posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 02:47 AM
reply to post by exitusstatuquo
Well I dont think this would be strictly legal, but if the road you are on is narrow enough that a vehicle would be forced to use the centre of the
road, say due to parked cars lining the sides of the road, you could plant a shaped charge under a man hole cover, designed to blast the cover upward
and into the bottom of the armoured vehicle, with the intention of flipping the vehicle over, creating a blockage in the road. You could develop
various strategies from that point, either using the exposure of the weakest points on that vehicle to destroy it, or use that blockage to impede the
progress of the advancing column, giving your people more time to either get out of dodge, or prepare defenses of thier own.
You could find a town planner, or utility engineer who knows where the gas main lines are, and sabotage certain sections of the main line with the
intent of catching armoured vehicles in a crater creating detonation, which would serve largely the same purpose as the first plan, but be far more
brutal in its execution. The confusion caused by a massive gas blast would be pretty comprehensive, and if the crap has REALLY hit the fan, a
retreating citizen force could, if faced with overwhelming light armour numbers, evacuate thier street or neighborhood in the face of that advance,
then detonate the whole area, the idea being to deny the enemy the shelter of your homes, while costing them lives and armour as they advance. If
every street and hood costs the advancing enemy enough men and machinery, it will scupper thier efforts in the longer term, because armour they might
have used to consolidate thier gains, will be in smoking ruins, not guarding against a counter attack.
Obviously, using parked cars, or more precisely thier fuel to create sheets of fire under armoured vehicles, will not be very effective in terms of
preventing an advance, because most armoured vehicles have toughened tyres and so on, but it does prevent the troops inside those armoured vehicles
from being able to deploy until they have passed over that area. This tactic could be effective for forcing vehicles to move toward an ambush point,
and again, give evacuating residents time to escape, while the vehicles move off to find somewhere safer to deploy thier contents.