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Wyoming lawmakers propose bill to nullify new federal gun laws

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posted on Jan, 11 2013 @ 07:41 PM
reply to post by one4all

One of the many reasons I choose to live in the country, and specifically a town with no police force. Plenty of guns out here, and plenty of people didn't comply with the gun grabs, and registry crap.

I know a few guys that have full auto guns, kinda fun to shoot, but IMO no more use than that. Burn through ammo way too fast for my taste lol.

posted on Jan, 11 2013 @ 07:43 PM
I live in Wyoming...and I was just reading about this!

Very exciting for my state!

Way to go Wyoming...maybe our state level government is okay!

posted on Jan, 11 2013 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by Libertygal

Originally posted by dc4lifeskater
finally states standing up and fed up with the bullcrap trying to be shoved down their throat.. I hope texas is up next!

I am surprised Texas wasn't first! Perhaps they need a reminder.

(Sly smile) Maybe droo an email?

The 10th can come beforecthe 2nd!

I'm sure that they'll be coming right along as well, Montana too. Because after all, if it wasn't for Texas...
(George Strait now running through my mind)

I saw it mentioned earlier and I thought the same thing, Austin. It's like our one lib bastian, Aspen - Err, I mean Jackson. Same difference I suppose... If you're from there, I'm not throwing out a dig - you just think differently than the rest of the entire state. Good for you! Express your individuality right?

Wyoming also introduced another interesting bill which was dubbed 'The Doomsday Bill' and the MSM laughingly trivialized it (marginalized?) What's the word I'm looking for 'to make a joke of something'...
Anyhow, it was narrowly defeated and Yahoo's story title is that it "Fell Flat".
This gained worldwide attention and once again, Wyoming was in the forefront.
Here is an article from a local Wyoming paper which outlines it in more detail. (The part about the aircraft carrier was a blatent attempt to derail and trivialize the bill)

I hope this one gets at least that far, let's take a vote shall we?

Another post mentioned the recent drug legislation in Colorado, on which the Governor stated something to the effect of "It's the will of the people, how can we not do it?" Bravo.
Now THAT kind of legislation willl never fly here, not gonna happen. Which, is the extreme irony of it all.
States like California - get caught with funny green stuff? Like getting a parking ticket...
Get caught with a concealed firearm? Boy, you in a heap 'o trouble!

Wyoming? Get caught with a concealed weapon - Nice iron you got there son!
Get caught with funny green stuff? Boy, you in a heap 'o trouble!

The good thing is, states are stepping up and asserting themselves. Despite the polar opposite views, it's good to see it in any form. We should be given the right to decide and determine our own destiny. If we don't like the way it is somewhere, we can always move to where we do.

edit on 11-1-2013 by sageturkey because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2013 @ 09:28 PM
Though admirable, what prevents the federal government from countering Wyoming's legislation with legislation of their own? Oh, and what is up with that article, was it typed by a tea party member? That was just dreadful to read, I could barely get through it with all of the typos and god-awful grammar... smh

posted on Jan, 11 2013 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by one4all
Fight gun control as hard as you can or you will end up like Canada.

Never give up your rights to protect yourself from any threat foreign or domestic or global.

Dont just defend ,if you are going to spend the money spend it on the offensive.

Yep far less crime and gun violence, oh the horror of it

posted on Jan, 11 2013 @ 10:18 PM
Well libertygal, you got a whole 4 pages before the shills kicked in

All I have to add is just please, remember - We're talking about Wyoming, not Chicago. Our gun crime rate is comparable to even the best of Canadian provinces - even with all of these evil firearms in the hands of the non-subservient cowboys...

OK, so there are a few provinces with lower homicide rates but here are some numbers - Look at the numbers per 100,000 inhabitants for the corresponding years...

Canada Homicide Rates Per Province

Wyoming Crime Rates

edit on 11-1-2013 by sageturkey because: Info

posted on Jan, 11 2013 @ 10:21 PM
I've been reading ATS for years but finally had to subscribe for this issue. I also live in Wyoming and am proud of the courage of our lawmakers and citizens. Wyoming is home to one of the most heavily armed populaces and also one of the most peaceful safe places in existence. In my city of Casper the last two armed robberies where thwarted by armed citizens with concealed carry handguns ( you will not hear that in the national news but google it for our local coverage ). The last murder commited here was by crossbow because the killer was denied the purchase of a gun for failing the background check. Guns are not a problem here, they provide us a little extra security. We are not willing to give up our personal defenses. It has little to do with the second ammendmendt or the courageous sacrifices of our ancestors. The issue is here and now, and we will not be disarmed. HB0104 is not meant to stand on its own any more than the 2nd was. It is only words on paper, a written representation of the line being drawn plainly for those to ignorant to see it.
edit on 11-1-2013 by punkasscrab because: typo

posted on Jan, 11 2013 @ 10:29 PM
It's funny cause all you losers voted for Obama.

posted on Jan, 11 2013 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by Shotgun Skeptic

Surely you can't be talking about Wyoming...
2012 Presidential Election Results

Notice the lonely little piece of red? Like I mentioned before, Jackson.

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 12:20 AM
reply to post by Libertygal

Good for Wyoming! Now the rest of the states need to follow. Time to write governors and legislators, and demand they follow suit. State business should remain state business.

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 12:21 AM
This could very well be the beginning of the end. First the federal government passes illegal laws. Then the states pass laws to counter the illegal laws. Next the federal government sends 10,000 troops into a state to enforce the illegal laws. Next the county sheriffs deputize 30,000, or 100,000 people in the county to run the federal troops (DHS) out.

It could end up like the civil war only different.

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 12:50 AM
I normally disagree with conservatives about everything but not when it comes to guns. The second amendment makes it clear that the people have a right to bear arms and form militias to defend against tyranny.

As far as I am concerned both the democrats and republicans are tyrannical parties subjected to the rothschilds and british monarchy. Time to tell these parasites to stay the # out of america and mind their own business.

If you want real change than vote libertarian or constitution party. Constitution party is the best of all imo!

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 08:57 AM
reply to post by sageturkey

Loved your post, it made me smile. I always wanted to move to Wyoming or Montana when I was young. I had dreams of trying it, living off the land, log cabin, raising my kids on real fresh air. Then, life happened, kids came along. Next thing I knew, I realized I was too old to try to live that dream, and trying would in fact become a bad dream. It takes moxy I no longer have, and must admit, I am envious.

Kids are grown now, old age is creeping in. I can no longer consider overwintering while cabinsitting, snowed in for months. It would have been perfect, though. I knew of the realities of weather, animals, and making a life for oneself would take everything. But, I could dream!

What I found so fascinating though, was your video! It was great!

I noticed the date was 2010. So my question is this. It passed the senate unanimously. Why, oh why do they feel the need to re-affirm this law? Not that I have opposition, but it sounds exactly the same. If it doesn't pass, what happens to the 2010 law? I would.presume it would remain unchanged. So then, it would simply be as I said, a statement.

I remember the headline, iirc, "Montana fires warning shot in states rights". I saw that, and said hell yeah!

ETA: found the link:

I was unaware of the previous Firearms Act. I am rather curious about this. I look forward to your reply!

edit on 12-1-2013 by Libertygal because: ETA link, correct Wyoming to Montana. Going to bed, worked all night!

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

Heheh. I am sort of your polar opposite, but we agree on a lot more than you think! It's funny though, because people have these labels, left, right, etc. They don't always fit so nicely.

I am neither left nor right. I tested on that quiz as a slightly right of center Libertarian. Hence, the moniker I use here. I have taken that test mulptiple times in my life, and the result is the exact same every time. Less government, more self responsibity. It's just how I raised myself!

I have been called everything dirty in the book here, as "repugnican, republipig" etc is somehow an insult.
Now, just "Republican" is the new "Communist!"

Either way, no matter how someone sees you, what matters is what you stand for, and labeling yourself as I just did (for the first time on ATS btw) is only a way for people to package you up with insults. I always laughed, because they thought they were gaining imaginary online win points or something, but I never got called what I self identify as. And not one person successfully labeled me correctly.

My whole point of this post is, red nor blue it doesn't matter. Not when a single person or group tries to take God given rights because of their fears or insecurities.

You see, this makes their problem MY problem, and as a slightly right of center Libertarian, I refuse to accept that responsibity.

I rather like my rights.

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by Libertygal

Good morning to you!
Thanks for the thumbs up, right back atcha for the great thread. S&F to you!
Ah, you're never too old - I'm no youngster myself!
In regards to your question, the Firearms Freedom Act pertains only to firearms and ammunition that was made in and remains in the state. This new proposition is much broader in scope.
I came across another set of videos that was produced by 2 former news anchors from our most prominent news station here in town, they're a must watch too. It deals with 2 controversial issues, which in my mind shouldn't really be clumped together as they kind of take away from each other. The overall message applies to both, but if a person were to agree with 1 and disagree with the other - Well, it kind of ruins the individual messages being imparted. I must say though, that the former newscasters sure have cahones and I'm proud to be a part of their community. It most likely has caused them to be targeted by TPTB and that takes a lot of guts to put yourself out there like that. Hopefully it will be deemed as completely on-topic.

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by mrnotobc
This could very well be the beginning of the end. First the federal government passes illegal laws. Then the states pass laws to counter the illegal laws. Next the federal government sends 10,000 troops into a state to enforce the illegal laws. Next the county sheriffs deputize 30,000, or 100,000 people in the county to run the federal troops (DHS) out.

It could end up like the civil war only different.

But, you see, it's actually not all gloom and doom. There is light on the horizon! The Feds and DHS are not going to storm Wyoming guns ablazing. Not going to happen.

In fact, they took a moment, stepped back, and said, "Well dang. Wyoming is at it again. Call the channel formerly known as MSNBC, the Gray Lady, et al! Tell them not to run this until the lawyers can come up with something! Joe! Get to work! Find me sonething, anything! We need to control the masses! We can't have them finding out we are just blowing smoke up their butts!"

Meantime, the Wyoming Senate is sitting in a smoke-filled room, dim lights and half empty (yes, because when you celebrate it's PC to say half empty) glasses of bourbon and rye, laughing their butts off. They are imagining the 3am phone call. You know the one.

"Piers?! My God man! What posessed you to put AJ on the air?! AJ? Of all people?"

Valerie Jarret slams the phone onto the table and walks back to the table where Barry is sitting watching football on a wide screen.

"It's hard being president! Welcome back from your vacation, by the way. I am going to bed. I will handle the rest in the morning."

Barry nods, not even glancing at her, too deeply involved in the sacking that qb just got to notice the sacking the US of A just got.

edit on 12-1-2013 by Libertygal because: The above is just some dry humor to lighten the load. This isn't the beginning of the end.

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 10:08 AM
reply to post by punkasscrab

I am very glad you joined the conversation! Welcome to ATS! I hope you enjoy your time here.

I do think the legislation is more a statement than anything, but for practical purposes, a lot of people are "up in arms". The pun is not intended, but it sure fits!

I take the view that it lets the citizens know where their government stands. Especially since the election. A lot has happened, and very quickly.

The head of the CIA - down in flames

the demasculinization of our military - how many generals/admirals? I lost count

Hundreds of thousands, yes 100,000 new laws on the books Jan 1, 2013


Tax Cliff (cough)

More bailouts

Looming defense cuts/pending weapon reduction by executive order, without legislation

Muslim Brotherhood - 6 affiliates now deeply entrenched in our high-end government, from DHS on (just exposed this past week)

Now, Wyoming steps up and boldly goes where no state has gone before. Empowerment of the people, by the people, for the people. This is how it is supposed to be. Not the rich and greedy all for one and er... all for one? Not that state! More power to 'em.

I, too, hope my state has the... cahones... like basketballs baby! To step up too.

In fact, I expect a display of similar acts from the same states that re-affirmed their 10 the first go 'round. Call this a wait and see.

I am thinking most people that see a political coup taking place right in front of you will not stay silent much longer.

edit on 12-1-2013 by Libertygal because: sorry for typos, posting from my android, verrrry sleeeeepy, my eyes are closing.....

edit on 12-1-2013 by Libertygal because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-1-2013 by Libertygal because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by Libertygal
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

Heheh. I am sort of your polar opposite, but we agree on a lot more than you think! It's funny though, because people have these labels, left, right, etc. They don't always fit so nicely.

Yeah they are only a general guide, nothing more. I am neither a collectivist nor an individualist. Neither religious nor atheist. BUT when it comes to economics I believe firmly in redistribution of wealth especially from the billionares and trillionares. I dislike what wall street has turned into. I hate outsourcing of jobs. I am not for gay marriage but for limited rights, for conditional abortion. I guess I am slightly left of center or even center.

I am neither left nor right. I tested on that quiz as a slightly right of center Libertarian. Hence, the moniker I use here. I have taken that test mulptiple times in my life, and the result is the exact same every time. Less government, more self responsibity. It's just how I raised myself!

I have been called everything dirty in the book here, as "repugnican, republipig" etc is somehow an insult.
Now, just "Republican" is the new "Communist!"

The religious right is naive in america because they support an enormously out of control military-industrial complex that can bring ww3 with russia and china. We have no business siding with israel unconditionally. They are also pro big business and I am pro small and medium business. I hate conglomerates, dislike multinational corps.

Either way, no matter how someone sees you, what matters is what you stand for, and labeling yourself as I just did (for the first time on ATS btw) is only a way for people to package you up with insults. I always laughed, because they thought they were gaining imaginary online win points or something, but I never got called what I self identify as. And not one person successfully labeled me correctly.

My whole point of this post is, red nor blue it doesn't matter. Not when a single person or group tries to take God given rights because of their fears or insecurities.

You see, this makes their problem MY problem, and as a slightly right of center Libertarian, I refuse to accept that responsibity.

I rather like my rights.

There is nothing wrong with labeling yourself. I just hope people can see through the deception of the democrats and republicans and start voting third party if they don't support their corruption. I like to think people are neither naive enough nor corrupt in the soul enough to continue supporting tyranny.

I used to be a mild democrat supporter and dumped them. I used to carry a spusa banner with no shame. Most people just ignored me. Then I realised that the constitution party was not so bad and probably a better choice. We don't have to be hardcore supporters of any party.

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 11:25 AM
Go Wyoming!

Def hoping other states will follow suit. They will never succeed in disarming the us

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by Libertygal
reply to post by punkasscrab

I do think the legislation is more a statement than anything, but for practical purposes, a lot of people are "up in arms". The pun is not intended, but it sure fits!

In some ways, yes it's symbolic - But consider Colorado's new legislation as an example. Colorado has said "No, we're not going to enforce your laws for you. If you want to enforce your laws here, you're going to have to come do it yourself". So far it hasn't happened, so in the meantime all of the residents enjoy the newfound freedoms that their state has given back to them. This isn't to say that it won't happen and who knows what Colorado will do IF it happens, the same applies to this proposed legislation. If something becomes popular enough and widespread enough, they'll have no choice but to abide by the will of the people. That's why it's so important for them to cause division in the ranks by whatever means necessary. The general attitude of a majority of people in Wyoming is that we just want to be left alone - to pursue our dreams, live our lives in whatever manner we see fit as long as it doesn't harm anybody else. By our ultra-low crime rate, there's not a person out there who can argue that we're not doing a pretty darn good job of it. I think that people here love their country and they're not thumbing their noses, they're just saying "for god's sake just leave us alone. Quit trying to solve a problem that's not a problem here. Whatever happens within our borders we can deal with ourselves."
edit on 12-1-2013 by sageturkey because: SP

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