posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 10:18 PM
I was reading another post, where someone was talking about how the war on terror is unwinnable. I thought about this for a while, and, after deep
thought and, three beers...came up with my own analysis on the War on Terror. To put my position in perspective, lets just say that I work within the
community (no not the terrorist community). I see and read about things happening all day that that I wouldn't dare tell my wife (if I could). My
thoughts on the current situation takes me back, for lack of a better example, to the early years before the US was a Nation.
The British military was the undisputed world power of the 18th centrury. Their strength came from their tactics using an ordered and structured
military that fought wars against like-minded militaries that used similar tactics. However, when confronted with guerilla tactics, as used by the
French and their Indian allies during the French and Indian War, the British Army could not compete. Simply stating, they played by rules of war at
the time, their opponent did not.
Fast forward to the War on Terror. We, the US, abide by the law of land warfare. We give comfort to the enemy when taken prisoner (Abu Gharif
aside...the work of misguided idiots), we use tactics that are well known and comercially available in the form of public dispersed manuals, and we
generally have an intrinsic vallue on human life. On the other hand, or enemy will take hostages, execute them for public display, resort to
guerrilla tactics, and generally have nothing to live for besides the wish to invoke death.
An enemy that holds life as less value than a political statement will win any war. They will win because they have nothing to live for and nothing
to lose.
However, if the US changes their tactics to play on the same level as the terrorists, the US loses. The aim of the US is to change not only regimes,
but a school of thought. Our pitch is that we have a better way to live though freedom and liberty. How do you convince someone that has never
tasted freedom or liberty that our way is right? It's like trying to convince someone that your cooking is better than theirs.
Our goal in this War on Terror is to protect the safety and security of the citizens of the US. In doing so, I feel that the direction we have taken
has misguided the public to the real dangers. The danger is the thinking that the ends justify the means. To deny the liberty that the Constitution
provides, even to those even not subject to it, is to tell the terrorists they win.
I'm not saying that some level of protection is warranted in the homeland, I'm saying that any idea that we can change the thinking of the
terrorists with terror is seriously mistaken. The real victor of the War on Terror will be the first to change their way of life without sacrificing
their religion.
So in closing, go out and buy yourself a HUMMER to keep the economy going!!! To hell with the environment. I'm not going to tell you who to vote
for, but look at your life and make a choice for what's best for you and the future of America.
Rome did not lose to the biggest army, but to barbarians, greed, and lethargy.