posted on Oct, 27 2004 @ 07:57 AM
Wheather he died or not is not important. The phrase 'He died for our sins' has been twisted so we can still sin and just ask forgiveness. If he
died, he died because of mans sins. Where does Jesus say his blood will wash away our sins. He tells us to go and sin no more.
I wonder if Paul was legitimate - he may have been misleading Christians. Remember who he was before Paul.
Christians today even pray to Jesus, and this is against what God said - 'put no other gods before me'. Christians also put Jesus as God in a
trinity. However, Jesus said he was not God and he prayed to his Father, God, not to himself. He even said the God had forsaken him. He is at the
right hand of God, not in God.
Wheather he died or not, he did suffer for (or because of) our sins. Christians miss the purpose of Christ - his message. He didn't come to change
the law, but to fulfill it. He came to clarify what we should do, and still so many miss it. Man has messed with the bible too much for us to know
what really happened, but it is what Jesus said that should be our focus.