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Want to Improve Schools? Get Rid of Recess!

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posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 03:36 PM
Ask the principal if he will get rid of his break time too!

It's soooo easy making choices for other people when you are not the one suffering from the choice.

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by smyleegrl

I give you props for making a stand and doing what is right... If more teachers would do what you are doing the school system wouldn't be the joke that it is today. They make all these rules and changes and America is doing nothing but sinking below other countries in education.

It is almost as if it is being done on purpose.....hmmmm..

The dumbing down of America does not seem as much as of a conspiracy these days.

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 03:55 PM
Our education system saddens me. I wish there were more teachers like you out there. Unfortunately, my sister had this sort of treatment in Kindergarten from a teacher who convinced my mother to hold her back a grade and put her on ADHD medication. They had no recess either.

There's something wrong when more than half the students in my sister's class are drugged on this medication and teachers tell the parent's how drastically wonderful their little babies are.
Seriously, I know this comes off as a rant as well but it seems the teachers that I've come in contact turn their nose up at the fact that these children come home antisocial, crying at a simple "how was your day", and lack of hunger. This isn't just my sister, since I take the place of my mom at PTA events and have talked to these parents. It's just a sad situation.

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by smyleegrl


I'm glad that people are willing to stand up to nonsense...if there was no one to do so things like this would be common place.

Its a wonder that "children" are snapping and needing medication...the "expectations" on them aren't short of slave like...their lives planned out in a nice linear fashion and deviation from said plans usually results in rejection and dismissal from those they love most...punishment ultimately forcing that child further and further down that hole until medications are needed...

This school is conditioning its children to be mindless slaves who expect nothing less than to be productive for OTHERS by obligation 100% of the time...anything other that will inspire feelings of guilt and inadequacy.

And then we expect them to look forward to their lives with inspiration and excitement? No wonder parent's are constantly disappointed in their children...their setting them up for failure.

Its indoctrination at its finest and I hope you fight and win your case and the children their recess.

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by gladtobehere
reply to post by smyleegrl

Well, my principal just informed us all that on the week we have PE (physical education), our students will not get recess time.

What does this mean, that they wont have recess and physical education during the same week? It doesnt sound permanent, just an attempt to reduce some redundancy?

Sounds like they would still have recess just not on those particular weeks where they also have PE..

edit on 8-1-2013 by gladtobehere because: (no reason given)

The thing to remember is that PE is very structured. The kids have forty minutes and they're being taught different physical skills. It's mostly fun and they enjoy it, but it's not play.

Play, where the kids can do whatever they want and use their imagination, is an extremely important component of learning and development.

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by MystikMushroom
reply to post by Myomistress

We had quiet time too. I'm not really sure what the purpose of it was for.

Question for your grade schools did you guys have the "share table" or the "free table" at lunch time? You know, the table that anyone can put stuff they don't want on it? It just seems like such a weird concept to me now 20 years later.
edit on 8-1-2013 by MystikMushroom because: (no reason given)


Let kids share their food? Are you kidding? That's a lawsuit waiting to happen! What if someone is allergic? Or gets a headache?

Parents can't even bake cookies for the class on the kid's birthday. I remember my mom always brought in cupcakes for my birthday. We would make them the night before. Great memories.

Now, in the age of sue sue sue, we can only bring in store made items.


posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by smyleegrl

I know! I was just thinking about how many parents would flip over the "share table" these days. From what I understand, our school district also only allows store-bought items for kids to share on birthdays.

And what is up with kids having so many allergies these days? When I was a kid there might be maybe one kid out of 60 that had some kid of serious allergy problem. Now it's no peanutbutter and jelly sandwiches for everyone!

I think your ideas on how to tackle this issue are pretty solid. What I don't understand is how principals fail to realize that the faculty and them make a TEAM. It only hurts the children when the staff are at odds with the administration.

Sometimes here it'll get to cold to let the kids outside, so my mother has an entire closet full of board games and whatnot. She hates those days because she can tell the kids need time to "burn off some energy". I think they now open up the gym and let them play.

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 04:43 PM
I'm going to school atm and we've been having a looooot of problems with the class/books/teachers/etc. and most of the students left or miss a lot of classes.

I met in private with the principle and other school staffs to talk about the problems we had and ideas how to help it and fix the situation as best possible. Well, 2 weeks later, they came with a solution : threats of kicking us out if we miss anymore or if we complain anymore about what we are asked to do.

The only honest staff person I spoke with told me it's been like this for years and they aren't doing anything intelligent to fix it and that I should just give up on wanting to improve the class for me, everyone now and everyone after.

So like I said earlier in this thread : It's easy to make choices for others when you don't suffer from those choices.

Well. that's exactly what my principle and staff is doing.
They aren't gonna change anything because that would require for them to actually THINK farther and WORK for once.

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 04:48 PM

Originally posted by theMediator
I'm going to school atm and we've been having a looooot of problems with the class/books/teachers/etc. and most of the students left or miss a lot of classes.

I met in private with the principle and other school staffs to talk about the problems we had and ideas how to help it and fix the situation as best possible. Well, 2 weeks later, they came with a solution : threats of kicking us out if we miss anymore or if we complain anymore about what we are asked to do.

The only honest staff person I spoke with told me it's been like this for years and they aren't doing anything intelligent to fix it and that I should just give up on wanting to improve the class for me, everyone now and everyone after.

So like I said earlier in this thread : It's easy to make choices for others when you don't suffer from those choices.

Well. that's exactly what my principle and staff is doing.
They aren't gonna change anything because that would require for them to actually THINK farther and WORK for once.

If you want something to change, go for it.

Organize your fellow students. Make a petition. Write your concerns in a logical and tactful way, then present it to the superintendent and the school board. If progress isn't made, contact your local media.

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by theMediator

I'll let you in on a little secret...

Get to know the janitor

In a lot of schools the janitor often gets a bad wrap. Sometimes he's demonized as a mean old man, or a scary grouch. Usually, this is never really the case. I've found over my years that a lot of these grumpy people are actually really cool and nice if you take some honest interest in them.

Usually, janitors have the "scoop" on what is going on behind the scenes too. The janitors also make awesome adult consultants when you get to be a senior and want plan the "senior prank". I'm sure, however, most schools discourage such behavior

Anyway -- get to know the people that help run the behind the scenes at your school ... it's totally worth the effort you spend!

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 06:13 PM
Anyone actually remember recess?
I do, and i'm 100% sure I learned more about the real world there then I ever did in a classroom..

I can think of a myriad of different reasons why recess is more beneficial than not.

Don't even need to name them, no point, your principal is bordering on the criminal.

Kids need recess, end of story.

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 06:20 PM

Originally posted by yourmaker
Anyone actually remember recess?
I do, and i'm 100% sure I learned more about the real world there then I ever did in a classroom..

I can think of a myriad of different reasons why recess is more beneficial than not.

Don't even need to name them, no point, your principal is bordering on the criminal.

Kids need recess, end of story.


I'd applaud you if I could.
edit on 8-1-2013 by smyleegrl because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by smyleegrl


I agree the students need some "free" time to learn how to socialize with others.

I'll be rooting for you! I'm very proud of you for taking a stand!

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 07:53 PM
Good, it will teach the kids some structure in life rather then being lazy the rest of their lives.
And I like the 10 minutes of silence rule.
They can't talk back and can't stir up trouble.

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 07:58 PM
When we lived in Texas, our children's school district made the kids walk laps on the track during their recess time so they could count the time as PE instead. What a bunch of liberal nazi's! They also banned celebrating holidays of any kind including birthdays. The kids were all going stir crazy and never had anything to look forward to. I'm so happy we moved!

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 08:08 PM
No recess?????

OK, the apocalypse is officially upon us. I lived for recess. I am pushing 50 years old and still miss it.

Heck, even adults need breaks or they lose it. I used to teach adults and know this is a fact. The brain only takes in stuff for so long before it shuts that part off. Give it a while and it comes back on. But push it non-stop and you are wasting your breath.

This sounds like more of a highly detached administrative call to fix something else which it won't. Now you have two broken things. And crazed little kids. And a pissed off teacher. And no learning.

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by smyleegrl

The let some of the dumbest, most useless, ignorant people be administrators!!

They have no idea how to teach kids, they have no idea how to deal with kids, they have no idea how to interact with kids and they sit back and make decisions that affect them

I admire you for standing up and not allowing some grad-school dictator walk all over the kids. When I was younger, I thought the administrators must know more because they are higher up in the chain. As I grew older (and wiser) I found out they knew less. They couldn't cope in the classroom so they moved up instead of going into a different field. The kids suffer for their incompetence

Thank you for fighting for the kids. I'm glad somebody still does. You have my respect and admiration.

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 08:24 PM

Originally posted by smyleegrl

Originally posted by chiefsmom
Wow, you should invite the principle to your class after no recess at about..... 1:30 and let him take over.

Another brilliant idea by those in charge, that have no clue.

I'm going to do this.

He taught in middle school before becoming a principal. This is his second year as principal.

There is a HUGE difference between how children behave in elementary and middle school. I truly don't think he understands this.

So I'll just ask him to come and demonstrate how he wants this to work.

I've done this before....and he couldn't do it. Then I got called on the carpet for the request.

There's been so much crap this year and last year. I'm fed up. I've contacted my union rep. Its time to get legal representation in this school, for the sake of the kids and the teachers.

See, folks. This is why teacher unions are a good thing!

Yes, the teacher unions are very, very important! As is teacher tenure! The new, first year teachers can't do things like you are doing because they don't have tenure and would be fired. They wouldn't cite that as the reason, they'd find something else. Thanks to teacher tenure, the ones who have been there and have tenure can fight against things like this. Otherwise, it's nothing but a dictatorship where the people who help your child learn are told what to do when to do it and how to do it by someone who doesn't have a clue.

Be thankful for the teacher unions and tenure!! It may protect a few that shouldn't be there, but it also protects those who SHOULD be there from being fired just for taking the side of the students and parents

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 09:11 PM
reply to post by smyleegrl

You seem like a really good person and have a good heart and you are probably the kind of teacher that actually cares for her students. I mean that's why you became a teacher I'm sure, is because you love children and actually care.

What you are doing seems to be a very good idea. I truly hope everything works out for the best for you and your school.

If my sons school ever took recess away, I would more than likely pull him out and homeschool.

We are going to homeschool soon anyway, he's already learning about history that just isn't true. He's a second grader.

Props to you my friend and good luck to you and your school.

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 09:21 PM
I really hope that you do not get into trouble or get fired, although you likely could sue them for such, considering you are just looking out for the interests of the children. At least I hope you are, lol. After reading what you posted however, it is my understanding that PE can be substituted for recess, as I interpreted that children must have some form of physical activity everyday, and PE is counted as physical activity. I think I may have misinterpreted what you were describing though. I take it that on the days the children have PE they don't have recess. Is this correct?

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