posted on Jun, 18 2013 @ 11:46 AM
I think that equally important as the word "I am the Alppha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end" is "I am the
resurrection and the life!"
I also think that "the cube" is a phi ratio representation of Metatron's Cube and thus represents the measured breadth and depth of the entire
cosmos in God-realization which can only be completed with the integration of man as the bride, joining the circle, with the new heaven and earth
representing the messianic fulfillment and a shift in human perception as to our place in God's kingdom. It's the uncompleted "Great Work'
realized at last, which for us simply means the "work" of completing Christ's joy at our recognition of precisely who he was/is and what he
accomplished and intended, which makes no half measures because it's an all or nothing proposition the magnitude of his love which traverses the
heavens and the earth. and even goes so far as to include mankind where the last are first and the first, last.
Man is the bride, starting with the Church of those who love God having reached some sort of critical mass (144,000?) where the time will come when He
will call us his son and we will be his people and he, our God.
It's a co-mingling of the spirit of God and man, in Christ, and the circle squared right across the entire spectrum of all being and becoming so the
wedding feast (reception) is the perfect allegory.
By it's very nature however it is not and cannot be an "exclusive club" because the love of God in Jesus Christ is by it's very nature
all-inclusive. Christians are simply the first to get to enjoy it!