spread fear. That's what many religions are based on. If they scare enough people enough times, they'll look to them for protection and guidance (and donations as a way of gratitude. Tithing, if you will)

Fear is a knee-jerk reaction us mortals possess. Because let's face it, we were born with amnesia. We don't know where we came from. We don't know what our purpose is. And we don't know where we're going at the end. So we are innately filled with suspicion. So triggering that is easy. However, finding comfort and solace is much harder.
edit on 14-1-2013 by Human_Alien because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by phishyblankwaters

Their argument makes perfect sense as there is a stark difference between the advertising revenue AJ gets, and that of just about any other service or product that is ad revenue based.

Not really. Alex Jones net worth is more than 90% of all Americans. He makes great money compared to nearly everyone else. He might not be making Limbaugh amounts, but it is still good. More money than he could make in the working world with his community college degree.

I don't have a problem with him making money off his show, that's not my issue with him. My issue is that he spews dis-info on a near daily basis and makes the conspiracy community look like raving lunatics. I just don't get why people say "his movies/radio are free argument" when he's clearly making great money off the advertising and "money bombs".


I'll make a prediction right here and now. This time, in say, 2 or 3 years, all of you defending Alex Jones will have distanced yourselves from him, and to an extent, will be as embarrassed about following him as much as some of us already are now.

I agree, or at least I hope so.

edit on 14-1-2013 by WaterBottle because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-1-2013 by WaterBottle because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-1-2013 by WaterBottle because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by CthulhuMythos

You could have got all that just by reading William Blum's "Rogue State" and not had to endure Jone's ranty tirades. .

posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 09:40 AM
Alex Jones, Alex Jones, Alex Jones - Hasn't the lad done well!! I listen to the Sunday Show after No Agenda for a semi serious laugh...

The water is always polluted - the EPA makes little attempt to keep up with scientific evidence of pollution
The drugs are crud - Well, most of them ARE NOT CURES!
The food's crud - GMO, Nutrient-stripped GARBAGE!
The air's poisonous - sometimes in some places - chemtrails - probably sometimes
The wars are unconstitutional - Very TRUE
The globalists pull the strings - They have the most money
The Demoncrats grab guns - Repeatedly, historically true - theft with guns 'shoots up'
The Repugnants are criminals - Repeatedly, historically true
The Demoncrats are criminals - Repeatedly, historically true
The Demoncrats & Repugnants are OWNED by the global mega corps - SO TRUE IT HURTS
The People lose rights monthly - if not weekly..
Ron Paul is a Saviour - OMG, WTF, LOL!

We could all go on and on with this list but you must realise that when you put out a 3 hour show, 5 days a week on many stations you HAVE to COVER COSTS and PROFIT=GROWTH and FREEDOM if, and only if, you have FREELY CHOSEN YOUR OWN SPONSORS... That many shows also means mistakes and waffle are rife - Jones usually corrects himself later...

He's been explaining his 'bizarre' actions on the P. mORGAN show. He seems to know he blew it but says all the provisos he'd stipulated to P. mORGAN (who allegedly agreed to them - hmm!) were not adhered to: A Sandy Hook person on before him, series of time-wasting 'factoid' questions made to make AJ look uninformed and (VERY FAILED!) attempts to talk over him (as he did to LARRY PRAT).. Pratt is a mild insult, also, in the UK (not sure about the US)....

Jones is mildly embarassing, mildly amusing and TORTUOUSLY (IN)ACCURATE depending on the subject...

He could be worse, he could do much better... I think most of his fans want him to calm down but he's too scared to break the mold that got him this far - PITY!

posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 10:00 AM
hes like the anti-hero for the tin foil hat conspiracy nuts, a dark knight if you will - even sounds a bit like batman ;P

posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by CthulhuMythos

I guess this is why I found the pro-gun rally or whatever it was called video quite strange, because he really does seem to be just disrupting things so they could not be heard, even though they were talking about what he says he is in agreement with

Well, here's AJ being a agent provocateur at another protest, then lying about it on his show again..

edit on 14-1-2013 by WaterBottle because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by bknapple32

Originally posted by mykingdomforthetruth
9/11 3 buildings disintigrated using 2 planes and somehow magically a 16ft hole in the pentagon wall appeared.

IT WAS GOVERNMENT no one else could have done it


that alone should have got your entire government hung untill dead for treason

AJ has been saying this for years

edit on 14-1-2013 by mykingdomforthetruth because: forgot to mention alex jones constantly makes this point
and aj and you destroy the argument by calling people morons and idiots. It's immature and rude. Who wants to listen to an immature rude person.

His argument also fails because it is full of lies, half-truths, and exaggerations.

The buildings did not "disintegrate", a hole did not magically appear in the pentagon, it was hit by a plane, not even the truth movement claims only the government could have done this, many very intelligent people believe the official story, or some approximation of it, you can't hang an entrie government before you have a compelling case against them, and yes, immature and rude.

Apart from that, way to go man!

posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 10:22 AM
I think that sometimes this whole contrarian thing goes to far...Conspiracy theorist against the popular opinion, then conspiracy theorists against their own popular conspiracy theorist, ie. Alex Jones..

from the OP "To tell me that wasn't exactly how Morgan wanted that interview to go would be laughable."

I disagree. Watching the interview Piers seemed clearly agitated and thrown off base. He was practically begging AJ to be quiet so he could his use usual tactics of intimidation, insults, cutting off and talking over. Alex obviously knew Piers would try these tactics ahead of time so he beat him at his own game.

Perhaps more importantly, Alex even pointed out that the producer was hysterical and in tears saying 'That's not how it was supposed to go!' when they kicked him off the show and security demanded that he leave right then. Sorry but I just don't buy it that the MSM is now using AJ to their own advantage. They tried to, and failed because they bit off more than they could chew. For once, AJ over the top personality came in handy because he was able to absolutely steam roll Piers.

Another point, if they truly wanted AJ on the show to act in such a way then why did they cut him off after 2 segments instead of giving him the full 3 that he was promised?

posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 10:25 AM
To me it looks like Alex was just taking his 15 minutes of fame and trying to get as much out as he could. I don't think he's a disinformant but I do believe he is making millions off of what he is doing. In this society we need to make a living so just because he's making a living off of his crazy antics, just like we all do with our own jobs, doesn't mean that he's an insider.

Even if he is an insider, to launch corporate media into "debunking his crazy theories" and keep people focused on how crazy he sounds rather than how there is ALOT of truth to his rants... he's doing a damn good job at what he does. I'm glad he got on CNN and made Piers so uncomfortable, and the last shot when it panned out his "Whatever..." he sputtered out as it ended. Hilarious.

Here I am a keyboard warrior, right where they want me. Behind a screen talking about these pathetic issues like they matter..

posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by Jedimind
For once, AJ over the top personality came in handy because he was able to absolutely steam roll Piers.

Debates are not won by unfairly disallowing your opponent to get a word in - that's how you lose a debate.

Otherwise, you'd walk on, smack your opponent over the head rendering him unconscious, and then claim victory. If all debaters were like AJ, discussion would be impossible.

He lost instantly due to his manner I'm afraid, and any points he was trying make were rightly lost along with his sanity.

Another point, if they truly wanted AJ on the show to act in such a way then why did they cut him off after 2 segments instead of giving him the full 3 that he was promised?

They gave him rope, he hung himself, then they banned him and got to claim "it's lucky we got him off when we did, who is to say what the foaming-at-the-mouth loon would have done if we hadn't stopped him. Someone could have gotten hurt!".
edit on 14-1-2013 by humphreysjim because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by Jedimind
Sorry but I just don't buy it that the MSM is now using AJ to their own advantage.
CNN has shown the ENTIRE Interview again,
Several News Agencies have used Sound Bites from the Interview
Many Pro 2nd Amendment Talking Personal have Stated they dont want to be Lumped in with AJ.

Bu to you, it was a win?

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