Gambling Of Different Sorts.
"To be able to pass from one timeframe to another..." Helen said as we pulled out
of The Best Western motel's driveway "...Imagine such a gift" she added and cranked
the air-conditioning to maximum. The evening was two hours away and we had decided
to check-out and set off to our next destination.
I know that by now in a fictional romance novel, the two main characters would have
been in each other's arms and even-possibly utilised the motel's bedroom for an obvious
purpose. But this is the real world and I'm no expert in relationships, I suppose -like my
Father, I'm a 'chip-off-the-old-block' and tend to hold my feelings close.
But I did wonder what Helen's feelings for me were.
After visiting Della Sumner, I had urged the little Nissan along Parump's north-to-south
highway called Valley Road and pulled into a Walmart carpark, the afternoon's heat would
keep most of the 'trolley-dashers' inside the Store's sprawling grey building and it seemed
we couldn't wait to discuss our latest acquisition of information.
The two photographs -the first showed Boy In A Dress standing next to a young man in
army duds and seemed relaxed beside the odd creature that resembled a female.
The vehicles in the background looked like tanks and I asked Helen if Los Alamos Labs
would have such heavy-duty machinery.
"Ah... and that's why you'll need me on this quest, my dear Watson" she said with a
knowing smile and pulled a small notebook from her purse. With small neat-nailed hands,
Helen flicked the pages whilst I rummaged through a paper sack that I'd aquired earlier.
Tucking into foil-wrapped corn dog, Helen continued.
"You should've turned the photos over, you should've read what was written on the backs"
she said and wiped her lips with a paper napkin, I watched in silence and nibbled my own
"Gunfighters -Idaho" Helen read and searched my face for any clue to what she had said,
I assure the reader I did not have a clue.
In the Potato State of Idaho resides The Mountain Home Air Force Base, apparently they fly
F-15s and other fighter craft from the base in Elmore County. Google -via my laptop told me
that the pilots are known as 'Gunfighters'
The enigmatic title was pencilled on the photo of BIAD being thrown from an aircraft.
With the meat-clogged sticks of our corn dogs placed in a nearby trash bin, I swung the
Nissan out onto the highway and we headed for Nevada's northern State line.
Helen found the address of Oswald Lang on her Father's list around the time we hit the
roadway known as I-95, the day was slipping away from us and with the steady drone of
the road ahead, we talked again.
"You know, this list reads like Staver's file" Helen muttered as she perused the mass of
papers. My fellow-crusader went on to explain her statement.
"I must admit that during my Father's time at Los Alamos, I became interested in the Base's
history. Have you ever heard of Operation Paperclip?" she asked and ignoring the Military
signs of The Nellis Bombing Range on our right, I shook my head.
"After the Second World War ended, President Trueman ordered the OSS to gather up
and sanitise German scientists that had worked for Germany's Nazi party" Helen told me.
The road that would take us on up to Tonopah waited many miles away, Highway Six would
pass the area where the weird Ufo-watchers scanned the skies for strange lights that
supposedly originate from the non-acknowledged place called Area 51.
"Major Robert Staver grabbed some of the scientists for his rocket propulsion tests and
a few of them came to Los Alamos along with the Germans with their eye on an Atomic
bomb" Helen said and held a smudged document up for me to see.
"Oswald Lang was initially in Von Braun's rocket group, but after some sort of disagreement,
he was shipped off to a Idaho base that had just been reactivated... I believe that base was
Mountain Home Air Base"
The Mizpah Motel Sign blinked on as we cruised (can one cruise in a Nissan rental?)... into
downtown Tonopah, the waning sun painted the Nevada sky with hues of pink and lilacs.
Marcus Fielding's daughter laid out the connecting dots that had quietly bled their way
across America's post-war scientific history, all the way from a hope to split an atom up to
creating a super-soldier that would kill at a General's whim.
In a different manner to Boy In A Dress -but with the same principle, Helen and I were
also travelling through time.
edit on 23-3-2013 by A boy in a dress because: (no reason given)