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How would the New World Order come about? Is it even real?

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posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 11:51 PM
It is 2013 now. I heard from the past that the New World Order would come in December 2012, mass genocide would occur and the world's population would be reduced by 90%. Thankfully it hasn't happened yet, maybe their plans got delayed?

There are indeed very intriguing "evidence" of the New World Order like the murals at Denver International Airport which depicts people dying and a masked man killing innoccents with poisionous gas, after which nations from all around the world surrender theirs arms to this creepy looking blonde guy who is presumed to be German.

There is also rumored to be an underground base for the elite there. There is no doubt there are hundereds if not more than a thousand of underground bases in US alone which are hiding ground for the elites which probably would include the bankers, the government, the big pharmaceutical companies and the Royal Family of England when the genocide happens. Anyways, these particular group are said to be "Reptilians" with their bloodline tracing back to the Kings of Egypt.

Im sure there are powerful people in the world but I have a hard time buying this story.

First off, How would a New World Order happen if you meet resistance? Definetly, it would start World War 3 if such a plan is to be conceived. China and India for one would not let such a thing happen. Their combine population would be 2.5 billion alone. More then 1/3 of all the world's population. Unless a "Super Weapon" is conceived I do not have the faintest idea how this NWO agenda would work when you have to meet resistance from 3 Powerful Nations in Russia, China and India.

I presume that the countires supporting the NWO agenda would be US and the UK. Unless the top brass of all the strong nations in the world are secretly allied to this agenda, I really don't see a pretty ending and this NWO being a reality.

Maybe someone can better educate me what is going on?

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 12:00 AM

Originally posted by icyboy771z

First off, How would a New World Order happen if you meet resistance? Definetly, it would start World War 3 if such a plan is to be conceived. China and India for one would not let such a thing happen. Their combine population would be 2.5 billion alone. More then 1/3 of all the world's population. Unless a "Super Weapon" is conceived I do not have the faintest idea how this NWO agenda would work when you have to meet resistance from 3 Powerful Nations in Russia, China and India.

Perhaps that is why the government is trying to take our guns away. I don't believe everything will happen all at once. I feel we will slowly see our freedoms being taken away.

As for the mass genocide i believe that has already been in affect for far sometime. Chemtrails and disease and possibly harrp!

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 12:20 AM
reply to post by icyboy771z

NWO =/= NWO.
Conspiracy Theories around a New World Order include a vast spectrum of myths and alot of them are white noise if you ask me.
On the one end of the spectrum you have the tinfoil-conspiracy about a reptilian-ruled elite in underground bases with the agenda to reduce and enslave humanity.
On the other hand you have the NWO as a centralistic "neo-con" powergrip within the democratic western world.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 12:34 AM
reply to post by misse2miss

Perhaps that is why the government is trying to take our guns away

If this gun control issue is indeed a conspiracy, you're looking at it all wrong. It's too obvious. Why would a government with drones, nuclear weapons and all other brands of weaponry we can't possibly imagine need to disarm untrained citizens with rifles and pistols. If anything, assuming this is a conspiracy, they're trying to put guns in the hands of every American to entice a civil war or create a reason to attack the American people. And everyone is falling for it by rushing out to get as many guns as they can. However, since the military is made up of American citizens, they would require a willing population to execute an attack against the American people. There are a lot of assumptions that go along with this. And you know what happens when we assume.

I have no doubt there is a world order that is new, and that we are moving toward a one world government, but the details are far above our pay grade, and we can only see incomprehensible pieces of the giant puzzle.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 12:39 AM
Gun control = new world order.


Gun control = less morons running around with guns.

Hmm I'm not sure you know, face palm.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 12:40 AM
reply to post by icyboy771z

Dear icyboy771z,

Lets start with what the "New World Order" means according to those who promote it. It does not mean killing everyone, it does not mean anything about 2012, it does not mean creating World War III. It means simply, international control over some fundamental aspects of law. It means global governance over limited areas that previously were controlled by national governments. There is a book called, "Tragedy & Hope: A History of the World in Our Time" by Caroll Quigley that pretty much sums up what is being sought.

Are there a limited number of people that determine how countries are run? Yes, always has been. In political science we call it the Iron Rule of Oligarchy or the Ironclad Rule of Oligarchy. It means that power always ends up in the hands of a few. This occurs for a variety of reasons and many are just because people allow and prefer it that way.

How is it coming about, it comes about daily in little ways by treaties and trade agreements. What you have to understand is that this is nothing new and you can read online what these people believe in their own non-edited words. People like Alex Jones, David Icke and others pick one or two sentences and then take them to the extreme. I need to point out that I am NOT in favor of world government; but, they taught it in college over 30 years ago as something to be sought.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 12:48 AM

There are already people pushing for currency.
I thought this would have been introduced after the Global Financial Crisis
But I was wrong

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 01:37 AM
The NWO is very real do not be fooled by BS it is a one world Gov by real world leaders for trade, currency, health, and domination, no part of the world is safe UN US UK Russia and China are all players in this, EU is part of the 10 pact, US Candida Mexico is an other one.
There will be one flag for all nations one currency for all nations one ID/passport card for all nations
[this will say who you are what sector you are from]
[ say your form NATU = North American Trade Union. South west sector 8] SW8 sub2 / white planes/ this would say you are from what was New Mexico State, the city of white planes. this is a fifty year deal first year 2001 DHS TSA National ID act are all part of this plan, so too is the Pact, "your with us or against us"
So what is the plan who is behind it? Not one person or country , but the big 20,G7, G8, G10,or the G20 ring a bell?
g20 summit
how about the Bilderberg group
RFID is also part of this this, tag every thing to track everything get us use to seeing using RFID and then we are next why just think no more missing persons, no more sick persons form not getting a flu shot, no missed days of work by lying to your boss, no skipping school/classes.

Oh what time it is to be alive and see 1984 become fact one page er step at a time.

Still have doubts look up UN SALW
UN Land laws
I could go on but with these few links you should get the idea of the big picture one world Gov or NWO

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 01:51 AM
reply to post by AQuestion
ok if you say so but Bush said it best just before going to war with Iraq form the link

On Sept. 11, 1990, President George Herbert Walker Bush addressed the nation and voiced those now infamous words before a joint session of Congress: “The crisis in the Persian Gulf, as grave as it is, also offers a rare opportunity to move toward a historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective—a new world order—can emerge. . . .” Bush the Elder is a longtime luminary of the Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg’s brother group that has an interlocking leadership and a common goal of world government.
NWO= no killing eh?

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 02:01 AM

Originally posted by soyentist
reply to post by misse2miss

Perhaps that is why the government is trying to take our guns away

If this gun control issue is indeed a conspiracy, you're looking at it all wrong. It's too obvious. Why would a government with drones, nuclear weapons and all other brands of weaponry we can't possibly imagine need to disarm untrained citizens with rifles and pistols. If anything, assuming this is a conspiracy, they're trying to put guns in the hands of every American to entice a civil war or create a reason to attack the American people. And everyone is falling for it by rushing out to get as many guns as they can.

You could very well be right with your assumption and it would make perfect sense! In my state alone people are rushing to get their license in fear they may not be able to get one.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 02:09 AM
3 ways I see the new world order happening are:

1. 9/11 type of event... a 'terrorist' attack foreign or domestic that shocks people in a similar way were they will readily give up their rights because of fear.

2. Major catastrophe or natural disaster (weather warfare and geological modification?)

3. The global economic bubble pops.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 02:37 AM

Originally posted by bekod
reply to post by AQuestion
ok if you say so but Bush said it best just before going to war with Iraq form the link

On Sept. 11, 1990, President George Herbert Walker Bush addressed the nation and voiced those now infamous words before a joint session of Congress: “The crisis in the Persian Gulf, as grave as it is, also offers a rare opportunity to move toward a historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective—a new world order—can emerge. . . .” Bush the Elder is a longtime luminary of the Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg’s brother group that has an interlocking leadership and a common goal of world government.
NWO= no killing eh?

Dear bekod,

If you wish to quote me then do it. Oh, no, Bush wants to kill everyone. LOL. Yes, the powers that be will use everything to try and implement "their" plan. What is the plan, not what ends are people willing to go to. Young people have been taught to use a cost benefit analysis to morality. Morality becomes what benefits more than it harms. The question they were all asked is the same, it was taught in school. If there was a serial killer in your town and people's reaction was to start shooting randomly at people they thought might be him and an insane person who was going to jail anyways admitted to the crimes; but, you knew he was innocent. Would you charge him with the crime to stop the multiple killings of innocent people? That is how your "elites" think, no God and no absolute morality, situational morality.

If you understand that then the next part is easy. Would you give up one innocent or kill everyone that knew you lied about who was guilty of the crimes? Understand their logic. Some of us are expendable, you have to crack a few eggs to make an omelet is the analogy. If you truly believe that the world leaders want to kill everyone then you don't get it at all. If you truly believe that the world leaders are not monitored by the intelligence agencies that fought the cold war and believe in nation states then you don't get it.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 03:10 AM
The nwo is real and it is being implemented now.

It showed its face in 1992 at the Rio convention where it was layed out as Agenda 21.

Bush Sr. Agreed to it as a "non binding treaty"

Clinton then took over and established the presidential council on sustainable development.

The council then published "towards a sustainable America"

That was implemented through various regulatory agencies to give it the power of law without accually passing laws.

Since then it has been slowly implemented through agencies like the planning commission.

Couple that with the slow errosion of our rights and socialist ideas like public healthcare and you get the nwo.

the rest of the world (being mostly socialist) had no problem going along with it.

They are currently learning how control "megacities" in Asia as a template.

Research these

Agenda 21
global biodiversity assessment
towards a sustainable America
Smart growth
Sustainable growth
google your city and "smart growth"

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 03:12 AM
I think it depends on what you mean by New World Order.

Most conspiracy theories tend to state that it’s an organised group of wealthy and powerful individuals who are seeking to collectively bring about a one world government for whatever reason they have. Further to this people who believe in such a group give it various names be it the Illuminati, the Bilderberg’s, Satan, the Pope or whatever the newest boogie man answers to these days. These conspiracy theorists then also claim that this group of individuals have their figures in all the pies, they were responsible for 9/11, they manipulate the media, they killed JFK, brainwash the “sheeple” and they even picked out the cover of a number of Michael Jackson album covers, they do all this while covering up the existence of ET. More recently they shot up a group of kids in a small town so they can take your guns because this like every other evil that happens in the world is all part of their agenda.

This group does not exist, it’s just a paranoid fantasy and any sane person can tell you quite quickly that its complete rubbish.

There is of course the other “New World Order”, the one that politicians, academics and some journalists talk about but this is not in any way the same as what “joe the conspiracy nut” believe the NWO to be. When politicians talk about the New World Order they are usually talking about the increasingly globalised nature of our world, they are not talking about a group of old rich white men sitting round an open fire talking about how they are going to create a one world government.

Now there are some academics such as Alexander Windent (might be misspelling that) who believe that a one world government is inevitable and ultimately a good thing and he even provides a very interesting commentary on how this might come about. However again it is very far of the Orwellian nightmare that Joe the conspiracy nut has his tin-foil hat out for.

So how will the New World Order come about, well like I say depends on what you mean by NWO, if you believe it’s the evil omnipotent spectre that has Joe the conspiracy nut shacking in his boots then it won’t ever come about because it does not exist. If you mean the NWO that politicians and some academics talk about then it’s already here, we live in a globalised world. If on the other hand you mean young Alexander’s inevitable one world government, then it’s a matter of social evolution.

Hope that explains it for you OP

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 10:29 AM
I wish to offer to you all following this thread a different perspective on what you call the New World Order.

If the New World Order is a one world government that oppresses and enslaves it's populace for the benefit of an elite group of individuals, then could it not be said that you are already in the New World Order and you have been for the last few thousand years.

This idea of separate governments from country to country is merely an illusion to lead you to believe that the New World Order is yet to come, further leading you to conclude that you are a free human being. This seemingly separated government entities are simply the one world government being micro-managed as would any large-scale operation. These other countries whom we are told are the enemy are in fact those who are still resisting the one world government control. This is not to say that many of these resisting countries are not corrupt themselves, but that they do not yet have an agreement with the elite.

With this in mind, the New World Order is actually the Old World Order. Of course this order has changed and evolved as all things do, however the same archetype of oppression and enslavement of the individual through control of a small group of elites has always existed within what you would call "recorded history."

Perhaps it can be speculated that recorded history is merely the history of this order of elites controlling the masses and that there was a history before when human beings experienced absolute freedom. The elites of course want you to believe that there has always been systems of control in place and that is the only way to pursue reality.

Just food for thought, take from it what you will.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by icyboy771z

First they will crash the us dollar on perpose.

Then they will come in with a centralize electronic money system and look like the heroes.


posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 09:26 AM
This is how it will go down.

Oneday it will be Revealed to the world that i am Jesus and i will even say myself that i want a One World Government, and my reason for it is so that we are Not an Organism at War with Itself.

This way we can oneday become at least a type I civilization that michio kaku talks about. and move on to bigger and better things than what we are facing now.
edit on 5-1-2013 by Belcastro because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2013 @ 02:24 AM

China and India for one would not let such a thing happen. Their combine population would be 2.5 billion alone. More then 1/3 of all the world's population. Unless a "Super Weapon" is conceived I do not have the faintest idea how this NWO agenda would work when you have to meet resistance from 3 Powerful Nations in Russia, China and India.

In reality my opinion is it could be very possible that it could happen to China or India regardless how high the number of the population combined is.

We are living in a more advanced world these days with more intelligent organisations that are working on better & more effect plans as time travels.. *Manipulation is the best word to describe New world order.

posted on Jan, 6 2013 @ 02:50 AM
I made a Skunk Works thread on my crazy theory. Not that I believe it, just thought it would be fun to make an evil genius like thread about the NWO.

Check it out

posted on Jan, 6 2013 @ 04:49 AM
Those in power have poisoned the planet for profit and have no intentions to fix it. Easier to enslave us to stop us fighting back.

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