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Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look back upon the Act depriving the whole nation of arms as the blackest.
•“If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun.” — The Dalai Lama, (May 15, 2001, The Seattle Times) speaking at the “Educating Heart Summit” in Portland, Oregon, when asked by a girl how to react when a shooter takes aim at a classmate .
Originally posted by ElectricUniverse
reply to post by cornucopia
What did Ghandi say about guns?... or the Dalai Lama?...
Mathama Gandhi wrote in his autobiography that
Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look back upon the Act depriving the whole nation of arms as the blackest.
Even the Dalai Lama himself stated, and I quote:
•“If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun.” — The Dalai Lama, (May 15, 2001, The Seattle Times) speaking at the “Educating Heart Summit” in Portland, Oregon, when asked by a girl how to react when a shooter takes aim at a classmate .
But you want to claim you are a better pacifist than these two and people's right to own and bear arms is stupid?...
I am pretty sure by now you know who I think is making a stupid argument...
The 2nd Amendment grants the American citizen the right to bear arms
What I am saying is, in what way is high powered gun ownership any more valid than a right to posses a rocket launcher. They're both a type of arms, aren't they? How can you cry from the roof tops that it's your right to have assault rifles, but be perfectly happy for laws restricting rocket launchers.
Let us start with some facts, shall we. - The 2nd Amendment grants the American citizen the right to bear arms.
Originally posted by GrandStrategy
I'll make this quick
Let us start with some facts, shall we.
- The 2nd Amendment grants the American citizen the right to bear arms
- The 2nd Amendment puts no limit on what arms are to be owned
- The purpose is so that the citizens, a militia, secures the security of a free state
So we know why you have a right to arms, and we know there was no further detail on which arms, no set limits on rate of fire, caliber, that sort of thing. Because of this gun advocates scream until they're blue in the face that they need assault rifles and that they need machines with dumb high magazines, and that they need 20 guns and thousands of bullets, just in case they have to take to the streets and defeat tyranny. This is what they say, when asked why such weaponry is needed it almost always comes back to the 2nd amendment. It's an excuse, but it's what they say. And it's hard to argue with that - We have the right, therefore we're going to own the guns.
Now here's the stupid part. When confronted with the fact that back in them days they had muskets and other weak weaponry, the gun owners say what? that it doesn't matter, it says the right to bear arms and it's all relative, right. Tyrants have muskets, we have muskets. Tyrants have assault rifles, we have assault rifles. It's the right to bear arms, not the right to bear muskets. They need to protect themselves from tyranny in government. They need
If this is true, gun owners must also support the right to bear rocket launchers, they must support the right to own a fleet of attack helicopters. They must support the right of citizens to stock pile the chemical ingredients for making large bombs. They must support these.
If the founding fathers were alive today, would they not - in the same way that we're told they'd support assault rifles - see what the government has at their disposal, and recognise the need for citizens and militia to have surface-to-air missiles. To shoot down planes, spy drones, that sort of thing? Am I not right in saying that such weapons would be necessary, were a tyranny to form. That a gun would not do the trick, no matter how many rounds it has? Citizens also need fighter jets which are armed to the teeth. They need grenades.
Instead what happens? If you want a grenade you need a NFA Destructive Device permit which isn't easy to get. If you want a rocket launcher you can't have one. If you want an attack helicopter that's not going to fly. So your 2nd amendment, or the purpose of the 2nd amendment, your right to arm up to dissuade from and defeat tyrannical government, it's already been betrayed. You're already denied ownership of necessary weaponry for such a scenario, are you not?
I know you don't bear an attack helicopter, technically speaking. But that's only because the founding fathers did not envisage a society where an attack helicopter is required!
so unless you support the citizens right to easily access and own repeat-fire rocket launchers, fragmentation grenades, the right to create bombs, then you won't be taken seriously by me when talking about the 2nd amendment, nor should you be taken seriously by anybody else.
I no longer want to see you hiding behind the 2nd amendment because you have no reasonable argument for your high powered guns, not unless you're also vocal supporters of the types of weapons I've outlined above, only then will I take seriously your belief in the spirit of the 2nd amendment. Until that time, you're just pretenders, frauds.
Your 30 round clip is no more necessary or justifiable than an automatic grenade launcher. If guns - which couldn't have been imagined at the time - are protected by the 2nd amendment, so too should all the weapons I listed off.
Originally posted by PerfectAnomoly
I'm 100% with you OP... I agree with your argument completely... unfortunately, as you predicted... the thread stopped being about protecting children and vulnerable members of society pretty much right after your first post.... when us anti gun advocates talk about Sandy Hook with a tear in our eye we are called "bleeding heart liberals"... when in fact all we are showing is compassion... something we could do with a lot more of these days...
As you rightly predicted, the standard arguments have come to the fore..... "It's my right", again.. I agree with you OP... how about we forget about "our right" and start thinking about making a safer society for our children to be bought up in.... Stop thinking about yourselves and your "rights" and start thinking and analysing those "rights" with logic and reason... It's just immature to start harping on about the constitution when we are talking about kids lives....
someone above mentioned he would "rather have a gun and not need it", than not have one and need one....
Do you know what... tell that to the dozens of parents whose children are killed each year after accidentally finding their dads gun in the closet and blowing their face off....
Logic is simple really.... Less guns = safer. Full stop.
This ridiculous argument about "defending ourselves form the government".... Really, Really?
I doubt that any more than 5% of gun owning Americans would actually fire on a government official that came to take your weapon.... and these 5% are the ones that we should be taking them from!
Firing on a government official that the people have elected is ridiculous... for any reason.... Do all you gun owners really have the balls to become a known terrorist because of a breach of your right to own a weapon...?
Just grow up gun owners... be responsible, and stop fighting with your cocks... There are more important things in life...
If I was given the choice of protecting my children or protecting my right to own guns.. I would choose the kids every time....
Originally posted by GrandStrategy
You're all ignoring the point, which is what I expected to happen.
What I am saying is, in what way is high powered gun ownership any more valid than a right to posses a rocket launcher. They're both a type of arms, aren't they? How can you cry from the roof tops that it's your right to have assault rifles, but be perfectly happy for laws restricting rocket launchers.
Cannons and war ships were privately owned and possessed by militias back then. Used in the civil war for example, so i'm sure that if around today the people who wrote the constitution would be just as favourable towards ownership of the weapons I'm referencing as they would your assault rifles.
We're all drawing lines in the sand on what we think is excessive, gun nuts are just drawing the line in a different place , but you still draw it, you still don't want the muslim down the street arming up with surface-to-air weaponry