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Why America is Severely Broken - Meet Alice Walton

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posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 09:29 AM

Originally posted by Honor93
i'm still trying to figure out HOW she can be considered a "job creator"

i'd bet that woman has not created one single American job in her lifetime.

Ms Walton is not WalMart Inc.
Walmart creates some lousy jobs, not Ms Walton
heck, Ms Walton probably hasn't spent more than an hour in any HR dept ever.

when ppl decide that they are capable and willing to be their own providers, then lousy WalMart jobs won't be so valuable anymore.

yes, WalMart has engaged in coercion, intimidation and generally under-handed tactics to maneuver themselves into the 'factory' that they are ... what ppl need to remember is WalMart DOES NOT PRODUCE anything.
WalMart does not manufacture anything.
WalMart doesn't even provide 'skilled' education options for those who might be interested.
WalMart is and has been sucking the life out of this entire country for a few decades now.

Thats not true, ever heard of Great Value, Walmart produces that...

posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 09:57 AM
So the Waltons who are making mulit-million dollars off of Wal-Mart, where a people of color: the Chinese can suffer working in hot factories? And even there's other minorities that work in Wal-Mart cannot get benefits because they can't afford it? I hope that Wal-Mart gets better and start to care more about their workers.

reply to post by newcovenant

edit on 7-1-2013 by rennies7 because: Add same url by mistake.

edit on 7-1-2013 by rennies7 because: Had to capitalize letters.

posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by rennies7

If you're going to yell at corporations for exploiting cheap labour, you're going to lose your voice. Globalization essentially meant that corporations had to move to cheap labour (once one does and garners profits because of it). You have to follow suit and reduce costs in order to keep competitive else another corp gets the monopoly.

What bothers me about it most is the enormous amounts of waste we are creating because of it.

posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by newcovenant

Here's the problem with what you are saying. You think the answer is to heavily tax the Waltons via income tax, while I say it is more important to implement programs and taxes on the importation of the goods that they bring in from China, to help encourage and allow the small mom and pop businesses that America is meant to have to be able to compete and to allow American industry to come back. Increasing wages isn't the answer, all that does is make it harder for American industry to survive.

This means that prices will no longer be so low, since we won't be getting our goods on the backs of the Chinese worker who are living even poorer (by far) than our own workers; however, it WILL mean that America can grow again and be a stronger nation.

It will also mean that those who want to work hard on developing their own small business will be able to. If you want America to thrive as a free market, it has to work as a free market, with the majority of goods coming from America with small businesses OWNED by Americans producing and selling those goods. Anything else will only make the matters you speak of MUCH worse.

Higher income tax is not the answer for anything except more poverty. Hell, look to China if you want to see how much worse it will get, because that's what you are advocating will lead us to.

edit on 7-1-2013 by Masterjaden because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by Xtrozero

posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by Xtrozero

I'm not as think as I dumb I am.

edit on 7-1-2013 by rockymcgilicutty because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by thoughtfuldeliquent
reply to post by rennies7

If you're going to yell at corporations for exploiting cheap labour, you're going to lose your voice. Globalization essentially meant that corporations had to move to cheap labour (once one does and garners profits because of it). You have to follow suit and reduce costs in order to keep competitive else another corp gets the monopoly.

What bothers me about it most is the enormous amounts of waste we are creating because of it.

i think corporations should work to pass laws to institute slavery...that would be the cheapest. if everyone worked for just what it would take to feed, clothe, and shelter the workers at corporations, then think of the jobs created...everyone would have a job, the corporation could hand out food ,clothing, and provide shelter at a minimal cost and everyone would be able to survive.
edit on 7-1-2013 by jimmyx because: changes

edit on 7-1-2013 by jimmyx because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by newcovenant

Now I know that many people will fault the Food Stamp Program itself but when you consider the cost of living and price of food today

I have to laugh at people who complain about the food stamp program. I wonder if they realize the asset cap is $2000 and has been that way since the program was started in 1984....

So, in 1984 the government believed that $2000 in assets was poor enough to be on a gov food program .... Yet in 2012 inflation adjusted dollars the asset cap has the buying power of $750 ?????? or if the program would have adjusted the cap with a COLA tied to the CPI the asset cap now would be about $5500 ......

in reality you have to be more than twice as poor to get food stamps than in 1984 ...... austerity American style .....

posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by gangdumstyle

Originally posted by Honor93
i'm still trying to figure out HOW she can be considered a "job creator"

i'd bet that woman has not created one single American job in her lifetime.

Ms Walton is not WalMart Inc.
Walmart creates some lousy jobs, not Ms Walton
heck, Ms Walton probably hasn't spent more than an hour in any HR dept ever.

when ppl decide that they are capable and willing to be their own providers, then lousy WalMart jobs won't be so valuable anymore.

yes, WalMart has engaged in coercion, intimidation and generally under-handed tactics to maneuver themselves into the 'factory' that they are ... what ppl need to remember is WalMart DOES NOT PRODUCE anything.
WalMart does not manufacture anything.
WalMart doesn't even provide 'skilled' education options for those who might be interested.
WalMart is and has been sucking the life out of this entire country for a few decades now.

Thats not true, ever heard of Great Value, Walmart produces that...

They don't produce it, they buy product from other manufacturers and hold the branding for it. Some of it is actually manufactured by major produce sellers, like Del Monte, but WalMart struck a deal to brand it themselves so they could have more control over pricing.

Other retailers do the same thing.

edit on 7-1-2013 by The Old American because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by The Old American

Wal-Mart is a ruthless organization. I've been a contractor for a company who supplied product to Wal Mart, and it's surreal to work under those conditions. The overriding theme of my time on that contract was "keep Wal-Mart happy, do anything they say". My job was to integrate electronic ordering and invoice systems - converting between the Wal-Mart ISO 850 standard documents and SAP Idoc documents (and vice versa).

What a job that was. Wal-Mart imposes fines on their manufacturers when these electronic records contain errors. They actually fine their suppliers for data errors. That was a weight directly on my shoulders. Management was worried that Wal-Mart would find another supplier if their demands weren't met.

How often have you gone to a Wal-Mart for your favorite product, only to find that it's no longer available - replaced by something else?

Once a manufacturer signs on with Wal-Mart - it can quickly become their primary avenue for distribution. When Wal-Mart threatens to drop the product line - the business can quickly go under.

We all know about local businesses going under when Wal-Mart comes to town. They can't compete with the behemoth.

posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 12:25 PM
Nice small minded propaganda, but no dice. The US came to its economic prominence and bounty while plenty of Industrialists were extremely rich and tax revenue was minimal for all. America is severely broken because the centrally controlled education system and corporate controlled media pedal these class warfare fantasies.

Also because a massive decrease in standards of acceptability, much less excellence, has created a mindless, easily manipulated generation which is convinced it is entitled to things it did not earn.

The mindless herd has accepted the fact that it will have no freedom as long as it is given table scraps by a tyrannical federal government, presumably protected by it but actually controlled and brutalized (for your own good). This is to be funded by the last of the actual earners and through massive unsustainable debt. What happens when everyone is a dependent as the middle class disappears to this idiocy? Or the debt comes due (as in Europe)?Guess we'll find out!

Why America is broken?
Dependence is celebrated over self reliance.
Central control by elites is celebrated over local control by citizens ("The people" is a fantasy term created to make the small minded celebrate their own slavery).
Unearned Entitlement is celebrated over hard work and success
Blaming big bad rich people or a meanie society is celebrated over personal responsibility.

It has nothing to do with Wal-Mart.

posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by Xtrozero
Fox watcher huh?

I think I'll listen to someone like say....................Warren Buffett..........than a fox watcher that keeps up with the same BS line the Likes of Hannity and Limbaugh use pretty much daily. Buffett said class warfare does exist, and his class has won.

The gist of this thread is, that these "job creators" could pay their employees more, to keep them off government assistance, and take just a wee bit less for themselves, but they choose not to. Guess what? These "job creators" will still be obscenely wealthy. Do you really believe she would know a difference in her life style, if she only had 20 billion dollars? Imagine if her and her siblings paid their "associates" a little more, they would still be worth over 100 billion collectively, but the difference it would make in the lives of their associates would be huge. People like you believe if those employees were paid a little more, it wasn't earned.

The people you demonize are your friends and neighbors. There is no class warfare among the middle and lower classes, it's just a cute talking point the right Loves to use. They can be less selfish and pay more. That in turn would raise all wages, and people would be willing to pay higher prices for goods and services. Right now, people can't afford higher prices because of practices like those employed by walmart.

This isn't rocket science, it's common sense.

The race to the bottom continues, sadly.

posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 12:40 PM
Warren Buffet is a classic example of the mindless herd believing what they are told to. Actual research and critical thought will show that Buffet is the most extreme example of a hypocrite. He employs an army of lawyers and accountants to protect his profits from the government. His famous secretary who pays more taxes than him fell into a tax bracket pursued by the collectivists. The whole thing is a charade intended to make you believe that free markets are bad and the government and its multitude of cronies are good.

He is not dumb, though. When you ally yourself with tyrannical forces (By publicly towing their line and helping their cause), you get their help. Or at least get them off your back. Why do you think Obama gives GE no problems despite their HUGE profits while paying zero taxes? They gave him campaign money and the CEO made sure to cozy up to the administration.

People like Buffet demonize free markets because if they were allowed to exist, cronies like Buffet wouldn't be nearly as rich as they are.

FOX news may be propaganda, but it is no worse than CNN, NBC, ABC, or CBS(as equl application of scrutiny clearly shows). And it is considerably less extremist and more trustworthy than MSNBC. Frankly, I wouldn't watch any of those stations. FOX serves the same interests. They control most small minds with the "mainstream media" and pick up the "loyal opposition" with FOX. Its all part of the same control mechanism.

Buffett is the poster boy for corporatism (ie fascism). Government is the enemy. Without it, corporations wouldnt exist.

posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by The Old American

They don't produce it, they buy product from other manufacturers and hold the branding for it. Some of it is actually manufactured by major produce sellers, like Del Monte, but WalMart struck a deal to brand it themselves so they could have more control over pricing.

Other retailers do the same thing.

edit on 7-1-2013 by The Old American because: (no reason given)

Most of the great value items are produced by walmart. Wal-mart DIRECTLY pays for the PRODUCTION, your wrong....

posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by newcovenant

Clearly the bottom line is the USA laws that allow things to be manufactured and bought outside the country cheaper then inside and no penalties if you decide to do business outside the country. There should be incentives to do all business at home.

posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 12:48 PM
Welcome to the United Corporations of America!

posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by fnpmitchreturns
reply to post by newcovenant

Now I know that many people will fault the Food Stamp Program itself but when you consider the cost of living and price of food today

I have to laugh at people who complain about the food stamp program. I wonder if they realize the asset cap is $2000 and has been that way since the program was started in 1984....

So, in 1984 the government believed that $2000 in assets was poor enough to be on a gov food program .... Yet in 2012 inflation adjusted dollars the asset cap has the buying power of $750 ?????? or if the program would have adjusted the cap with a COLA tied to the CPI the asset cap now would be about $5500 ......

in reality you have to be more than twice as poor to get food stamps than in 1984 ...... austerity American style .....

And yet the number of people who qualify has gone up. Funny thing.

posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by newcovenant

That's what I've been saying for decades. They should take a couple of millions in pay cut or in her case billions to help people instead of stock piling the cash. They won't even notice the change.

posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by newcovenant

Are you kidding?

You don't think Walmart buying 75% of their merchandise from China over the USA didn't put AMERICAN MANUFACTURERS OUT OF BUSINESS??? Guess again.

"Her money" is ill gotten gains acquired by illegally coercing American politics and politicians into a country sabotaging conspiracy to make one family rich at the expense of the rest of us.

They also bully their manufacturers. The reason things are so cheap at walmart,
along with cheap quality, is because walmart doesn't lower their prices
at the expense of their own bottom line, they force their suppliers to absorb the low prices.
This is why manufacturers that deal with walmart don't make all that much
when it comes to profit. Walmart takes the biggest piece of the pie.
Manufacturers are therefore forced to cut corners. This is why they used to hire child laborers
before the media got wind of it. Now walmart has set rules to their manufacturers,
expecting them to adopt specific guidelines (labor and environmental standards).
Of course, the changes are a big cost, which is again forced down manufacturer's throats.
So next time you buy a shovel at walmart and wonder why it breaks after the first use,
this is why.

The good news is, I'm seeing a trend. All this greed leads to extremely low quality products,
even at cheap prices, people will begin refusing to buy. If walmart doesn't amend its ways,
they may face being dominated by a competitor, assuming the competitor has higher quality
products, not just higher prices.

posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by Char-Lee
reply to post by newcovenant

Clearly the bottom line is the USA laws that allow things to be manufactured and bought outside the country cheaper then inside and no penalties if you decide to do business outside the country. There should be incentives to do all business at home.

It's called protectionism, Brazil does it, they're one of the emerging economies that are
overshadowing us. We're going back to the dark ages, quite literally.

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