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Who Won The Debate Morgan Or Jones?

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posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by Observor

Pres BO is planning an EO as an end run around Congress....that is usurping the Legislative Branch of our govt in case you didn't understand that.

Vice President Joe Biden surprised many by suggesting the President would see his preferences for gun control made law through an executive order.

Biden said…

“The President is going to act. Executive orders, executive action can be taken we haven't decide what that is yet, but we are complying a law with the help of the AttorneyGeneral and all of the rest of the Cabinet members all well as legislative actions we believe is required.”

The outcry started almost immediately. Why is it that Obama chooses to go around Congress and make his wishes law by edict?

Read more:
edit on 10-1-2013 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 08:27 PM
Alex Jones won, hands down! And he managed to metaphorically kick in the nards too!

posted on Jan, 11 2013 @ 03:09 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

kicked him so metaphorically hard that piers had to get a certain jewish operation done on his frontal lobe. stars for you buddy
edit on 11-1-2013 by rockoperawriter because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2013 @ 03:40 AM
Alex jones lost all credibility with the temper tantrum he threw on national TV. The anti-gun establishment is now using him as the poster boy for the type of person who shouldn’t have access to guns. He probably on the antigun payroll for his performance he played right into their hands. He is no friend to the second amendment and is a disgrace.

posted on Jan, 11 2013 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by Grimpachi

actually it was piers and his little friends saying they would shoot alex jones. he yelled and went on a tirade on national television. piers morgan gets pretty excited a lot in this one. at least piers wasn't saying he's gonna kill somebody. conspiracy to kill ring a bell?

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 06:16 AM
those who don't address the insulting attitude and offensive language and bullying and the rest of threats made by piers morgan against his guests. i would not call that biased, but bleating. i really enjoy the way you guys bleat, i see in FEMA camps soon!

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 06:59 AM
Unfortunately the message got lost with the messenger's outrageous behavior. He was way out of control half way through the debate. It killed his credibility and made his supporters look immature and amateurish.

I am suspecting he is controlled opposition and that his debates on msm are staged, otherwise he would have been booted off the stage. He still makes lots of fantastic points that others do not make.

When people start judging by substance alone then alex jones will win. Not to mention the boxing match ridiculesness and his hyperbolic whinning of CNN guests out to kill his children. Alex Jones acting like a spoiled ten year old does HARM to the conspiracy theory community.

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 08:05 AM
reply to post by Hawking

Alex Jones made a complete fool of himself and is an embarrassment to the people and truths he was representing

I'm not so sure about that. I don't know, so I have to ask, Does Alex Jones have publicity agents? Surely, he practiced what he was going to say before the show.

If I had been in AJ's shoes my thoughts would have been,

1. Civil debates are quickly forgotten.
2. The government has never reacted to anyone saying, "Pretty please, don't do this?"
3. Being loud and threatening is always remembered.

AJ used Morgan to tell the government, "WE have many weapons, so don't even THINK of %$#&ing with us!"

So, AJ was either a lunatic, or bloody brilliant.

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 08:20 AM

Originally posted by TheMindWar
Hi mods, Please feel free to move if not in the appropriate forum, thanks

I have just finished watching the debate between Morgan and Alex. I am interested to know who you think won the debate. I think Alex went in very hot headed, CNN new he would do this and they tried to give him enough rope to hang himself. I think this approach backfired.

Alex was certainly hot headed but he managed to get fast and furious in. I think he could have done much better had he relaxed and took things a bit more calmly, but I suppose thats just not his way

I give Alex my full respect for his beliefs, its irrelevant if he is a loud mouth, he definately has the moral High ground, sometimes it takes a Very loud mouth to force people to listen. This for me was a win for Infowars, well done guys

How does he have the moral high ground when he lies all the time and hawks water filters after saying fluoride in the water drops IQ by 20 points (lol what a crock of bull,) he endlessly promotes gold and silver coins from Midas Resources which is owned by his boss Ted Anderson. The FEMA coffins have been debunked and he never retracted his statement on them or admitted to any types of errors on his part. He claims to be a Christian but he's full of anger and hate, he want's to "knock the teeth out and crush the skulls" of liberals.

Alex Jones is filled with demons and is an irrational person that is leading unsuspecting people toward 'liberation' which is just another form of bondage. They are exchanging not believing anything in the mainstream media for unquestioned acceptance of anything that he or others say that is alternative or conspiracy related.

Only Jesus Christ can truly free you. No radio or tv personality can.
edit on 12-1-2013 by CyberneticProphet because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 09:58 AM

Originally posted by jiggerj

I'm not so sure about that. I don't know, so I have to ask, Does Alex Jones have publicity agents? Surely, he practiced what he was going to say before the show.

If I had been in AJ's shoes my thoughts would have been,

1. Civil debates are quickly forgotten.
2. The government has never reacted to anyone saying, "Pretty please, don't do this?"

So, AJ was either a lunatic, or bloody brilliant.

So you have to foam at the mouth to get your point across? Really?

3. Being loud and threatening is always remembered.

AJ used Morgan to tell the government, "WE have many weapons, so don't even THINK of %$#&ing with us!"

Indeed, naive people(which most americans are) will think of him as a raving lunatic, who has mental issues or something. I am sure CNN will take full advantage of AJ's rage and paint all pro-gun supporters as dangerous people........

when in reality it is the government that is extremely dangerous.........but hides it through its SLYNESS!
edit on 12/1/13 by EarthCitizen07 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

So you have to foam at the mouth to get your point across? Really?

Do you remember any of AJ's ranting? I do, and I'll probably remember it for a long time.

Ever heard Martin Luthor Kings wonderfully peaceful, non-threatening speech of 'I have a dream'? I remember him saying, "I have a dream," and, "Free at last, free at last, thank god almighty we are free at last." That's all I remember of a 16 minute inspirational speech.

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by jiggerj

let me qoute the late great colonel sanders who said "i'm too drunk to taste this chicken"

posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 06:44 AM
reply to post by TheMindWar

I don't think it was a proper debate. All they were doing was arguing and speaking on top of each other. It was a waste of time.

posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 12:05 PM

Mancow: British Establishment Mouthpiece is insignificant

He says, the only reason anyone was watching Piers was because Alex was on there. No one watches Piers. Quite good.

AJ gives the ratings: around 500 000 a night, to just over 800 000 the night he was on, the next day to over 1 million, and now going back down.

They coined a new word for the media: Presstitutes!
edit on 14-1-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

fuchin a

posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by jiggerj
So, AJ was either a lunatic, or bloody brilliant.
Or...playing his assigned role, and doing it quite well. Presented as a straw man to portray gun advocates as raving nuts. Now, I'm not a gun guy...but neither am I a fan of manipulation and deception.

posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 02:26 PM
Neither won. Theyre both idiots.. kind of like an internet fight. They both looked like complete morons. I take exceptional offense to Jones. Ive been around the community for a long time and was working when AJ did all of the fearmongering BS lies over y2K. Blood in the streets.. tanks in the streets.. nuclear shut downs.. he is a freaking liar shill of the first order and Im SHOCKED anyone takes him seriously. You must love drama and lies or are very very young.

JONES said this.. no one else,. He needs to own his words and you obviously need to hear them.

This one has a lot of his BS proven wrong... like his nuke scares.

edit on 14-1-2013 by Advantage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

you ever been mad? thrown a tirade? it's not uncommon for someone during cold/ flu season to go nuts before contracting the cold/ flu particularly when trying to talk about something sensitive. "oh hes crazy. he shouldn't own guns. he might kill me" while piers morgan goes all like
yeah why is piers morgan not being arrested for conspiracy to commit murder?

posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 02:46 PM
To people who watch the mockery of news, and calm demeaners hiding their criminally insane agendas, Murder Incorporated speaking in cultured voices, its sickening. But most are programmed with this and so they may have been shocked. But, unless we all get angry and come unglued, we're going into some really dark times.

Unlike historical fascist empires, this one is high tech. Now actually need to change that a little, its not altogether truthful, for the twin vortex imagery is everywhere in Egyptian heiroglyphs to Navajo rug designs irregardless of the story behind the rugs design and irregardless of the current understanding of the traditional design, it has the twin vortex, the magnetic electric universe, the harmonic universe if you will. So we don't know how much technology was employed in the past, however, thats a whole different thread.

But, when fascists have technologies such as Gwen Powers, such as Jesse Ventura investigated season 3 episode 7, when they have space age tech, computerized, microchips, nano technology, drones, scalar waves, I'm not sure that "the people" will break free unless something major occurs, such as violent dramatic pole shift, or a huge asteroid. And even then, they have the bases with the tech!

Some would say the window in time is closed, and its over. Not really! People's will and awareness has not been engaged. But before they lose that ability for what could be a considerable length of time, its time to GET ANGRY.

Come Unglued.

Make alot of NOISE.

And start to take back their abusive legislation such as detentions without trial and indefinite at that. And anyone aware, even organic farmers, are on their terrorists lists.

And some would like to transfer this gun control to mental illness checks. FINE! BUT.....anyone on their lists, including constitutionalists, and anyone with a dissenting voice is already called a terrorist, do you think they won't call them all mentally ill as well, including the organic farmer?

So, its time to really rally up some booming NO's and NOISE and ANGER and take back freedom. NO TSA, NO detentions without trials, NO agenda 21, NO NO NO!

posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Unity, you know I like you.. and if you dont, you know now.
However, we can do all of those things without acting like lunatics and aligning ourselves with known liars and fearmongers. Ill be right beside you.. but I wont allow myself to be categorized in the same basket as Jones. I understand and love passion one has on a subject, but he is not motivated out of passion for freedom or US... his track record proves this. His own words prove this.. regardless of how they are delivered.

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