posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 08:14 PM
I think also it works as one of the 'more' feasibly conceptual time travel ideas? Though it would probably require the faster than light travel too,
once that can be overcome somehow, knowing exactly where in Space Earth was at a specific time, we could travel to that point, thus being able to see
who our 'Ghosts' are, or perhaps (maybe more so) being the ghost ourselves? I think when you cross paths with another Space time that we each remain
in our own but have a visual of the other, which is why mostly all that is accountable is quick glances, flashes of light, an image that disappears as
quick as it appears, etc..
To add to the "Why you don't see things in 'newer' constructed areas", what I think is it's just a matter of population. The newer areas are
generally more populated, as such, your less apt to notice if it's an overlapped 'ghost' person, or an 'actual' person. An old abandoned house,
say, or other building, would be a little easier for noticing something? The heavier the amount of people, the harder it is to tell, with so many
diverse styles and appearances of people. Myself for instance, I think like the '50s, look like the '60s, was born in the '70s. Hope all that came
out right.