This is going to be a very controversial post, and might get some attention, but still needs to be posted.
I have 2 sources, which I have to keep anonymous for right now, who have machines/tech, which after wearing it twice, blows open the Third Eye and
allows one to see behind the proverbial veil and into the Spiritual realms.
The first is an Engineer who figured out himself how to do this and refuses to release it to the public. Basically the handful of people who he tried
it on, where not ready for it and lost their britches after being able to see what's really going on around us. So he's hiding this tech cause,
according to him, people are not ready for this. It sucks because no matter what angle I use to approach him/convince him to release this, he just
won't do it.
The 2nd guy is actually a Neurophysicist who also figured out a similar method to open the Third eye and surprisingly had a similar response to the
the engineer fellow above, when he tried it on a dozen folks in a study. I've been in touch with this fellow for quite a few years now for the sake of
studying the neurology of people who have permanent spiritual faculties and was going to do a couple studies while hooked up to various machines.
Anyway, with the Neurophysicist, his experiments with Third eye tech affected people so much so that whole new branch of Neuro-ethics was born from
his experiments and all his third eye studies are also on hold and in alot of red tape.
I was told the military also knows about this and they are keeping it as quiet as possible because of the possibilities that could happen if a mass
scale awakening was to happen. Transcranial Magnetic therapy is one of the techs to stem from all this, but for the third eye requires 2 precise
locations and precise controls of frequencies and what not. Military also has a helmet with this tech built in that will increase Third Eye levels in
soldiers of the future.
Anyway, that's all I really have from my 2 sources at this time and the one thing they both agree on, is that this stuff is coming in the future and
will CHANGE EVERYTHING. Basically there is tech coming that interacts with consciousness itself ...they will be able to download/record the
Enlightenment of a monk, and then pass that state around for others to download ......this can and will result in an Enlightened Utopia and the New
World illuminati are running out of time and will do everything they can to prevent this from happening .....
....this is all according to my two sources ...take it for what it's worth. They both asked to remain anonymous ...also I have nothing to gain from
this post other than it is interesting info to discuss openly.
edit on 1/11/2013 by kosmicjack because: title