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Why 9/11 bothers me more than the Holocaust

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posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 07:38 PM
I have been thinking about this for quite some time as to why this is.
As to scale 9/11 is nothing compared to the Holocuast 3000 dead verses 6 million.
The holocaust should bother me way more, it should bother us all more than 9/11.
The first question I asked myself well was it because this happened in my lifetime and I watched it the day it happened. I had to say no.
Is it because it mostly effected Jews, no again, because thousands of other contentious objectors, Homosexuals, Gypsies and other undesirables to the Nazi's were taken too the camps too.
I have been thinking about this for a couple of years. And then the epiphany struck, it bothers me more not because of scale, but because the truth is being refused to be acknowledged and no justice is being served.
At least with the holocaust we know the truth, the Nazi's murdered millions, and those that were left were held accountable at Nuremberg. The scale was so much bigger, but justice was served and the truth was revealed

This has not happened with 9/11, and that is why it bothers me more.

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by Blue_Jay33

You know, I think this is one of the best written OPs I've seen on 9/11 in awhile. I have to say it pretty well echos my feelings too. You and I may think whats being hidden here are very different things and then again we may not. That really doesn't matter though, does it? It's hard to find anyone who, without saying any specific theories, agrees the full and complete truth of all aspects relating to 9/11 ever came out ....or was even investigated with much intention of it.

This will be an open wound in our nation until a serious investigation with the power and authority to get the facts ...and the make-up to be accepted as credible is held, IMO.


posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 08:01 PM
reply to post by Blue_Jay33

You get used to hearing Government Doubletalk, that eventually it is accepted as a answer.
There are many things that "bother " me as 911 does.
How many on both sides in Iraq died for Lies of Mass Destruction?
How many died from the Gulf of Tonkin being a False Flag?
How many times since 1963 have we Heard of Magic Bullets?
So 911 is just another Instance of when we , The General Populace was fed a Line of BS to Placate Us.
edit on 4-1-2013 by Tw0Sides because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 08:04 PM
9/11, like the holocaust, information known is the tip of the iceberg. Even by "conspiracy theorist's," we only know what they want us to know. The disinformation campaign being waged on the population of this planet is staggering, when truly considered.


posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by QUANTUMGR4V17Y

9/11, like the holocaust, information known is the tip of the iceberg. Even by "conspiracy theorist's," we only know what they want us to know. The disinformation campaign being waged on the population of this planet is staggering, when truly considered.


Your words pretty much say it all. When you look at the declassified info that has shown the atrocities our government has commited and nothing seems to have ever be done about it, it truely makes one wonder as to what is being done that we will never know about because it was that much worse than the things of the past.......

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by Blue_Jay33

It bothers me much more because we know the people tasked with the investigation gave us the bipartisan 9/11 Report which was corrupt.

All the same people are still in power. Not only in power, but lauded as leaders.

There are things worse than death. The ruination of our country from within is one.

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by seeker1963

Of course nothing will be done about it! This brings us back to a discussion that was had on another topic regarding those only held accountable, ever, will be the defeated party.

The people involved in the war crimes of Nazi Germany were put to trial simply because they lost the war. The winning party/the leader will never ever have to account for their own actions. Because they don't have to.

And if you think about it, we are the government's "followers" or "fanatics". We are what gives our governments strength.

This may not be related, but i will say it. Going to the whole gun debate, I personally believe that taking "everyone's" guns away won't entirely drop the murder rate, but will lower it considerably as seen in other countries.
BUT in saying that, (as an "american ally"), I do believe you guys should keep your weapons simply so that when the truth is finally bestowed upon your nation, you will be able to bring your government to justice, as opposed to them forcing you to comply with every action of theirs.

The future only holds 2 outcomes.
1. Defiance; or
2. Compliance
edit on 4-1-2013 by xxdaniel21 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 08:50 PM
It also bothers me that not only did innocent people die on that day but the people who have died since 9/11 were innocent.
They had nothing to do with the attacks of that day.
Yet we let our governments continue with their atrocities.

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 08:51 PM
The shocking truth about the holocaust is that it really did happen.
What they're not telling you every major nation committed genocide during the war.
The difference is that the SS camps were used to impart a false sense of moral superiority of the Allies at the expense of the German people and nation.
9/11 was certainly perceived as a direct attack upon our nation while the holocaust though was far more important, it happened over there therefore it doesn't touch our psyches in the same way.
Both are critical to the development of history and have shaped the world in many ways and not necessarily for the better. While we'd like to thi nk we're promoting "fair trade" and helping to spread "democracy" even though we don't have it at home we change these nations we come in contact with in fundamental ways that often act against the interests of the very people we think we're helping.
Foreign aid helps assuage our guilt not to mention opens a few doors and greases some palms so we can extract more money and resources from them.
The US has become the banker to the world.
We will rue allowing this to happen.

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by xxdaniel21

Of course nothing will be done about it! This brings us back to a discussion that was had on another topic regarding those only held accountable, ever, will be the defeated party.

The people involved in the war crimes of Nazi Germany were put to trial simply because they lost the war. The winning party/the leader will never ever have to account for their own actions. Because they don't have to.

And if you think about it, we are the government's "followers" or "fanatics". We are what gives our governments strength.

This may not be related, but i will say it. Going to the whole gun debate, I personally believe that taking "everyone's" guns away won't entirely drop the murder rate, but will lower it considerably as seen in other countries.
BUT in saying that, (as an "american ally"), I do believe you guys should keep your weapons simply so that when the truth is finally bestowed upon your nation, you will be able to bring your government to justice, as opposed to them forcing you to comply with every action of theirs.

The future only holds 2 outcomes.
1. Defiance; or
2. Compliance

Agreed and I appreciate your well written thoughts.

BTW, I have chosen #1.

People don't get it, but they soon will.

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 09:12 PM
reply to post by seeker1963

Here's hoping they "get it" before the government:people power ratio favours those in charge.

Deep down, i know you guys won't just give them up. There is still that hostility between the south and north, right?

... right?

Nahh, i really want to see the day where the events of 9/11 are truly exposed for what they are. I hope it is sooner rather than later. Look at JFK. There is still a lot of doubt in that.
Look at operation northwoods - the proposal of false flag events in florida to gain support for a war. These topics were eventually brought to light, but was anything done?

If 9/11 isn't debunked within the next 10 years, the wikipedia article in 2030 will say "9/11 was a proposed attack on american citizens to gain support for a war in the middle east". and everyone will be fine, because our grandchildren will hold no affliction with 9/11. It will be history class for them - maybe not even that.
This is why it's important WE expose it. The US government in 20 years time will be exempt from it's actions now.

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 09:54 PM
My faller, Rudi, came from germany to BC in 49 as a teenager....
He has some stories to tell.....
Being fishing partners for many years ive heard a few of em.....
One that haunts me to this the one about the boat load of 3-5000 jews that were bombed off the north coast where he was raised....
He describes young boys and old men, loading bodies off the beaches for days, and stacking them in horse carts to haul to mass graves....The planes werent German, they were allied aircraft....

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by xxdaniel21

If 9/11 isn't debunked within the next 10 years, the wikipedia article in 2030 will say "9/11 was a proposed attack on american citizens to gain support for a war in the middle east". and everyone will be fine, because our grandchildren will hold no affliction with 9/11. It will be history class for them - maybe not even that. This is why it's important WE expose it. The US government in 20 years time will be exempt from it's actions now.

There will be thousands of family members, who will not let this go, they will never have closure, this is different than JFK, in that regard. In 2030 it will be the grandchildren of the victims of 9/11 that will still be fighting this, if no truth is outed by then.

As for the holocaust, every documentary style movie I have seen has bothered me immensely that humans could have a generic murderous streak like this against there fellow humans is deeply disturbing, yet despite that we know at least some level of truth, justice and closure came out of it.

Again, so far 9/11 has no truth, no justice and no closure and that perturbs me greatly.
And there is nothing we can do about, everything has already been tried, that frustration adds to the "bothers me more" factor.
edit on 4-1-2013 by Blue_Jay33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 11:33 PM
I am not in a position to compare the holocaust, it happened before my time and lots I do not know about it.

As for being bothered about 9/11 I understand your issue and the moral dilemma it raises. Growing up we are taught to be honest, decent and follow the laws. But when our leaders don't it alters the community standard of what is acceptable and causes a strong conflict of what is actually right. Caring about our responsibilities or caring about not getting caught?

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 11:49 PM
I'm not convinced we know the true story behind either incident. But if we don't have the truth about 9/11 by now, I can't see how it is going to come out. I'd bet there are innumerable events throughout history that aren't true as we've been taught, this will be just another in the long line of the false history of humanity. It's pretty sad IMO.

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 03:30 AM
If it is the lack of justice that bothers you, I don't see why 911 was such a big event, even if you believe it was an inside job. There is so much injustice around the world, even as we speak, that 911 just pales compared to it. Darfur, Syria, Somalia, North-Korea, Palestine, Tibet, just to name a few.

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by -PLB-
If it is the lack of justice that bothers you, I don't see why 911 was such a big event, even if you believe it was an inside job. There is so much injustice around the world, even as we speak, that 911 just pales compared to it. Darfur, Syria, Somalia, North-Korea, Palestine, Tibet, just to name a few.

You are of coarse 100% correct, but 9/11 didn't bother me nearly as much as when I thought some insane religious fanatics did this. Maybe it's the level of deception and framing of others.
And then we got this too ....

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 11:17 AM
Maybe why it's bothering the OP so badly is because deep inside he isn't fully convinced that 911 is a conspiracy.

Look at it this way. In any event in history you can find things that don't make sense. Using these things you can build a conspiracy. You can twist this little thing one way. You can add conjecture that way. That's what defense lawyers do everyday for a living.
All they need to do is put one wedge of doubt in your mind and then pound on that wedge until you start doubting the other true facts.

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by Asktheanimals

9/11 was certainly perceived as a direct attack upon our nation while the holocaust though was far more important...

Is that a given fact or are you being politically correct? How are the victims of the Holocaust more deserving than the victims of 9/11 and their families?

I would suggest that the memory of 9/11 is more raw because it happened recently and we are witnessing the ramifications. Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis died because of 9/11 even though they had nothing to do with it. The death count associated with 9/11 is still clicking over but the Holocaust and its immediate consequences ended decades ago.

I suggest that the living and recent memories of 9/11 is far more important than an over exploited and mythologised horror belonging to the past as with the Holocaust.

An unjust death today is far more important than an unjust death of more than 60 years ago.
edit on 5-1-2013 by DoorKnobEddie because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 12:02 PM
The problem I have with this thread is that you are looking at it from a conspiracy theorists point of view

If you assume that 9/11 happened just as the official story says then your argument goes out the window so it is only our perception of 9/11 that means it bothers you more than the holocaust. There are some who believe the holocaust was a cover-up of some kind as well who would argue with you that the holocaust is a bigger issue.

If you take the conspiracy out of it then the holocaust would probably be a bigger deal, other than that 9/11 is still raw in your mind. Then again Stalin killed 23 million, and there are other genocides that you should probably be more bothered about.

9/11 is a big deal more because of its symbolic significance other than the human cost when compared to say the Rwandan genocide.

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