posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 06:03 PM
I'm a 4 year veteran myself,
Started out with the "Joye 510"
Upgraded to the "Joye EGO" about a year later,
Then came the "E-Power" with it's replaceable switches and MUCH cheaper batteries...
I still use it daily with a mini "ViVI Nova", and I am now the proud owner of a tube mod called a "VAMO" (variable voltage, variable power) which
I use at home.
I like unflavored juice, and a liter lasts me more than a year...(depending on the strength I buy)
I smoked cigarettes for more than 40 years, And this is the only thing that's kept me off of them for this long.
Just make sure, if whatever you get uses lithium ion batteries (most do), that they have protection circuitry built in.
That will somewhat lessen the danger of catastrophic battery failure...
Don't even think about using batteries from "Radio Shack" for a tube mod, they might fit, but they can't handle the strain for this application,
and WILL definitely fail catastrophically.
Tube Mods like the VAMO, use a safer chemistry, high drain (IMR) battery that doesn't need protection.
Though, They may still present a danger when they fail, They are less likely to explode.
If you want to learn almost all there is to know about electronic cigarettes, Google "ECF".
One of the most informative forums out there...
Happy vaping!