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My Dear American Friends, what is wrong with the USA?

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posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 02:51 AM
reply to post by randyvs

If there is ANY conspiracy whatsoever between any of the mass shootings then your concern has validity.

All I needed to see and evaluate for myself in this regard was the 9/11 event looking back in hindsight, that's sufficient in and of itself to understand the degree to which the US was hijacked by it's own shadow government and military industrial complex and foreign intelligence services like Mossad.

I didn't want to have to "go there" but when you bring up this kind of monstrosity it can't really be avoided as the "elephant in the room".

Evil and wickedness in "high" and very low places (depending on one's POV).

The data on that is in as well, and it aint pretty that's for sure.

"It was the stone that was rejected by the builders that became the keystone", in this case the regular average hard-working American Joe on his way to work.

Something changed that day, something very deep and fundamental. Along those lines there was an old lady far from NYC who said that after 9/11 something was different "about the air" and she wasn't referring to an increase in air polution.

To this day when I see a pre-9/11 movie or show on TV, something in me wants to just sigh just looking at the clouds in the sky from that time, it's very hard to explain, but the damn bastards in their desire to control history, messed it all up in the process because history like anything, to be functional and formative, needs to be based in truth and reality and the new reality everyone was given in the "post-911" world, well, there again I'm at a loss for words to describe it, it's beyond hypocrisy, beyond "evil", even beyond the pale.

If I were to point to one thing it in this area, it wouldn't be to the mass shooting of Adam Lanza, but 9/11 which I've researched exhaustively.

It may be a time for tears..

Best Regards, and with much love,


edit on 4-1-2013 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 03:00 AM
reply to post by randyvs

I always hesitate when seeking out the "villain". I think for this reason, Jesus would spitteth me out (something about lukewarm?). but your post really points out the massive confusion we're all collectively experiencing.

it's all gotten so volitile so quickly.

therefore, I think lukewarm is a perfectly acceptable position to take.

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 03:03 AM

Originally posted by shapur
Seems like the ability to "star" has reduced dramatically among the ATS members since 2013...A post like yours could have easily earned at least 50 in 2012!
....But seriously i do feel for American people as well and I hope whatever happens to their government,their people stay safe and happy for years to come....God will protect good people,i have no doubt about that.

No biggie, as much as I enjoy getting stars and flags.

It has something to do with the cosmic Jesus stuff I seem to have going on in my avatar and signature not the content, where the book is quickly judged by its cover, or is that rapid-fire, superficial judgementalism maybe part of the very problem intimated in the OP..? Another thing that makes ya go hmmmm....

I hope this thread finds it's way like an arrow to it's mark, and if worthy it will. Patience.. it's a virtue they say. It sure would be nice to see this go to the front page, not for me, nope, for a higher reason and a higher calling.

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 03:05 AM
reply to post by tgidkp

therefore, I think lukewarm is a perfectly acceptable position to take.

I could go as far as understandable unless your member of ATS.

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 03:34 AM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

I just want to give the answer to your question Nam. What's wrong with our country ? Nada.! I've managed to have great a life here in So Cal. Very colorful growing up in the seventies.. I can only be thankful I've had it so good. Now those who own america and everything in it, have seen fit to dismantle her and show their teeth and true colors as they do.

I knew Obama would be president, predicted it both elections. I knew he'd be coming for our guns after Aurora.
And I know this is going to end horribly. So I've taken this all way to far as it is because, Christ taught us not worry about tomorrow,.because there's enough to worry about just getting thru today.
edit on 4-1-2013 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 05:29 AM
Love of sin is what is wrong with the USA and the rest of the world.

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 06:03 AM
Great post OP and others.

I have to agree America has gone downhill fast,
i went from school time of saying the pledge of allegiance
before school every day and being proud to be a part of such
a great country, to kind of ashamed of what our country has become.

Sadly, i dont think there is anyway to fix this unless mass groups mobilize.
We would have to first get a spot to gather everyone and discuss what has
changed and why we do or dont like it, and then figure out how to fix it..

But with the masses of American Idol people who blissfully watch the tv and
ignore what is going on, i am not sure there are enough alert and awake to
make that major change that is needed.

Sure there is a fulcrum, waiting to be pushed, but with all law's of physics it
takes weight and strength to make it happen.

The real question is, are there enough awake and paying attention to make that
pivot point worth pushing on. Or would we be trying to lift a mountain from a inclined

The other problem we have is if you think its bad now.. wait a generation. The kids now days
mine included have no clue what it is like to do without, what it
is like to sacrafice, while i try to teach them, as we all know to
fully get the lesson one has to experience it first hand. (although
the way the country is going, its possible they will be experiencing it..
but they wont be capable of surviving it.

Kids in general do not know what its like to go without, not to have
food, or new clothing, or new cars, or toys. I have tried many times to
explain to my step son (13) that he needs to experience what its like not
to have food for a day, or longer, not to have everything he enjoy's.
But have yet to convince him to give it a try.

Shoot growing up, we were poor, our meals consisted of fish..
fish for breakfast, fish for lunch and fish for dinner, and if you wanted
a snack, guess what.. you had fish.. not store bought fish, dad was
smart enough to know that money was going to be tight, so he wagered
on renting a house close to the lake. It was not any more expensive than
the houses in town, or at least not back then. When we got moved in, they
had bills paid for a month, and $24 left over. Thats it... So dad went and
bought 2 zebco fishing poles and we dug worms and we fished. Even at the
young age of 5 we helped, we caught the perch, so the parents could use them
for bait for larger fish. The next month we bought Rope and hooks and such and
set up trot lines, For about a year and a half we lived on fish. If we didnt catch
any that day, we didnt eat.
I've never had a comfe life, always fighting to get what i have, but thats ok, i like it
that way, because everything i have (up until last year when i got sick) i earned.
it was not handed to me. It's a pride i think many have lost over the years, and
instead count on hand out's.
You have no idea how much relying on the govt to get by right now drives me nuts,
but what option do i have. I cant work, odds are i'll be gone in 2 years or less.
So i take what they give me and pay the bill's.

But i believe a lot have lost the American pride, what's the point, some govt official
is going to take it away anyway, seems to be the majority of opinion, and i cant
say i blame them.

I am not sure if there is a fix or a turn around from where we are, sadly
i think total collaps is the only way things are going to get better.

I just hope we get it right the next time around.

To the grammer cop's. *lol* I am sure you have fun with my post, but i blame it on the morphine.
Thats my excuse and i'm sticking to it!
edit on 4-1-2013 by severdsoul because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 07:42 AM

Originally posted by severdsoul
Shoot growing up, we were poor, our meals consisted of fish..
fish for breakfast, fish for lunch and fish for dinner, and if you wanted
a snack, guess what.. you had fish.. not store bought fish, dad was
smart enough to know that money was going to be tight, so he wagered
on renting a house close to the lake. It was not any more expensive than
the houses in town, or at least not back then. When we got moved in, they
had bills paid for a month, and $24 left over. Thats it... So dad went and
bought 2 zebco fishing poles and we dug worms and we fished. Even at the
young age of 5 we helped, we caught the perch, so the parents could use them
for bait for larger fish. The next month we bought Rope and hooks and such and
set up trot lines, For about a year and a half we lived on fish. If we didnt catch
any that day, we didnt eat.

That was so funny thanks for sharing.

Hopefully something will spark a quiet revolution of sorts that the MSM will not be capable of spinning back to the status quo.

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 07:47 AM
Most simply, the net-moocher (with the 85 avg. IQ) is allowed to vote.

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 07:52 AM
reply to post by severdsoul

You fault the kids because the parents work hard to make sure their kids didn't have to go through what they did?

I think the whole point of being a parent, and a parent in America, is to make sure your kids have it better than yourself.

No wonder you people get this silly idea that something is wrong in teh US, when you fault kids for something their parents intended.

Instead, see it for what it is, success.

You don't make kids do without, you teach them charity. My son gets a lot of what he wants. I tell him all the time that he chose the right life because he is the first born grandchild on all sides of the family.
I also make sure he knows that there are kids who are not lucky like him, he gives money, he gives toys to charity, he understands he is lucky.

So instead of restricting his world view and punishing him for having an ok life, I have broadened it.
edit on 4-1-2013 by nixie_nox because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 07:56 AM
reply to post by randyvs

You know Randy in hindsight I wish we didn't have to go into such dark material, only to have you tell me that what's wrong is "nada" because things are good for you personally in So. Cal. I feel like I kinda got drawn into sharing my view on 9/11, and the utterly monstrous nature of the "them", doesn't really inspire a spirit of newfound enthusiastic optimism for a brighter tomorrow, or the confidence that such wickedness and evil in high (low) places can be overcome. I don't know but something just doesn't sit right with me about getting into such dark matters without also having some sort of solution in mind ie: the light that shines and causes such darkness to flee. By my own understanding of Christianity, we are commissioned with what might be called a participatory eschatology, meaning that each and every one of us are active historical participants capable of impacting the world for the better, even by many orders of magnitude, perhaps even to an infinite degree than all that garbage, which perhaps needs rummaging to the surface before throwing it away into the abyss for the utterly useless nonsense that it is and represents.

Just needed to say that, because somehow I think we got sidetracked from the pursuit of some sort of HOPE which springs eternal, or most certainly ought to especially for a true Christian believer, imho.

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 07:59 AM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

The US is just fine. Nothing is all bad or all good. ATS is full of glass half empty people, just remember that. Yes, there are problems. Just like any country.

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 08:01 AM
reply to post by nixie_nox

Are you a little bit grouchy this morning?

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 08:33 AM
The America I grew up in is not recognizable to me anymore.

They say that only times change and that people don't. I don't believe that. I think many people have changed, for the worst.

The other day, my mom (62 yo) told me that in her day, every one knew their neighbors on the street and that people talked to one another and was willing to help each other out. Everyone's kids played together, and that you didn't worry about your child walking to school, or being at school because school was a safe place for kids.

Here in 2013, on my block, I don't know my neighbors. I have attempted to talk to them but they either do not answer their door, or they rush out of their cars, into their houses, and shut/lock up the door.

My mom was explaining to me that people are this way now, and that even her neighbors barely look at her if they see each other. She said people move in and out of their houses within a matter of years and no one sticks around any more.

To me, many people are too busy to connect with reality. Their minds and eyes are transfixed on their cell phones, games, texting, surfing, chatting. many are in a bubble where they don't even know what is going on in the world, let alone know the name of their next door neighbor.

My grandmother used to tell me of times during WWII where everyone helped one another out and that everyone knew their neighbors.

I think the art of neighboring is a dying thing. People can't wait to get home, shut up the door, turn on the flatscreen or get behind the computer. We consume too much and give so little.

I think some of these things need to change before everyone can not only wake up to reality but come together to really change our country.

One look around the internet, and all I find is bitterness, hatefulness, troll comments, flame wars, attacks....
Humanity is shifting and falling apart. People laugh and make fun of other people's pain, their race, or their culture. Basic human respect for one another is of yesteryear for so many.

I don't think it's just America that is in trouble, I think it's global.

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 08:41 AM

Originally posted by AMERICANSTRONG
reply to post by goou111

No offense, but you don't know the difference between your and you're. Spelling mistakes happen, but I don't appreciate someone that doesn't know the difference telling me anything.

I shovel horse # at 5:30 AM then go to school. What am I missing?
The wisdom that comes with age.
The humility that comes with wisdom.
edit on 4-1-2013 by grubblesnert because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 09:53 AM
The easy answer is, when you spend more time fighting basic health care for your fellow citizens, and spend sh&^loads of money defending DOMA, but cancel votes because they are .01% pork that would help the Sandy storm victims, well, only an idiot would not be able to see what the problem is with this country.

it isn't because we're sinners. I don't believe in any of that Xtian God/Jesus BS, so why should I be forced through legislation to follow a law that is primarily a law codifying ancient Jewish scripture. I mean, we aren't passing laws in this country preventing people from eating shellfish, or from wearing blended-fiber clothes are we? It's amazing how xtian this country claims to be, yet we elevate those with money to demi-god status, and say to the poor that it is their own fault because they are lazy.

Our problem is that both sides think they are right all the time. And they aren't, unfortunately, and I say this because I voted republican right up to GWB, it is republicans that have become the problem. In my lifetime, they went from numbers/accounting types to these crazed and rabid xtians that Christ himself would denounce. And if the republicans don't appease them, they lose. But, again, what makes it OK for religious types to get me to follow their religious laws rewritten to sound secular? I go back to my shellfish/fiber argument, both of which are treated as equals to homosexuality in Leviticus. Yes I know, some random chapter in the new testament says something about it's not what you put in your body that makes you a sinner.

That is my biggest problem with Americans right now, their blind faith in a being that has never even been in a grainy photograph. I mean I can find tons of grainy Bigfoot, Loch Ness and UAP photos, but not one of god or jesus or mary, just a bunch of water stains and toast that the faithful claim as a sign. I mean in the bible signs were miraculous and giant wheeled vehicles carried by angels and stuff, but in 2013, it's that oil stain on a church window that kind of looks like the outline of the virgin mother. I'm sorry, but give me a break.

Let me also add that anyone that screams about less government intrusion, but then turns around and supports things like DOMA, I mean do people even realize how hypocritical they have become just to support their "team?"
edit on 4-1-2013 by DarkKnight76 because: Addition

edit on 4-1-2013 by DarkKnight76 because: Spelling and Grammer

edit on 4-1-2013 by DarkKnight76 because: Spelling and Grammer

edit on 4-1-2013 by DarkKnight76 because: S&G

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 10:21 AM
The problem with the us is the fact that's secluded from the rest of the world while we do get world travelers frankly there are not enough foreigners around the mass populace to influence world and political views. Thus making the united states people backward in relation to a country such as france or england that see people from all over the world on a daily basis.

Meaning we only influence ourselves on a massive scale. And ignorance only breeds ignorance.

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 10:25 AM
reply to post by Vicarious10000

I couldn't agree more. It's funny how some people look down on you when you tell them you have been to other countries. The most common reply I get is, "What? Isn't America good enough for you?" I'm always like, "No, I love America, but there is more in the world than just America." They hate that.

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by Starchildren

To me, many people are too busy to connect with reality. Their minds and eyes are transfixed on their cell phones, games, texting, surfing, chatting. many are in a bubble where they don't even know what is going on in the world, let alone know the name of their next door neighbor.

Yes, to busy to connect and so disconnected.

One place that gave folks a sense of community was, gasp, church.

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 10:39 AM
the beast has become more ravenous.
the beast wants taxes.
the beast knows no boundaries.
the beast believes in debt.
the beast believes in death.
the beast wants dominion.

beast = federal gubbers.

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