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Armored truck patrolling community after break-ins

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posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 05:43 PM

Armored truck patrolling community after break-ins

Fulton County police are patrolling the streets near Estonian Drive in an armored vehicle that looks like something you'd see during war said south Fulton County resident John Hunter.

"It's a bit much. It's not Afghanistan," Hunter said.

Officers said the equipment is essential in their war on crime. "It's all in an effort to try to curb all of the crime that's going on," Fulton County police Det. Melissa Parker said.A
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 05:43 PM
All right.

So, once again we have an armored truck/tank/SWAT vehicle patrolling a neighborhood, this time after break-ins.

One might argue that the presence of such a military-type is reassuring to residents who might currently be feeling a bit fearful. But it fits with the militarization of the police force we are increasingly seeing.

Others, looking from outside the community bubble, might wonder why we are allowing--and comfortable with--an armored vehicle patrolling. It instantly brings thoughts of "Police State" and "Oceania." Even "Freejack."

Why does a police car--or several--not suffice? Why an armored vehicle?

I had a conversation with a reporter several months ago when a story surfaced about the latest addition to a local PD's force--an armored truck-tank--and brought up the same fact: we are not in a war zone. SWAT is one thing, but a freakin' tank is different.

And an armored vehicle PATROLLING is quite another.

If anything, it's the image that is key here. Just like the way police cars are becoming increasing menacing looking in order to intimidate, it could be argued that these armored patrol vehicles, by their very nature intimidating-looking, will scare people into not committing crime. Once again, Police State. Oceania. The intimidation factor of the ever-present eye that sees you while you don't see it. Blacked out windows, etc. Sure beats the patrol vehicles of yesteryear...

Yet this is become a common occurrence that we are docilely accepting.

How long before this is an EVERYDAY occurrence?

We are slowly accepting it.

One day, it will become the norm, and all those people, years ago, because we are being frightened into begging for protection from inflated and exaggerated threats.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 05:50 PM
reply to post by Liquesence

Nothing to worry about! The progressive authoritarians are making sure that law abiding citizens have no means to protect themselves and I guess you should be thankful that there are men with guns riding around your neighborhoods to make you feel safe?

By the way, the progressives are having a swingers rave at the airports. From what I hear the TSA is very willing to molest your wives and daughters, whether they want it or not!

I saw on another thread where a fearful gun grabber called Americans who need guns pussies, hmmmmm, makes me wonder who the pussies really are........

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 05:53 PM
I really don't think it's about how it's a tank on the outside and capable of driving right through a single family residence in a single Constitutional brain fart. Pardon my french.. lol I think in the case of where they're using it, that's about the worst aspect of it to their thinking. It's sure giving them a ton of headaches that a nondescript oversize cargo van wouldn't.

I think it's what the article says and you'll never see them open up for that media crew. It's what's inside it. I hear rumors that some of those look just about like a futuristic rolling computer center.

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 05:58 PM
Yeah Americans don't need rifles to protect themselves because it's so safe that police need to drive around in armored cars.........riigghhtt

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 06:01 PM
The police department got money from the federal government to buy it and the police want to play with their toy. Now they have a reason.

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 06:03 PM
WASTE of tax-payer money.

The locals should be upset and sitting in at city council letting their voices be heard.

...but they are probably to busy grazing on the fresh greens of the meadow to realize they are being shorn

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by Liquesence

yeah my old apartment was in campbel ca and their police department had 3 bmp like vehicles that they would mob around in during last call and with the crime rate being so low the only thing i can think of them having them and justifying them is the fact that all counties and cities that border san jose have agreements with the san jose police department that in event of riot or otherwise bigger emergency then nessisary that all other police forces can be used in their area and vice versa

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

I am curious too, what could be inside. I mean, many polices cars (even here in GA) already have license plate scanners mounted to their cars, wherein they can scan a multitude of cars in just a few minutes while simply patrolling.

On Maryland Highway 200, Officer Yancey Anthony patrols with two extra sets of eyes. Cameras, mounted on his cruiser's trunk, scan and photograph the license tags of passing cars -- sounding alarms when possible violators are spotted.

The license readers instantly check plates and the names of vehicle owners against registration records, fugitive warrants, and criminal data bases -- giving police critical information.

The camera alerts Officer Anthony to a silver Toyota. He tells the driver that his tags are coming back suspended.

The license readers can scan 1,800 plates a minute -- on cars going as fast as 150 mph.

It would no surprise me at all that these armored vehicles are also rolling command centers and information gathering devices. I mean, that armor has to protect SOMETHING pretty valuable (and more than just the lives inside), right?

edit on 10-1-2013 by Liquesence because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by roadgravel
The police department got money from the federal government to buy it and the police want to play with their toy. Now they have a reason.

Yeah, i should have added that to my OP. It's exactly correct.

They get all these toys and gadgets that they A) must use to keep getting money and B) find a reason to use because it's not fun just sitting on a shelf or in a garage.

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 06:09 PM
This is new world order psyops. Get the civilians mentally programmed and used to the presence of militarization within the suburbs for when the police state is in full effect.

When they start taking guns from all the citizens, and yes it will happen eventually, they will come this way.....evoking fear in all

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 06:19 PM
Wow, I JUST posted a thread about a woman shooting a burglar up there today and the NRA spreading the word about it. I would ask if it was related but it has to be! The NRA turned that burglary into a national headline.

To show people don't need guns they put armored trucks in the streets!

Here is the thread I was talking about and it also talks about how that burglary story made NO sense.

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by Liquesence
If the police ever start patrolling my city in tanks I will raise the biggest group of small town hell raisers you have ever seen to march on city hall! They supposedly can't afford to fix the pot holes, street lights and drainage around here, so if they start wasting our tax dollars on assault vehicles you WILL see us on the national news!

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 06:28 PM
Having been a member of an occupying army I can tell you from first hand experience. This is what an occupying army looks like exactly. Tanks on the street when there is trouble so the state can show its muscles and might.

It is Atlanta though. I did some training there and I can tell you that the armor is likely a good idea for the cops in some neighborhoods. Gangsters got Gats you know.

edit on 10-1-2013 by exitusstatuquo because: edited for small errors

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 10:09 PM

"It's all in an effort to try to curb all of the crime that's going on," Fulton County police Det. Melissa Parker said.

Yeah because it's gonna stop crimes...
What a load of BS.

Typical cops logic... the bigger guns the cops got and the less freedom people got, the less crime there will be... BS.

Arm every citizen and the robbers are gonna go to another town or get shot... whichever comes first.

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