posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by Korg Trinity
unless they first brought the particles here of course.
Hmm. Like the communication stones of the Ancients in Stargate Universe? My assumption is that such a device could actually work, but that we are
(as yet) not scientifically advanced enough to understand how, let alone why they would work for US in particular.
I guess that, hypothetically speaking, the stones would somehow activate (& then interact with) a currently undetectable resonant signature, issued by
(otherwise inactive) algorithmic complexes stored in strands of Human DNA (in the vast, inexplicable 'junk' DNA..) These strands would have a
connection to the 'soul mechanics' of the mind-body relationship, the root laws by which a particular consciousness is hooked into a particular
physical form (such would have been the product of a guided evolution, by the hand of 'God with a capital G' in the case of the first sentient
inhabitants of (our region of) the Universe - their full evolutionary process guided by fundamental principles of evolution towards sentience; or, by
the hand of the
'sky gods' of lore & legend, those whose image is bound upon us - the Elohim..?? **see footnote**
Anyway, by some process involving energy transfer between each person using the stones, and the physically local entangled particles in their stone, a
person would be literally detached from their own physical body, not to float around aimlessly, but rather immediately forced into a
'quantum-entanglement-enabled' astral projection; instantaneously tethered to the physical form at the other end of the 'entanglement telephone
line' - the whole process authorised & regulated by the acceptable data-flow between stones of agreed 'gatekeeper' codes & safety protocols that
ensure the 'soul mechanics' of each user are compatible for consciousness transfer (for example, no transfer with non-sentient beings..) It is my
guess that such protocols would necessarily be encoded
by design in our DNA, seemingly 'junk' until the mind/body relationship is better
understood by our scientists - and would be specific to genetically similar species. The safety protocols & lock/key exchanges would be activated &
'pinged' back & forth by the directed energetics of the (unknowable at this time) mechanics of the stones themselves.
Whaddya think?
** NB - I know these ideas of God / Elohim / Nefilim (etc) are areas of contention, but there are some mysteries associated with this simple idea of
consciousness transfer that are far more wide-ranging than can be discussed in a quick comment like this...**