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Urantia vs Scientology? future Hebrews, luciferian Martians make humanity more left/male brain

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posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 07:10 PM

URANTIA Animation story picks @7:00

Summary: At the end of Lemuria, conciousness shifts, Lemuria sank, Atlantis rose, humans scattered. 2 ET races relocated to Earth: left-brain Hebrews from the future, and left-brain Martians from Lucifer experiment that doomed mars.

Hello, its obvious some hebrew-centric gnostic anti-Christ propaganda with allusions to modern day struggle parallels. Advanced race from the future, Merkabas, logic, Jerusalem the 'architectural heaven world' where are souls are given new bodies. LOL

Kind of sounds like an alternate 'choose your fantasy' book to Scientology with their ET souls dropped in earth volcanos and all. Speaking of which, if this hi-story is just a book, then I'm more inclined to believe Sitchin's interpretation of the authentic ancient Sumerian Tablets, over this bunch of crock! Shrug.. I dont even feel like bothering comparing to Scientology right now cause they're both like 2 peas in a pod just different versions.

“Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.”

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 07:47 PM
left brain.. is that the scientific definition of left brain or the brain physically on the left?
edit on 8-1-2013 by 0mage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 08:02 PM
Well if you think about it, children are guided into shifting their main perception to their left side of their brain through years of education and societal expectations. Most people are right body dominant (left brain dominate) rather than a 50/50 mix which you might expect based on averages and taking into account that most women are naturally right brain oriented.

I've been meaning to start a thread about this as it makes sense that if you are out to better control a society you first control how they think and that's been accomplished through many years of educational programming. Even at graduation from schools, the tassel is moved from right to left at the end of the ceremony to seal the deal.

The right brain activities are not encouraged which moves the person away from a feeling centered perception. You can reason yourself to do just about anything from good to bad when you become disconnected from how you feel. We are not taught to trust our intuition, treat one another based on feeling or many things that would actually make us better people all around.

We have been conned into pulling the cart and chasing the carrot for generations now and it turns out the only passengers really benefiting are a small group of families who invented a thing called money and learned to play us against one another throughout history while controlling what is taught about their version of history. They have hidden themselves pretty well and achieved much but will not settle until they control your very souls.

Learn to feel again, use both sides of your mind and see their games for what they are.
edit on 8-1-2013 by starshift because: clarificaiton

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 08:14 PM
they have tried since the snake tempted eve, to tempt adam to bite the apple.

but...melanonin..wont let that happen

stay rational


posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 08:26 PM
reply to post by thePharaoh

They seem to be succeeding to me. The only solution I see as having a real chance is for us to embrace our spiritual reality. Collectively we are feed fear through a corporate media pig trough. Have we ever tried focusing on something other than their illusions?

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 08:30 PM

Originally posted by thePharaoh
they have tried since the snake tempted eve, to tempt adam to bite the apple.

but...melanonin..wont let that happen

stay rational


Oh, no wonder why tap water & toothpaste's full of flouride!

Calcifies the pineal; blocks melatonin, screws with Gia's magnetosphere circadian rhythms

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by starshift

its the flouride...calcifies pineal gland...stopping melanonin.

this is where FAITH is applied

if they try to hard...tip the scales...and in fact succeed...then it wil lead to their downfall

as they will be out of the shadows and put on a pedestal

you will be amazed at how people are processing the voodoo as waist....

if it was part of our nature...then you wouldnt feel the way you do...

the young know its you actually remember tom and jerry as beng violent?? i dont

the world has a ceator who sustains it....will it sit back and allow it to be artificialy corrupted

and the more like you that wake up....heard of the 100 monkey syndrome....if you show 99 monkeys how to smoke....then the 100 and the rest ...automaticaly know.....

its the dark blue (indigo) grapes attached to the pineal gand


posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 08:34 PM

Originally posted by starshift
Well if you think about it, children are guided into shifting their main perception to their left side of their brain through years of education and societal expectations. Most people are right body dominant (left brain dominate) rather than a 50/50 mix which you might expect based on averages and taking into account that most women are naturally right brain oriented.

I've been meaning to start a thread about this as it makes sense that if you are out to better control a society you first control how they think and that's been accomplished through many years of educational programming. Even at graduation from schools, the tassel is moved from right to left at the end of the ceremony to seal the deal.

The right brain activities are not encouraged which moves the person away from a feeling centered perception. You can reason yourself to do just about anything from good to bad when you become disconnected from how you feel. We are not taught to trust our intuition, treat one another based on feeling or many things that would actually make us better people all around.

We have been conned into pulling the cart and chasing the carrot for generations now and it turns out the only passengers really benefiting are a small group of families who invented a thing called money and learned to play us against one another throughout history while controlling what is taught about their version of history. They have hidden themselves pretty well and achieved much but will not settle until they control your very souls.

Learn to feel again, use both sides of your mind and see their games for what they are.
edit on 8-1-2013 by starshift because: clarificaiton

True, and I think you should start a thread about it, people knowing these things is better than not knowing.

Personally I am ambidextrous, including writing with both hands, I think my brain is just wired that way, I am very creative and intuitive but also very scientific and logical. Perhaps if this were more standard I would be better able to utilise it in this controlled world.

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 08:42 PM
This is just complete rubbish, sorry!

If we don't use it, we lose it. This applies for all of our body, including the brain. We have two hemispheres, and neither is atrophied, therefore we utilize our whole freaking brain every single day.

The thing that is truth is that we don't use all of it simultaneously. It depends on the task at hand. Each individual is like a snowflake, unique with intricate patterns. These neural firings and wirings are likely to be different for the whole 7billion+ of us.

On any given task, an individual may fire a pattern which lights up the left hemisphere only, the right hemisphere only, or regions on both sides. It depends mostly on genetics, it seems. As the task becomes more complex, we tend to fire up more brain regions to help out. This is natural, and entirely logical. Conserve. Make it as simple as possible, but no more (ty einstein).

All of this extra rubbish is rather meaningless. What people often refer to as "left brained" are people who are from the bright to dull range. What people often refer to as "right brained" is usually seen in people with talent, marked creativity, intuitive abilities, or in the "gifted". What's usually going on, is that these individuals simply have a larger corpus collusum. That's the inter-hemispheric bridge. So they have more potential to utilize more brain regions more effectively/efficiently. That's it!

edit on 9-1-2013 by unityemissions because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 08:58 PM
Very true. There is is no real dichotomy of being totally left brain or right brain, unless one side is all you physically have access to! Different sides and sections of the brain generally control different areas (ie speech vs memory vs math equations) but they most all interact in a series of functions. Besides, left/right brain dominance hasn't been proven to be racial or genetic, has it?

Dr Iain McGilChrist's research clarifies that the brain is divided but works all together toward varied combinations of human behavior, cultures and societies.


posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by minnow
Very true. There is is no real dichotomy of being totally left brain or right brain, unless one side is all you physically have access to! Different sides and sections of the brain generally control different areas (ie speech vs memory vs math equations) but they most all interact in a series of functions. Besides, left/right brain dominance hasn't been proven to be racial or genetic, has it?

I don't think a dominance truly exists. There is, however, a role genetics plays in the forming of non-right handedness, and lefties. It seems that perhaps this indicates a natural inclination for how we process when "at rest", or not doing much. That may make sense.

I'm a funky lefty

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 09:24 PM
reply to post by minnow

Nice video, thanks, that could be a thread all in itself as it demonstrates how society has neglected part of people's minds, important parts that are essential for correct functioning of people and society. Too much has our lives become a meddle of tiresome bureaucracy and set to strict guidelines on everything. Intuition and creativity matter.

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 09:44 PM
Everyone will have one sided dominance and this can be demonstrated by several means. One way is to have a blindfolded person start at one of a football field and then have them began walking in a straight line towards the opposite end zone. Everyone will curve out to either the right or left well before the reach the opposite end. Another way is have someone hold their hands out towards you and lean their weight forward. Then have the supporting person release their support and the other person will step forward with their dominate foot. We still use both sides but will dominate.

My body is left side dominate (right brain) but I have spent much of my awareness from the left brain in terms of decisions I've made, schooling, science, business planning, etc. I believe when we are young that our awareness is centered near our hearts and this is how when first experience the world. This perspective shifts sometime in later childhood towards perceiving the world centered behind the eyes. We shift the way we relate to the world from our heart to our heads and I believe this fracture is what births the ego which is supported and reinforced by societal values and controls. Sex appeal and marketing is one example of reality broadcast which has the ability to shift the thoughts of the viewer towards distraction based upon the recipients programming to the stimulation. We are conditioned through many means to perceive realty in a specific manner. At the same time we are poisoned with fluoride and other metals which have an adverse affect on our pineal gland which I see as a spiritual organ.

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by starshift

That's just not true.

Most people won't be right handed, right eyed, right footed, and right eared. We're almost all mixed in various preferences. These are just silly notions for people who don't really know what they're talking about.
edit on 9-1-2013 by unityemissions because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 10:19 PM
reply to post by unityemissions

I have studied tracking and seen this demonstrated many times. Here's a link that explains it better than I can:
Eye dominance

The correlation between eye dominance and left or right-handedness exists because of certain functions the dominant eye performs unconsciously for the human body. In particular, the human brain relies on both the dominant eye, and dominant side inner ear, to make subtle corrections in balance as a person sits upright, stands and walks. The fluid levels in the inner ear stimulate membranes that tell the brain when the head changes position and the dominant eye is used to look at the horizon in order to correct the balance of the upright body as it moves. This process occurs even as the body moves, by walking or running, and can be observed, with some acrobatic difficulty, by a person walking in front and to the side of another person and concentrating on the position of the pupil of the eye in relation to the entire eye. As the subject walks, you will observe slight up and down movement of the pupil as the eye maintains focus on the horizon in front of the walker. This movement of the eye is not noticeable by the subject and is not, therefore, something capable of "self-discovery

It's a really fascinating skill to engage in. Your neural connects are stronger on your dominant side.

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by starshift

You're just confused.

There is correlation between eye dominance and left/right handedness. It's not the same as brain dominance. That 70/30 figure isn't the same as 89/11 for handedness.

You can't assess someone's hand/foot/eye/ear dominance and figure out their "brain dominance" with any reliable accuracy.

Just think about it for a second. These different sensations correlate to different brain regions, regardless of hemisphere. If you have ever seen EEG scans for people doing various tasks, you'll notice they light up all over the place for different tasks, and are different for each individual.

Think it through for a second. We are "left brain dominant" during various tasks, and "right brain dominant" for others. Unless you're doing/thinking/feeling the same thing for most of your life, else have brain damage, there is no true dominance of the brain. The reasoning breaks down.

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 10:43 PM

Originally posted by starshift
Well if you think about it, children are guided into shifting their main perception to their left side of their brain through years of education and societal expectations. Most people are right body dominant (left brain dominate) rather than a 50/50 mix which you might expect based on averages and taking into account that most women are naturally right brain oriented.

I've been meaning to start a thread about this as it makes sense that if you are out to better control a society you first control how they think and that's been accomplished through many years of educational programming. Even at graduation from schools, the tassel is moved from right to left at the end of the ceremony to seal the deal.

The right brain activities are not encouraged which moves the person away from a feeling centered perception. You can reason yourself to do just about anything from good to bad when you become disconnected from how you feel. We are not taught to trust our intuition, treat one another based on feeling or many things that would actually make us better people all around.

We have been conned into pulling the cart and chasing the carrot for generations now and it turns out the only passengers really benefiting are a small group of families who invented a thing called money and learned to play us against one another throughout history while controlling what is taught about their version of history. They have hidden themselves pretty well and achieved much but will not settle until they control your very souls.

Learn to feel again, use both sides of your mind and see their games for what they are.
edit on 8-1-2013 by starshift because: clarificaiton

Preach! I see you are awakened...and not one of the walking dead... ive always recognized the matrix...i also know the truth about the start of what we know today as the usa...Shalom!

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by unityemissions

Agreed that the dominance thing doesn't make much sense. I'm one of a number of people who are "cross-dominant" -- strongly righthanded, but target with my left hand. And I can be both strongly logical and strongly artistic.

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by Byrd

I made the assumption of dominate body - dominate brain based on my observations of how people think / relate but there doesnt seem to be a direct link. The response depends on the variety of stimulation to the corresponding brain stimulation. I'm also cross dominate and I feel this gives me an advantage in terms of seeing things that others may not of caught.

As I've looked into this more I've found that the lateralization has its benefits in terms of simultaneous awareness.

The widespread lateralization of many vertebrate animals indicates an evolutionary advantage associated with the specialization of each hemisphere.[27] In one experiment, baby chicks were lateralized before hatching by exposing their eggs to light.[28] These chicks were set to a task of picking out food from a bed of pebbles. Neither the lateralized, nor the non-lateralized chicks had a problem with this task, but the lateralized chicks only used the eye on the side of which they were lateralized to pick up the pebbles. When presented with a second task of watching for a cutout of a predatory hawk, the discrepancy between lateralized and non-lateralized chicks became evident. Lateralized chicks could pick food out of the pebbles with one eye and one half of the brain[29] while using the other eye and other half of their brain to monitor the skies for predators.[30] Not only could non-lateralized chicks not complete the two tasks simultaneously, but their performance of the single task deteriorated. This suggests that the evolutionary advantage of lateralization comes from the capacity to perform separate parallel tasks in each hemisphere of the brain.[27]

What I feel is most importance for us to perceive a broader spectrum of reality by being open to using more of our capacity. We can achieve a more balanced sense of awareness and understanding when we use both hemispheres of our brains. When we are trained to use only one sense of interpretation we divide ourselves.

posted on Jan, 11 2013 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by Byrd
reply to post by unityemissions

Agreed that the dominance thing doesn't make much sense. I'm one of a number of people who are "cross-dominant" -- strongly righthanded, but target with my left hand. And I can be both strongly logical and strongly artistic.

My brother and I are "cross dominant". We do some things as if a right-hander and other things as if a lefty-hander. I swear that it depends on my current mood which side I'll be naturally inclined to lead with.

At age 18 I was incredibly bored, and for half a year decided to force myself to do everything with my right hand. It seems this made me as-if ambidextrous.

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