Under his plan, anyone trying to enforce a federal gun ban could be charged with a felony in Texas.
Another State (Texas) is considering legally(in their mind) fighting a Federal gun ban.
Is it chest thumping with a waste of ink, paper, and debate.?
Will it pass; what will happen when the first Federal agent BTAF is arrested? Interesting if carried to the full extent of the law....
What if 30? states get together and formed their laws with intent in such away as they recognize each others federal anti-gun ban. Much like states
recognize each others concealed carry permits?
Are we are seeing a crack in the federal control over certain states with regards to drugs...Who would have thought drugs might show the way for 2a
supporters and state legislators...? Usually diametrically opposed is some people's minds.....
Thoughts.....are the things we are seeing the beginning of the end with federal meddlesome in state's rights..Or as the states pass their legislation
is the fly swatter of the federal government being raised higher and higher in readiness to.....SPLAT?
Interesting times we are living in, no?
youtu.be... with people like her in office it might be a good idea to fight the well meaning (?) two faced people who supposedly
represent us?
It's actually The Woodlands...not Woodlands. But anyway, these are certainly interesting times we live in. I wonder how this will play out. I know
most of us would rather die on our feet holding guns than live on our knees.
Originally posted by butcherguy
It is time for things to come to a head.
States rights should trump, but that will be up to the all powerful Federal government to decide.
Very true unless those who are not rats decide to flee the sinking ship......
All the pundits are starting to report an AWB or a high cap ban are both very unlikely at this point.
Still Texas should follow through.
Funny enough a ton of politicians and mouthpieces from CT to DC are all pushing the same plan they mocked the NRA for proposing and making funding
available to place armed guards at schools.
Only in the field of politics can a man be applauded for mocking an idea he endorses.
This is all heading to an inevitable 10th Amendment fight and the guns just add to it. Missouri and other states also quite literally outlawed
core components of Obamacare required for it to work on a national level as well as outlawing anyone attempting to fine or sanction a Missouri
resident not in compliance with the Affordable Care Act.
I don't know how this all turns out as it continues to unfold because there are aspects that simple negotiations and horse trading in Washington
can't get around. Texas passing this would add another but it won't be the only one. There is a titanic fight between States and Federal coming I
Not a surprise that this is coming from The Woodlands. Trust me, you have to be well off to afford to live in the area. The people that live
there will need automatic weapons to defend their "McMansions" should TSHTF and they get invaded by the population of less "fortunate" areas of
Oh how I envy you that live in the free states. I know my fault for being here in crappy N.Y, if I could move right now I would. But make no mistake
when the time comes and the new laws come down I will be doing just that even if on a shoestring. Not just on the gun control issue but the taxes and
other excessive laws here are just getting maddening. Keep in mind I am 400 miles from NYC, yet all the laws are based on that part of the state...
Keep up the good fight folks and thank your lucky stars if you live in one of these states.
I just returned from the Great and Honorable State of Texas. The word is, that individual Sheriffs, the only elected LEO's in the country, can
deputize hundreds of thousands of citizens to protect the US Constitution. Additionally, the elected Governors would have to mobilize their National
Guard troops to protect their own state from Federal incursion.
This schism that Uhbama has caused, already makes the USA a suspect target for a invasion.
We live in interesting times, no?