We've all been watching the headlines. We've all known the numbers were going to be high.
States have had their locally run NICS equivalent systems crashing and drawing staff from other critical areas to maintain the ability to process
these as required by law.
The FBI itself has made statements of being overwhelmed as far back as
Black Friday at even their level and
unconfirmed reports, as I'd last seen them, had even suggested NICS checks in some states becoming unavailable entirely for brief periods.
Well, now we know exactly why this has been the case and there is no conspiracy to this one.
There is a public in very determined movement to purchase everything they've 'meant to buy' and never got around to. I believe we see a public in
something just shy of a panic mode for buying. These numbers are truly incredible when the overall volume the %'s relate to are properly considered.
Each of the 50 States and Washington, D.C. saw an increase in background checks in the month of December 2012, with every state posting an
increase of at least 12%.
The top five states that saw the largest December increases were as follows:
Georgia, 66.3%
Oregon, 63.1%
New Hampshire, 60.7%
Texas, 60.2%
Montana, 58.3%
Source - CNSNews
Now I understand that is a source of news that not everyone may agree with for taking at face value. There may even be some who would discount the
numbers out of hand and never click through to see if there may be a linked source with more credibility, easily accessible. It's for that reason
I'll insure this also links up to the raw summary reports as well:
Firearm Background Checks - Year 1998 Through 2012 / January 1, 1998 - December 31, 2012
(Included for Further information:
(N)ational (I)nstant Criminal Background (C)heck (S)ystem)
I must say that I expected high numbers. I didn't expect this high. It's staggering to me. I was in the middle of the buying craze in 08/09 and
invested pretty heavily in quite a bit. That was nothing like this is today. Firearms that were $600 just a day before the shooting we all know so
well are now $1600 on nationally known classified gun sales sites. National Auction sites also show the surge as this one stands to show any who cares
to go searching for what is currently on sale.
U.S. National Firearms and Accessories Auction System / GunBroker
(It's important to note that the above site ships only to Federal Firearm Licensed (FFL) Dealers and at point of physical sale, a NICS check is run
to verify legal eligibility before the weapon is handed to the auction winner. Commonly, these ship to a gun store local to the buyer who is charged a
modest fee for the handling of the final legal steps)
Statements made at the 'Crossroads Of The West' gun show in Ontario, California are characteristic of what is being seen from Coast to Coast!
Vendors such as Ron Mantel remember a spike in sales back in 2008.
"When Obama first got voted in 2008, you couldn't get ammunition for almost two years," Mantel said. "Now that this shooting happened, and that
Obama is pushing, gun sales have gone crazy in like the last two months, three months. Ammunition, again, you can't get it. You can go to the
Walmart, you can go to the stores, there's no ammo on the shelves anymore. It's just nuts."
The demand for firearms and ammo is so high, according to Olcott, some of her regulars couldn't make it to the Ontario event because they didn't
have any product to sell.
Source - Ch. 4
NBC News, Southern California
This goes beyond simply joking about President Obama or Senator Feinstein being good boosters for the Firearms Industry. People are more than nervous.
People are scared. The numbers reflect it. This rush of buying is happening at a time when the economy is rough. Unemployment is climbing back up as
indicated in other headlines today and a good % of our nation is financially hurting. The ability to "find a way" to buy this much, this fast, is
sobering and should stand as the ultimate American Opinion Poll, in my humble opinion.
The people are speaking. They're actually yelling. If money can be said to be the ultimate 'Speaker of The House' in the average home? Well, it's
off on something akin to reading War and Peace.....veeerrrryyyyy slllooowwwwlllllyyyyyy.
Buy 'em if you need 'em! Assuming, you can find them to buy. For those stocked? It looks like a true sellers market for the indefinite future.