posted on Jan, 8 2016 @ 01:40 PM
I have just watched this documentary today and it is very awesome, I recommend it for everyone! It should get more attention, so here is a cry for
attention I guess : )
Well I hope more people will give it a chance at the very least! If you are religious or atheist, scientists or christian, it does not matter. Watch
it without any preconceived thoughts and only after you watch it all, think about it if it makes same sense or not?
But the OP did in my opinion, worded it weirdly in the introduction becouse of the usage of science terms which have nothing to do with the content of
the documentary. Other than this, I think he did great.
Documentary talks about spirituality and how all religions are connected, pointing at the same god, brahma, global consciousness named it. It
talks about underlying reality which is the unified field from which every other thing in existence is was and will be created. It explains the real
nature of our reality and how we can connect with this nature with simple words so it is not so difficult to understand.
From my perspective after few years of meditation and study of many religions and other spiritual related stuff, this is a very good introductory
material and it touches many different subject but all related together. And can start to open some curious minds and aspire them to do something : )
All this is my humble opinion only, it can be somehow touchy subject for some but just remember it is ok to disagree, just don't take it
a reply to:
But why these "raise your vibration" threads? Why getting it into people´s heads that the vibration they operate on now is WRONG? Because THAT is
what you do with these posts!
Did you really watch all four parts? They say exactly the opposite of what you say here, especially in the last part...and also if you would have done
more research about the persons you mention like yogis, saints, buddhist and what is their opinion of the usage of miracles (siddhis) and what they
are teaching or even better, maybe rather just start with meditation, then you would realize what spirituality is and what is not.