posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 10:34 PM
It sounds like you have it bad if you are frying appliances. I sometimes get static shocks at unexpected times. Touching standing water or even the
water coming out of my water faucet after turning it on. Tonight I made an unexpected trip to a grocery store and accidentally touched a metal shelf
and got a small poke.
I see lights turning off, sometimes on depending on my mood sometimes. I just thought some lights turn off and on all the time since some do not do
anything like that. I tried to reason at one time maybe my car headlight beams had some stray light going up turning off the light due to sensing
the light. That doesn't explain lights going off in other vehicles. I still hold out the possibility some lights just keep turning off and on.
On the bright side, my keyless remote that I often have in my pocket, I never replaced the battery and I use that typically at least a few times every
day since late 2001. I'm wondering if I could somehow be charging up the battery in it. I guess some may last 15 years so maybe that is not unusual,
not sure.
As far as blowing light bulbs, I had a problem with two or three lights in particular. I thought maybe it was related to using them a lot more than
all the other lights and turning them off and on a lot more. Years ago I replaced them with the compact fluorescent light bulbs. Never replaced
them again. If I had known they had mercury that would leak out if broken, I would have never used them. I would opt for led light bulbs.
As far as blowing out appliances, I usually don't have that problem. I notice the weather changing. That might make me sound crazy and I certainly
do not want to claim anything on this site. I once had a dust devil form around me. No one has proof to my knowledge and I believe most won't
believe me especially on this site so I feel safe saying that much. I hope no records anything super strange around me because I do not want to end
up on the evening news as look at this weird guy. I might try directing your thoughts towards altering things farther away from your location and see
if anything different happens. I have nothing conclusive to report. If something did happen, it might drive you crazy wondering if you did
something or if it was natural or if you are psychic.
Lol, maybe you are an energy vampire or psychic vampire taking energy out of things or people and don't know how to control it. I'm just rambling now
I believe.
edit on 4/1/13 by orionthehunter because: (no reason given)