reply to post by FeelingPure
Do you ATS members feel the same way? If you have an opinion about him let us know.
Lol ATS members rarely miss a chance to explain their feelings about AJ. I'll do it again here, hopefully for the last time.
AJ is a great starting point. He, in the past I suppose, has brought a lot of information out, his movies and such are packed full of useful
information, if you know how to sift through the rest of it. AJ woke me up, and many many others.
But fear mongering is just part of the act. The CNN debate is an example of what I'm about to say, so is the case with AJ selling videos to the
media during that stand off, AJ showing up a peaceful rallies and turning them into chaos....
Alex Jones is designed to make all of us look like insane people. His duty is to make people who believe in freedom and truth look like nuts. He is
designed to be the face of the "truth" movement, those of us with lingering questions about 911, jfk, okc, other various reaching conspiracies.
Those of us concerned with the lack of privacy, the police states being built around us.. All of us HERE.
AJ is designed to discredit US.
Why do you think Morgan let AJ rant and scream like an infant for a full 10 minutes before smiling, and asking him about 911? AJ was let on cnn to
make people concerned about gun control look like insane unbalanced bullies. That's why he challenged him to a boxing match.
He is a fear monger, when he has a movie to sell you, or a sponsor product to hawk. The only "prediction" AJ ever made that came true was 911, and
he stole that from Bill Cooper. AJ is the figure head of a media empire. He is exactly what he claims to fight against, those who distort the
He is a gatekeeper... But... He's also fun to watch, and I think I'd probably have a great time at a BBQ with the guy. I've just learned over
the past several years to distance myself from him, and be weary of most of what he has to say. He has an agenda. Lately it appears that agenda is
to discredit us all.