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Disappointed at all the gun control threads...

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posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 05:53 PM
I cannot believe all the threads that are against the American people from arming themselves.

Do you not realize that us still having our guns is what is holding tptb back from fulfilling thier ultimate goals?

The reason why we are a free people is due to the fact that we are an armed nation. Thousands upon thousands of people bled and died protecting our rights, that one being the most protected. We are an armed nation and without that right we are an enslaved nation unable to protect ourselves from tyranny much worse than that of 9/11.

Why Britain is even weighing in on this says a lot about how we are still under some control of the crown. This is absolutely disgusting in my personal opinion. They have absolutely no business weighing in on this. We kicked thier asses for our freedom and our country.

All you people out there that are against the American citizens being armed, you should absolute be ashamed of yourselves.leave this country if you don't like it.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by Enemyc0mbatant
I cannot believe all the threads that are against the American people from arming themselves.

Do you not realize that us still having our guns is what is holding tptb back from fulfilling thier ultimate goals?

The reason why we are a free people is due to the fact that we are an armed nation. Thousands upon thousands of people bled and died protecting our rights, that one being the most protected. We are an armed nation and without that right we are an enslaved nation unable to protect ourselves from tyranny much worse than that of 9/11.

Why Britain is even weighing in on this says a lot about how we are still under some control of the crown. This is absolutely disgusting in my personal opinion. They have absolutely no business weighing in on this. We kicked thier asses for our freedom and our country.

All you people out there that are against the American citizens being armed, you should absolute be ashamed of yourselves.leave this country if you don't like it.

Guns are bad, so we should ban them


posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 06:01 PM
There are also more than enough threads about the UK voicing their opinions about US gun ownership too.

We could always do with another one though.

Just saying.


posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 06:02 PM
Nobody, especially the British, have any say on how we should run our country. In fact, it's not even "how we should run our country." The right to own guns and protect ourselves against evil people, or the people they control, is an inalienable right that shall not be infringed. Period. The only reason it's written down in the Constitution is because our forefathers understood human nature, and how tyrannical governments would always take away the peoples' right to defend themselves and disarm them completely, which is always the first step to total control. They knew foreigners would try to push around our government, they knew dumb Americans, ignorant of their own God given rights, would beg and plead for authority to keep them safe.

I forget who said it, but one of our forefathers said something to the extent of, "A people who give up freedom for security deserve neither, and will have neither."

This isn't a topic open to debate, so I fail to see why people are constantly trolling threads, preaching their anti-gun rhetoric. I'm one of the strongest advocate for nonviolence and passive resistance, but neither of these will apply if people in power try to take away one of my rights. I've never, ever wanted to hurt even a mosquito, and hesitate lengthily in even killing a wasp in my house.

But if you come to try to take away my guns?

I hope you bring lots of your friends with you, and lots of bullets, because you'll need them.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by Enemyc0mbatant

What exactly do you think our guns are preventing the government from doing? I haven't seen any armed uprisings in response to the patriot act, the NDAA, wiretaps, mass incarceration of citizens for ridiculous and victimless crimes or the myriad of other things the government perpetrates on a regular basis. If your guns are so important in protecting our freedoms, then why haven't you started using them? As far as I can tell, the only freedom that people who so persistently preach the second amendment seem to need their guns to protect is the freedom to keep their guns. Honestly, do you think the government is just going to come in and toss everyone into camps if they disarmed us, and do you really think you'd actually have the power to stand up to the full power of the military if they did suddenly decide to do something like that?

I don't really see any reason they would need to resort to such drastic measures. They seem to be doing just fine screwing us over when they feel like it without taking actions that would lead to an armed rebellion. And if that ever changes, the only thing your guns will do is guarantee that you end up with a bullet in your head instead of being led to one of their camps.
edit on 3-1-2013 by Nanocyte because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 06:15 PM
It has been disappointing to read the views on gun threads on here such to an extent where I took a bit of a break from this site after the onslaught of them appeared.

Discussions regarding gun ownership is a bit like baptizing a cat. I am for the 2nd amendment.


posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by ManjushriPrajna
Nobody, especially the British, have any say on how we should run our country.

Fair point, but Brit's have every right to share an opinion about your laws, as does any other nation. The UK laws get discussed enough on ATS, and i welcome it. Just because someone is from another country with different laws, it doesn't mean that they will have nothing productive or positive to offer. It doesn't mean that they are always wrong either.

You just have to be open minded enough to listen to others opinions, whether you agree or not.

This is a discussion site, where world news is discussed. Your gun laws, right or wrong, are big news at the moment...therefore will be discussed.

edit on 3/1/13 by CX because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 06:22 PM
I don't blame people from outside the US for having their views. I do blame them for pushing their beliefs on people in the US. People who have not grown up with firearms will never be able to share the same views as those who have grown up using firearms for hunting, sport shooting, just having fun, etc. I don't pretend to understand the way of life for people outside of the US, but I DO try to learn and understand their views. That is one thing I see very little of from people who just come in threads to bash anyone who owns a gun. It's the "you have a different opinion than me, therefore you are stupid" mentality. But it does go both ways. I've seen many pro-gun people just perpetuate the "gun nut" stereotype, too. This website can be a great tool to learn from people with vastly different backgrounds but it seems like all people want to do is condemn others for being brought up differently.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by Enemyc0mbatant
Do you not realize that us still having our guns is what is holding tptb back from fulfilling thier ultimate goals?

Since when?
TPTB have been fulfilling their goals left and right. It doesn't really matter if we have guns or not.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by Enemyc0mbatant

All you people out there that are against the American citizens being armed, you should absolute be ashamed of yourselves.leave this country if you don't like it.

As it is their constitutional right to voice their opinion against it.....
The rest of the people have their constitutional right to voice their opinion for it!!!!!!!!!

It is getting very old how one special interest group thinks that their right trumps the rights of others....

And to use the Newtown tragedy as their platform is tasteless and disgusting IMO.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 07:39 PM
I am 100% pro gun ownership. Even more so than most gun owning Americans. I think anyone who wants a gun, should have as many as they want, and any kind they want. Auto, semi-auto, assault rifles, et al.

I also believe however, that no one should be able to possess a gun or ammunition until they have completed a full accredited course on gun safety, handling, cleaning, history, marksmanship, and constitutional education. They should also have to watch videos that show what a gun is capable of. Similar to what we used to have to watch in drivers ed.

Once you are accredited at 18, you can own, carry, and buy firearms. But if you commit any kind of crime with one, whether you shot someone or not. You go to prison. Period. If you unholster your firearm in public without just cause. Even if you're kidding around. You go to prison. Zero tolerance for gun crimes.

Having said that, most Americans hold on to their guns like a baby blanket. It makes them feel safe and free, though they are neither. Our guns are a much better deterrent against foreign invasion, and criminal violence, than they are against a tyrannical government. And they hold "tptb" back from nothing.

The U.S. government knows full well there will be no confrontation between the people and government forces. The people are too divided, comfortable, and frightened. We don't have the backbone, or the desire, to be free like our ancestors did. It's inconvenient.

This is an international website and community. Last I checked, any member from any nation can post their opinion on any subject. So why can't our UK members voice theirs? You don't have to agree with it, or even read it, but they have every right to voice it. Just as you had the right under the T&C's to voice your rant.

/Soapbox. Flame away.
edit on 1/3/2013 by Klassified because: clarity

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by Enemyc0mbatant

First of all you will find that the Brits opinion on this topic is bourne out of concern for the innocent kids that have lost their lives due to the relative availability of firearms in your country. You can choose to throw that back in peoples faces if you want but the more you do the less you will find people caring about your children.

Secondly as has already been mentioned, tptb are not being stopped by you owning guns. Nor is your Government held back from commiting atrocities in foreign lands in the name of the American people. In fact you may vote on your president but each president still comes in and does acts against the American peoples will, like the Patriot Act so I fail to see what liberties are being upheld off the back of your gun ownership.

Thirdly, you believing that the Crown has anything to do with the USA is frankly laughable. The British Monarchy holds no active power and it is the elected party in parliment that makes the decisions for the people of Britain.

Lastly I find it difficult to believe that there are people out there that would tell people to be ashamed that want to see the end of death by gun. The world would be a far greater place if people were not constantly living in fear of aggression be that by conventional weapons, drone strikes or any other form of control by fear.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 08:48 PM

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by gladtobehere

Yes I have seen you post that useless GIF in at least two threads now whilst offering no discerning opinion of your own. Care to add anything of any substance or are you just going to continue to spam your GIF?

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 09:31 PM

Originally posted by michael1983l
reply to post by gladtobehere

Yes I have seen you post that useless GIF in at least two threads now whilst offering no discerning opinion of your own. Care to add anything of any substance or are you just going to continue to spam your GIF?

You're absolutely right! He forgot to add this one...

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 03:36 AM
reply to post by Klassified

Which makes a great point. Women should be the ones leading the charge against gun control/confiscations.

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 02:06 PM
I imagine if they know you have guns, they know they have to use extreme measures, like at Waco. But 30,000 gun deaths a year in US? And only 200 of those related to people protecting themselves? It seems little more than a false feeling of security to own a gun, when odds are, you are most likely going to hurt yourself with it before you take on some intruder or swat team.

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by goldspirit

But 30,000 gun deaths a year in US? And only 200 of those related to people protecting themselves?

That number is actually high...
I spent hours researching due to the fact that the politicians are using the fear monger scare tactic about gun control and I was really surprised at what I found.....

Number of deaths from Medical Malpractice VS. Gun deaths

Like you said, some of those killed are from criminal activity, suicide, or shot by cops.

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by snarky412

I don't really see the point in comparing Gun deaths to Medical malpractice/Car Accidents or any other type of accidental death. If the method of death comes from something that held no intention of causing death in the first place, then what is the point in comparing it to a gun thats sole purpose is to bring death?

What you have raised may be worth of further descussion in its own subject but I do not see how it has any relevance to gun related deaths.

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 06:55 PM

Originally posted by michael1983l
reply to post by snarky412

I don't really see the point in comparing Gun deaths to Medical malpractice/Car Accidents or any other type of accidental death. If the method of death comes from something that held no intention of causing death in the first place, then what is the point in comparing it to a gun thats sole purpose is to bring death?

What you have raised may be worth of further descussion in its own subject but I do not see how it has any relevance to gun related deaths.

The point is......

Gun related deaths are very low despite what our law makers would like us to believe.
That in of itself is causing some people to panic and want all guns banned.
The fear monger tactic about guns needs to stop.
No need to punish law abiding citizens or act like they are criminals just because some people have a fear or phobia about guns.

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