posted on Jan, 11 2013 @ 03:58 PM
it's a cluster....
I've got a few clients that are in hotels or staying with friends. One, in CT, was told the only way he'd get any money to help repair his home,
was if he would raise the house up 6 feet (I think it was 6 feet). the problem is, in the 30 years he's been there, he's never had a flood, never
even seen water near his home before this one and the cost to raise the home is not covered by the insurance or disaster relief and the cost is very
another client had 3+ feet of water in his studio (he lives on the second floor) which is a block from the river. more than half of his art was
destroyed (he's an artist) and, worse, since there was over ten feet of water in the building (the basement was completely filled and the 3+ he had
was all that didn't flood into the basement, the building has been shuttered by the city and all kinds of repairs need to be made to make the
building safe again. The landlord isn't doing a thing. The guy can't work elsewhere because he produces his work on a floor easel that he created
and has been using for decades. FEMA came by his place on the first day after the storm was over, saw that there was just wet stuff and told him
that, since his home (upstairs) was untouched, they couldn't do anything for him. Then the city red taped the building and now he has to try and get
fema to reopen the case. FEMA and the city blame the landlord, the landlord blames the city.
the guy suffers.