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Professions with the most Psychopaths and how it effects our world

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posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by dominicus

You forgot about the Department of Children and Families

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by NorEaster

Geez, did I ever say how much I like you noreaster....(I dont want to be on your bad side)
I would hope that the difference between you & him would be that you have some empathy despite your capacity for malevolence and the ability to censor your behavior based on that empathy, in a nutshell this seems to be the difference between socios/psychos & the rest of us.
I say let him twist & do your worst, this is not an opinion where I am encouraging you to indulge any desire for revenge you may have but rather if he is a true psycho all he will do is spread misery to any that he comes in contact with and so you would be doing any of his future victims, actually the whole world, a service.

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 01:22 AM

Originally posted by intrptr
reply to post by gwynnhwyfar

Thanks for telling that story.

You WANT to be sympathetic and kind, but these people take advantage and take and take and never give, and if you aren't obedient, they get angry with you and try to punish you. When you find yourself constantly trying to figure out how you wound up as the one in the wrong, and the person is blaming you for not "understanding" their difficult circumstances, while you think you are bending over backwards for them...

I saw something in your recount I wanted to point out and maybe help you to understand one aspect. Practicing drug addicts aren't in charge of their lives. The drugs or the addiction to them are. Its like the drugs are in the drivers seat and the addict is along for the ride. Especially when it comes to the King of drugs... Heroin. No one can say no to the King. It controls every aspect of an addicted person, every waking moment is dedicated to obtaining the next fix. Without it, painful symptoms of withdrawal begin which are to to be avoided at all costs. So they steal and lie and promise to change, but really they have no choice as long as they are addicted.

It may appear they are psychopaths but really inside they are as upset about it as the people they victimize. "Nothing personal, just give me the friggin' money. You don't understand." That kind of thing. Once the person consciously chooses to get treatment then they can begin the long road to recovery and the real person that was in there before they become a drug addict will return. Sometimes addicts struggle a long time, vacillating back and forth between abstinence and relapse before they are successful (or die trying). That is norlmal too.

Not trying to excuse their behavior, just giving it some perspective from an addicts perspective.

Absolutely right, and thank you for bringing this up...

Addicts are not inherently psycopaths!
Psycopaths are not inherently addicts!

Some addicts and psycopaths share some of their traits.
Addicts and psycopaths do not share all of their traits, by any means!

Even if, from your perspective, an individual displays traits associated with either an addictive personality or that of a psycopath (or other mental or behavioral disorders) that person should not be summarily judged, but should be evaluated by a mental health professional.

Thank you,

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 09:26 PM

Originally posted by LafingWithTears
reply to post by NorEaster

Geez, did I ever say how much I like you noreaster....(I don't want to be on your bad side)

I would hope that the difference between you & him would be that you have some empathy despite your capacity for malevolence and the ability to censor your behavior based on that empathy, in a nutshell this seems to be the difference between socios/psychos & the rest of us.

I say let him twist & do your worst, this is not an opinion where I am encouraging you to indulge any desire for revenge you may have but rather if he is a true psycho all he will do is spread misery to any that he comes in contact with and so you would be doing any of his future victims, actually the whole world, a service.

It was amazing, but a quick long-shot maneuver that I took a shot at, where I had my business partner call his lawyer and suggest that they're looking at serious legal issues by allowing him to register the oldest (7 yrs old) in the charter school chapter in his state, took is entire "shock and awe" blitz right into the dirt, as of 5 PM today. In fact, the Sheriff's Dept made sure he got the cease and desist order that HIS OWN LAWYER FILED AGAINST HIM for hoodwinking them over the issue of his being legally allowed to move a school age child across state lines without a hearing being conducted within the state of that child's original residence and school district - due to her attending a Montessori charter school.

Like I said, a real psychopath has no capacity to accurately assess the impact of his actions beyond whatever illusion he's operating under at the moment. Tomorrow, he'll have to return my grandbabies to their mom, and I'll be there with a video camera to catch the blessed event. At the moment, I have my daughter's mom's extended family building a blistering case against him within the Evangelical community that he's been surfing for years. Her uncle is a very well known Baptist minister, with deep and celebrated ties within that world that stretch across the country, and have for decades now. My own efforts to dismember him will launch in earnest on Monday, when my daughter present the fraudulent paperwork she was served with on Friday to the Marion County DA for legal review and possible criminal charges against both him and the hack "Father's Rights" national law franchise that he duped into fast tracking that court order that was rescinded just as fast today after we scared his idiot lawyer with only an hour of "office hours" to spare yesterday.

From there, we move to his commander, and explore the ramifications of his having been so reckless and irresponsible as a staff officer within their organization.

I think I'll let my daughter's aunts handle the legal push to have his visitation rights amended to accurately reflect the newly revealed issues he has with honesty, integrity, and the influence he might have on those two little babies. Hell, he didn't have to launch this bizarre attack. I'd been squarely on his side concerning his full rights as the father of his children, and had repeatedly made it clear that I would always protect those rights for him. This came literally out of the blue, and this oddball plot has changed how we'll all have to deal with him.

And it only took 5 months of his being back from S. Korea for him to create this insanity for himself. That said, he had no idea just how completely open season he'd made himself - as is the case with all psychopaths. Hell, his professional career is over. What an idiot, and all it took was a 2 minute phone call from a 63 yr old woman with a very gentle, concerned voice - to his female attorney, of course.

Some kills are a lot easier than others.

posted on Jan, 6 2013 @ 02:31 AM
reply to post by gwynnhwyfar

I know how difficult that stuff can be to deal with. That kind of behavior you describe is part of many types of personalities though- narcissists, Borderlines, bi-polars...... drug addiction tends to create that type of behavior, even if the person didn't do that before the addiction started!

I have a brother who has a multitude of problems, and might be psychopathic, is surely narcissistic, has ADD, and on top of that is into methamphetamine and oxycodone, and I feel bad about this, but I do not keep up contact with him. He tells elaborate lies and tries to get money from you any way possible. He can be very manipulative. But he always has a sort of following of young people that look up to him, and when he has gone to jail, did very well there, in fact! Its pretty scary.

He's EXTREMELY intelligent, which is where I relate to the author who wrote the book the blog (in the OP's link) got this info from- in his case, I see a huge intellectual potential that just seems to have gotten de-railed in the wrong direction some where along the way.... or didn't have a corresponding level of emotional intelligence to balance it, or something.

It makes me think- this same person could have been a great hero, or an evil villain, depending upon various aspects of his early life (which I think play a huge role in what he became).
edit on 6-1-2013 by Bluesma because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 07:44 PM
reply to post by Bluesma

Yes, I agree. I used this person as an example because it was less complicated to explain than some of the others, but I have been close to 3 or 4 of these types over the course of my 44 years. The gal in my example was the only addict. I seem to attract these people, probably because for a long time I was very trusting, loyal and naiive - a very complimentary set of traits to those who are manipulative, ego driven and need others to hide behind so people don't recognize their machinations. Now, thank goodness, I can recognize them and stay far, far away.

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