posted on Jan, 11 2013 @ 05:22 AM
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX
Ah I see, it didn't really convey that to me, the reader, and given your added contextual explanation, I still think that it was unnecessary to
repeat the same description over and over. You had already given a detailed description of her appearance when we first meet her, so you were not
adding anything new or expanding the reader's awareness of what Sec was feeling or of who Ginny was on the inside. I wonder if you could have made
more use of simile and metaphor to avoid the repetitiveness, and aided the reader in understanding what it was about her appearance, beyond the
superficial, that evoked those responses in Sec. For example, what did he see
in or 'beyond' her eyes that evoked these responses? Was it
her inner strength juxtaposing her outward physical vulnerability?
It was a good story, nicely paced and my niggles don't detract from that, but I am not sure that you succeeded in conveying what you intended
to...that is only my opinion though