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Supreme Court to hear case on Obama's alleged forged documents

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posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 08:08 AM
reply to post by MrSpad

Yes but Arthur was sneaky about it all
The others weren't....

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 08:17 AM
Like him or not, and regardless of our kind "law student" drmeola says here, Obama is eligible to be President. Precedent was set long ago, and it has never been in question.

As far as the Supreme Court taking up Obama's eligibility based on the documents - also not the case, as the Supreme Court has no standing to determine any sort of eligibility, and they do not have the power to take him out of office. Orly Taitz is again going to fail to get to any point where she can argue this in front of the SC Justices.

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 08:17 AM
Evil Santa
People are so lost in their own bs they cant even see/read the words they alone post, example in your own quote it says clearly “must be a natural born citizen” so the question is define in law natural born citizen?

Second post, that is not page 199 of volume two, and I posted what page 199 says and explained it in my post; you’re jumping to assumptions and not reading my full postings.

In one of the responses foreign law and Vatells was mentioned it was my response to that, Valentine’s was and auto correct it should have read Vatells law of nations. But to answer your question all laws in the USA are foreign, especially since the 14th A.

Syrinx high priest
No that wording is not used however the wording a natural born citizen is, except for those that were alive during the signing of/time of ext… the Constitution.

The question is what is a natural born citizen, page 199 volume two of the law dictionary I linked and quoted clearly shows the a child inherits the nationality of the father. O’s father was not a member of the Union, better known as America or the USA, and all his children are there for not natural born. However since Obama for argument sack was born in the Union his children would be eligible to run for office.

The two others in question on this issue you mentioned if they are the ones I’m thinking of were eligible since they were present during the time of the signing.

Another issue with what we have been taught: how many think George Washington was the first President? That is false, he was the 11th, and the first was Samuel Huntington, but we all repeat a bunch of school indoctrinated bs instead of learning the facts. Especially when it comes to issues of law.

To all:
Please read my post very carefully as most questions asked over the time of this thread have been answered I know my post are long at times its to cover all possible question that may come up so with a little reading before going off the deep end or jumping on some sort of band wagon against the truth just read it fully then if you still have questions ask it’s the only way we learn.

Thank you

I agree with you flyswatter, it is not going to go any place especially if the people refuse to learn truth, like to encourage all if nothing else read this one pdf titled Treason by Design:

edit on 13-1-2013 by drmeola because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 08:24 AM
If it's true that ANY of his documents were altered or messed with in ANY way, then he was hiding something very big that would make him ineligible for presidency. No one goes around altering those documents because they want to change their age for instance. I also hadn't heard of the passport(s) issue. It will be interesting to see what comes of this, if anything.

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by drmeola

Oh, here's volume 2 then. +the+several+states+of+the+american+union+volume+2&hl=en&sa=X&ei=FMPyUOK_C4zxrAGI3YD4AQ&ved=0CDcQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q&f=false

199 MAXIM MAXIM Xulla pactions effici potest ne dolus prastetur By no agreement can it be effected that there shall be no accountability for fraud Dig 2 14 27 3 Broom Max 696 118 n 5 M & 8 466 Xulle rtgle sans faute There is no rule without a fault Xulle terre sans seigneur No land without a lord Guyot Inst Feod c 28 Xnlli enim res sua sei vit Jure servitutis No one can have a servitude over his own property Dig 8 2 26 17 Mass 443 2 Bouv Inst n 1600 Xullius hominis auetoritas apud not valere debet ut mdiora non sequeremur si quit attulerit The authority of no man ought to avail with us that we should not follow better opinions should any one present them Co LIU 383 6 Xullurn crimen majus est inobedientia No crime is greater than disobedience Jenk Cent 77 Xullurn exemplnm est idem omnibus No example is the same for all purposes Co Litt 212 a Xullurn iniquum est prcesumendum in jure Nothing unjust is to be presumed in law 4 Co 72 Xidlum matrimoninm ibi nulla dos No marriage no dower 4 Barb 192 194 XiMum simile est idem Nothing which is like another is the same te no likeness is exact identity 2 Storv 512 Storv Partn 90 Co Litt 3a 2 Bla Com 102 6 Binn 506 Nullum simile quatvor pedibus currit No simile runs upon four feet or as ordinarily expressed on all fours Co Litt 3 a Euno mus Dial 2 p 155 1 Story 143 6 Binn 506 Xullurn tempus ocairrit regi Lapse of time does not bar the right of the crown 2 Inst 273 1 Sharsw Bla Com 247 Broom Max 65 Hob 347 2 Steph Com 504 1 Mass S55 2 Brock 393 18 Johns 227 10 Barb 139 Nullum tempus occurrit reipublicat Lapse of time does not bar the commonwealth 11 Gratt 572 Hill RP 173 8 Tex 410 16 id 805 5 McLean 133 19 Mo 667 Xullus eommodum capers potest de injuria sua propria No one shall take advantage of his own wrong Co Litt I48 6 Broom Max 279 4 Bingh JJ c 395 4 B & A 409 10 M & W 309 11 id 580 12 Gray 493 Xallus debet agere de dolo ubi alia actio subest Where another form of action is given no one ought to sue in the action de dolo 7 Co 92 Xullus dieitur accessorius post feloniam sed Ule qui novit principalem feloniam fecisse et ilium re ceptavit et comfortavit No one is called an accessory after the fact but he who knew the principal to have committed a felony and received and comforted him 3 Inst 138 Xullus dieitur felo principalis nisi actor out qui prasens est abettans aut auzilians actorem ad feloniam faciendum No one is railed a principal felon except the party actually committing the felony or the party present aliiiug and abetting in its commission 3 Inst 138 Xullus idoneus testis in re sua intelligitur No one is understood to be a competent witness in liis own cause Dig 22 5 10 1 Suran 828 344 Xullus jus alieniim forisfaeere potest No man can forfeit another's right Fleta 1 1 c 28 J 11 Xullus recedat e curia eancellaria sine rrmedio No one ought to depart out of the court of chancery without a remedy Year B 4 Hen VII 4 Xullus videtur dolo facere qui sno jure utitur No man Is to be esteemed a wrong doer who avails himself of his lesral right Dig 50 17 55 Broom Max 130 14 Wend 399 402 Xunquam crcseit ex post facto prateriti delicti astimalio The quality of a past offence Is never aggravated by that which happens subsequently Dig 50 17 138 1 Bacon Max Reg 8 Broom Max 42 Xunquam decurritur ad extraordinarium sed ubi deficit ordinarium We are never to recur to what is extraordinary till what is ordinary fails 4 Inst 84 Xunquam flctio sine lege There is no fiction without law Xunquam nimis dieitur quod nunquam satis dieitur What is never sufficiently said is never said too much Co Litt 375 Xunquam prcescribitur in falso There is never prescription In case of falsehood Bell Diet Xuntptam res humana prospers succedunt ubi negliguntur divina Human things never prosper when divine things are neglected Co Litt 95 Wing Max 2 Xuptias non concubitus sed consensus facit Not cohabitation but consent makes the marriage Dig 50 17 30 1 Bouv Inst n 239 Co Litt 33 Broom Max 506 n Obedientia est legis essentia Obedience is the essence of the law 11 Co 100 Obtemperandum est consuetudini rationabUi tan quam leqi A reasonable custom is to be obeyed like law 4 Co 38 Occupantis flunt derelicta Things abandoned become the property of the first occupant 1 Pet Adm 53 Odiosa et inhonesta non sunt in lege prcesumanda Odious and dishonest acts are not presumed in law Co Litt 78 6 Wend 228 231 18 NY 295 300 Odiosa non prasumunt

Still can't find the words "natural" or "citizen" in that text. Keep spreading your lies.
edit on 13-1-2013 by Evil_Santa because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-1-2013 by Evil_Santa because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-1-2013 by Evil_Santa because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by drmeola

Originally posted by drmeola
Qualifications for the Office of President
Ok for those whom do not read or totally comprehend lets break it down, No person except a natural born citizen. That is the only part that applies today...

And Obama, being born on US soil AND to a citizen of the US, IS unquestionably a natural-born citizen.

You have failed to show that he is not.

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 08:33 AM
reply to post by drmeola

Can I point out, again, that he was born in Hawaii and that as his mother was American this makes him a natural born citizen twice over? Oh and the nationality of the father does not transfer onto the child. Where on earth did you get that from?

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by AngryCymraeg

He's claiming to have gotten it from the book i linked in my previous post, on page 199. Yet i did a google book select of the text, copied it here and come up with nothing when searching for the terms "natural" and "citizen". My best guess is that the book presented was revised back in 1886 to facilitate the conspiracy to make obama president.

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by AngryCymraeg

maybe from the same load of bunk religious group that awarded him some cruddy made-up honorary and therefor unstudied for *cough* "qualification" used for fooling and fleecing the gullible? take a look at his website, it's a hoot - he's clearly used the most see through of shonky sales techniques in a grab for credibilty.

phew, i feel better now

and can people shut up about the birther nonsense ffs please
edit on 13-1-2013 by skalla because: shpellung

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 08:58 AM
reply to post by skalla

I wish you wouldn't have pointed that out, because it piqued my curiosity and i had to click the link. Reading his "biography" is just mind boggling. Lol, studying "life-sciences/medical school" without an undergrad in biology, uh ok. Working for the Marine police... while in the US Army, or as a private citizen? Guess he's never heard of the military police.

The only thing that i believe on that webpage is that he drives trucks for a living.

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 09:00 AM
reply to post by Evil_Santa

Have no idea what law dictionary you are using it is NOT the one I linked try again here is my link: this is for volume two I know your not using mine as mine is not copy and paste capable and I had to type out the section in question in my responses.

Also I could careless what you believe or not about me personally even though every word of it is true and verifiable I hide nothing and have no time or need to make stuff up to seem like something I’m not. But instead of worrying about my personal resume people need to get their heads out of their butts and start learning real law before its to late. Don’t shot the messenger gang I only bring total facts and truth in law every word can be verified and has been backed up by every court in the Union including the Attorney Generals but to learn that you need to start reading. It is obvious you guys would rather follow the distracters found here on ATS CIA operated site then learn real facts you can always ask me questions in my threads found here on ATS or simple listen to a few of the archived shows at the show page link. We wonder why this Union is in the shape its in. God help us
edit on 13-1-2013 by drmeola because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 09:07 AM

Originally posted by drmeola
reply to post by Evil_Santa

Have no idea what law dictionary you are using it is NOT the one I linked try again here is my link: this is for volume two I know your not using mine as mine is not copy and paste capable and I had to type out the section in question in my responses.

Yours is copy/paste capable, you are just dumb with technology. Click the scissors with the box icon to select text to copy/paste, but i already did that for you.

NATIONALITY The state of a person in relation to the nation in which he was born 2 A man retains his nationality of origin during his minority but as in the case of his domicil of origin he may change his nationality upon attaining full age he cannot however renounce his allegiance without permission of the government See Citizen Domicil Expatriation Naturalization Foelix Du Dr Intern prive n 26 8 Cranch 263 8 Cranch 253 Chit Law of Nat 31 2 Gall 485 1 Gall 545 NATIONS Nations or states are independent bodies politic societies of men united together for the purpose of promoting their mutual safety and advantage by the joint efforts of their combined strength 2 But every combination of men who govern themselves independently of all others will not be considered a nation a body of pirates for example who govern themselves are not a nation To constitute a nation another ingredient is required The body thus formed must respect other nations in general and each of their members in particular Such a society has her affairs and her interests she deliberates and takes resolutions in common thus becoming a moral person who possesses an understanding and will peculiar to herself and is susceptible of obligations and rights Vattel Prelim 1 2 5 Pet SCR 52 3 It belongs to the government to declare whether they will consider a colony which has thrown off the yoke of the mother country as an independent state and until the government have decided on the question courts of justice are bound to consider the ancient state of things as remaining unchanged 1 Johns Ch R 543 13 John 141 561 see 5 Pet SCR 1 1 Kent Com 21 and Body Politic State NATIVES All persons born within the jurisdiction of the United States are considered as natives 2 Natives will be classed into those born before the declaration of our independence and those born since 3 1 All persons without regard to the place of their birth who were born before the declaration of independence who were in the country at the time it was made and who yielded a deliberate assent to it either express or implied as by remaining in the country are considered as natives Those persons who were born within the colonies and before the declaration of independence removed into another part of the British dominions and did not return prior to the peace wonld not probably be considered natives but aliens 4 2 Persons born within the United States since the Revolution may be classed into those who are citizens and those who are not 5 1st Natives who are citizens are the ohildren of citizens and of aliens who at the time of their birth were residing within the United States 6 The act to establish an uniform rule of naturalization approved April 14 1802 4 provides that the children of persons who now are or have been citizens of the United States shall though born out of the limits and jurisdiction of the United States be considered as citizens of the United States But the right of citizenship shall not descend to persons whose fathers have never resided in the United States 7 2d Natives who are not citizens are first the children of ambassadors or other foreign ministers who although born here are subjects or citizens of the government of their respective fathers Secondly Indians in general are not citizens Thirdly negroes or descendants of the African race in general have no power to vote and are not eligible to office 8 Native male citizens who have not lost their political rights after attaining the age required by law may vote for all kinds of officers and be elected to any office for which they are legally qualified 9 The constitution of the United States declares that no person except a natural born citizen or a citizen of the United States at the time of the adoption of this constitution shall be eligible to the office of president or vice president of the United States Vide generally 2 Cranch 280 4 Cranch 209 1 Dal 53 20 John 213 2 Mass 236 244 note 2 Pick 394 n 2 Kent 35 NATURAL AFFECTION The affection which a husband a father a brother or other near relative naturally feels towards those who are so nearly allied to him sometimes supplies the place of a valuable consideration in contracts and natural affection is a good consideration in a deed For example if a father should covenant without any other consideration to stand seised to the use of his child the naming him to be of kin implies the consideration of natural affection whereupon such uso NAT 199 NAT

At best, your argument is being made on the following sentence.

But the right of citizenship shall not descend to persons whose fathers have never resided in the United States

Obama's Daddy lived in the United States, so this doesn't pertain to him.

I'm 3-0 now, shall we keep going?
edit on 13-1-2013 by Evil_Santa because: (no reason given)

And also the first post i made regarding the books, was generated from your own link, then you say that it's the wrong book, so i typed in the name of the book and volume 2 for a search to post the 199 from volume 2. Thanks for linking the third one, but you're still not proving that it says anywhere in that text that a natural born citizen must have two parents that were born in America.
edit on 13-1-2013 by Evil_Santa because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by Evil_Santa

Thank you, I learn something new every day been typing sections out by hand for a few years from that book wish I knew that back then lol.

Yes that is the section in question, even though his father may have stayed in the Union for a time he was not nor ever was a resident of, and he never pledged his allegiance to. Several court cases backs this up by the way just do not recall them off the top of my head. And score of 3/0 sorry in my eyes you have won none, as I have backed up everything in law I stated you just might not want to except the truth of your enslavement. Please read over the link of Treason by Design. Thanks.
edit on 13-1-2013 by drmeola because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 09:16 AM
Wait a minute, i found why Obama isn't eligible according to this book.

Thirdly negroes or descendants of the African race in general have no power to vote and not eligible to office

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 09:33 AM
Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. (/ˈbærək huːˈseɪn oʊˈbɑːmə/;[citation needed][12][13] 18 June 1936[2] − 24 November 1982) was a Kenyan senior governmental economist and the father of Barack Obama, who was elected as President of the United States in 2008 and 2012. He is a central figure of his son's memoir, Dreams from My Father (1995).
Obama, Sr. married at the age of 18 and had two children with his first wife. He was selected for a special program to attend college in the United States, where he went to the University of Hawaii. There in 1961 he met Stanley Ann Dunham, called Ann, a native of Kansas. They married in 1962 and divorced two years later, after having a son, Barack Hussein Obama, named for him. Obama, Sr. went to Harvard University for graduate school, earning an M.A. in economics, and returned to Kenya in 1964.
Later that year, he married Ruth Beatrice Baker, a Jewish-American woman with whom he had developed a relationship in Massachusetts. They had two sons together before separating in 1971 and divorcing in 1973.
Obama Sr. first worked for an oil company, before beginning work as an economist with the Kenyan Ministry of Transport. He gained a promotion to senior economic analyst in the Ministry of Finance. Among a cadre of young Kenyan men educated in the West in a program supported by Tom Mboya, Obama, Sr. had conflicts with his successor, President Jomo Kenyatta, which adversely affected his career. He was fired and blacklisted in Kenya, finding it nearly impossible to get a job. Drinking heavily, he suffered two serious car accidents and died in a third in 1982.
As you can see he came here for education purposes like so many others from around the world, however this does NOT make him a US Citizen and he never denounced his Kenya allegiance and became a US citizen. In law words have specific meanings and this is why we get tripped up and how they have been keeping us in the dark all these years. Time to put our differences aside and get down to the facts, yes he is president does it matter? NO. Can we do anything about it? NO but we can get educated in truth, in law, and understand all that is today and why it is and that is what I teach. Thank you for the great debate I enjoyed it love a challenge, status is the key to true freedom and as a status of citizen(s) we have no rights only privileges, this is explained throughout the many educational papers/links posted around my threads including Treason by Design.

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 09:41 AM
reply to post by drmeola

Originally posted by drmeola

Have no idea what law dictionary you are using it is NOT the one I linked try again here is my link:

A dictionary is NOT law. I can find a dictionary listing that says "nuclear" is pronounced as GW Bush pronounces it: ( noo-kyuh-ler). That doesn't make it right and it doesn't make it law. Show me the LAW.

Also I could careless what you believe or not about me personally even though every word of it is true and verifiable

A person's credibility rests on what he/she claims. Forgive me if, in my estimation, your credibility is shot. If the link you provided to your website contains verifiable information, are you willing to show us your "honorary doctrine" certificate?

I mean, Obama showed both his long and short form birth certificate to validate his citizenship status. The least we can do is verify our claims, right?

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 09:42 AM
Barak Obama took the "Harrison J. Bounel" alias that his Connecticut social security number refers to from Michelle Obama's turn of the 20th century ancestor or close friend of the family. I have seen the US census form listing his name in her ancestor's family home. Evidently, she was involved in this social security scam. For this to be just a coincidence is absurdly implausible.
The only Harrison Bounel who ever lived in the USA was born in Connecticut (Michelle Obama's home state) and lived as a lodger with a family called Robinson.
The only discrepancy is that his middle initial was "L", not "J". This was altered so that the exact name could not be traced with certainty to Obama's wife's family, for this would have proved fraud beyond doubt. Trouble was, whoever did this did not realize that the name was unique so that altering the middle initial could not create the ambiguity that was intended and could not destroy the trail that might be followed in the future by a fraud investigator.

edit on 13-1-2013 by micpsi because: Typo corrected

edit on 13-1-2013 by micpsi because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-1-2013 by micpsi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
reply to post by Aleister

I would have to disagree that it doesn't make any difference. If a person is not legally qualified to serve as president, they shouldn't be president. Period. And I would join the bandwagon.
But Obama qualifies in every way and NO ONE has proven otherwise or CAN prove otherwise. He is a natural born citizen, of age and has resided in the US for the 14 years prior to his election.

How can one "prove" otherwise when there has never been legal discovery ordered? Have you seen the original birth certificate? Nope - no one has! Have you reviewed his passport records? Nope - no one has! Have you reviewed his Social Security records? Nope - no one has! The "Evidence" presented on BOTH sides of this issue is suspect. That is why we have courts of law - to settle such conflicts.

To use a liberal argument - if Obama has nothing to hide, then why should he worry about it hitting the Supreme Court? BUT... he has spent millions in ensuring his "information" remains under lock and key. That doesn't seem the least bit suspicious to you? Occam's Razor states otherwise. Where there is smoke there is LIKELY to be fire and this issue has been smoldering for far too long!

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

Yes I can show it to you have to figure out how to copy/scan it on the printer to get into the computer so I can upload it but will gladly do that. I will with my SS numbers blocked out as well upload my DD214 form from the Army, and my Marine Police ID badge as well if that would make you happy. Again just have to figure out how to do it and will post it on my show page not on ATS but will be there for your viewing pleasure, I could even include my c.o.m.a degree as well and if I can find it my transcript from Brookdale community college in New Jersey. But if I’m going to do all this would that encourage you to start the free education in law I teach along with others from PAC and give a listen to at least the first few archived shows? This info will take me time as one I have to find it all and two have to get my teenage son to show me how to do it, but will do my best to get together what I can to satisfy your curiosity as I have always been an open book. Been teaching most of my life and this is the first time anyone has ever asked me for that information, and since moving down to Florida some years ago not sure were all the documentation is but promise you I will do my best.

ok I copied my instructors license and my ministry Id and have it on my desk top how do I upload it to ATS?

edit on 13-1-2013 by drmeola because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by micpsi

Originally posted by micpsi
Barak Obama took the "Harrison J. Bounel" alias that his Connecticut social security number refers to from Michelle Obama's turn of the 20th century ancestor or close friend of the family.

Oh, my LORD! And people wonder why "conspiracy theorists" have such a bad name in the media... There is a recipe for it:

Make up a story.
Add a boatload of assumptions, mix well.
Toss with several chunks of extreme speculation.
Remove any critical thought or fact-checking that may get in the way.
Spread a generous layer of sensationalism on the top.
Fold in some spooky music.

And voila! You have your modern "conspiracy theory"! Enjoy! :shk:

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