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Nice Bigfoot video compilation - 1967-2012

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posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 08:04 PM
I recently located a really nice video, with some footage that I personally haven't seen before. This includes one clip, that appears to be shot from a car, of a very close Bigfoot, with a nice full face view.

Here is the video:

So, thoughts? Comments on the various clips included?

Some of the clips are really compelling, and some are the usual unclear stuff. The commentary is questionable, as far as I am concerned.

So, give it a watch (it's close to half an hour), and share your thoughts. If possible, give the reference for the clip you are discussing, so we can all keep track.

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 08:29 PM
Good stuff. Hard to believe I got them Wooly knockers running around right down the road from me! I've gotta get out there one of these days.

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 08:45 PM
Very nice presentation!

Two opposable thumbs up!

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 08:55 PM
Wow just finished the vid
Iam amazed

The only one I thought nah fake was the albino one it just looked like a fella in a suit.
I loved the kid shouting "Hello Bigfoot!" "WooHoo".
And the baby one in the tree, wow.
S&F cheers for that.

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 09:16 PM
Wow! A lot of these I havn't seen before. Such mysterious creatures. Many have been sighted yet we don't have any real evidence of their existance. I'm always intrigued by this subject.

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 09:18 PM
Here are some drawings (art of ) Bigfoot Gallery.

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 09:40 PM
Wow, it really is looking like these things really exist, as a physical species.

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by RUFFREADY
Good stuff. Hard to believe I got them Wooly knockers running around right down the road from me! I've gotta get out there one of these days.

Woody knockers...strange, when I go backwoods hiking I sometimes hear knocking on wood, like someone is hitting a stick against a tree somewhere. It'll do this two or three times. I'll hit back, wait, and hit again, but they never repeat. Interesting!

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 10:03 PM
Thanks for all the responses! My first thought was, "Why have I not seen so many of these before??" I look for those sorts of videos, and some are pretty amazing. Not all, but some. Those in the areas with them; if you go, get pics and film! There have been some reported sightings not too far from where we are, but not too recent. The one area, I would hesitate to check out, though, because it's close to a crime-ridden town, and along a little trail by a river. I would not worry too much about a Bigfoot, but crooks are another matter.

Anyone posting ever seen one? I have seen odd things, but no Bigfoot.

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

Back when I lived in Orange county, Me and my buddy Steve would go camping in the Angeles National forest. One Time we kept hearing sounds and lots of weird tree shaking and noises that "weren't normal", very strange and unknown.

Here in Florida its pretty messed up out in the boonies. (like Guam, I lived there for a couple of years) you can get ate up pretty bad if you don't watch it. Thats why I really haven't made an effort. I do know where to go...but, I'd want to be armed to the teeth and have gallons of bug repellent and knee high boots and bush gear. Plus, I don't know anyone that would want to give it a shot

edit on 2-1-2013 by RUFFREADY because: big foot messed up

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by RUFFREADY

Interesting, since you would not expect much large in those woods. Any evidence of bears around there? From what I know, they don't tend to be noisy like that, but I could be mistaken.

Florida can be very creepy. My oldest lived in Land 'O Lakes some years back, and a bit away from most things. The woods out there were spooky at times (and I love woods). She saw a cougar once. They had these HUGE freaky nasty spiders, too, way bigger than any are supposed to be there. I saw one, on her wall, the size of a Correll sandwich plate. Heard other stories, of strange things in those swamps.

You know, your post reminded me of something else, from when we lived down there. We frequently visited friends that lived outside of Tampa, and would drive home late at night on 75, then 275. There was this one place, along the highway, close to where the two joined, that was, well, weird. Never saw anything, and were going too fast to, and too fast to simply stop, but it always felt like something was there. Same place, every time. I tend to be able to know when animals are around, especially if they are near a road, and might cross. Deer, smaller stuff, cats more than most. This was different. I don't know how to describe it, and yeah, I understand this is very subjective, and unprovable, but it was like something a little dangerous, and smart. Not like people, though. Dangerous people have a different feel. Part of me wanted to check the area out, but most said, "NO WAY!".

I would say, if anyone wanted to look for them down there, that might be a good lace to start. Southbound, just before 75 hits 275. To the right of the interstate. Not sure how you would get to it, but something odd in that area.

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

If you google some pics "angeles national forest" you'll find all kinds of cool places ..some lots of forest areas . water falles , rocky areas, hills and valleys (saw a UFO once camping in that place! the hilly valley place..) its a big area.

Anywho..the place your talking about sound about right. I bet I've been by there. I know a really good place I'd go though..but..there are so many places in the state..The Green swamp is one place you hear alot about. I could name a bunch I'd like to check out.

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 10:59 PM

Originally posted by RUFFREADY
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

If you google some pics "angeles national forest" you'll find all kinds of cool places ..some lots of forest areas . water falles , rocky areas, hills and valleys (saw a UFO once camping in that place! the hilly valley place..) its a big area.

Anywho..the place your talking about sound about right. I bet I've been by there. I know a really good place I'd go though..but..there are so many places in the state..The Green swamp is one place you hear alot about. I could name a bunch I'd like to check out.

Will have to check that out. Sounds pretty, if nothing else! There are a lot of sightings in that part of the country, too. Care to share the UFO story? Can here, if you want. Any discussion is always fun.

You probably have, if you use the highways. We drove from ZH to Tampa, and virtually every time, that area seemed odd. Something there. If you do, hope you can share whatever you experience. Some weird stories form those swamps, and not all Bigfoot-related. Be safe, though - way too many nasty transplanted things down there, too!

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 11:15 PM
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

Yeah, I'd like to go back to that area and futher north. Again. its a big place (and state) I camped alot in the Sequoia National Forest when was stationed at Lemoore NAS. I've been to Africa, and all kinds of places but, nothing better than the Forest in the USA. Like you said though, you can't just go to some remote area and check it out you got to have a plan.

As far as the UFO story, well I told it before but in short was an unknown bright group of colored lights that slowly sailed over a hill in the Angeles forest. Steve and I went to investigate and after walking to a small clearing we saw a low "round head-shaped cloud with almond shaped eyes", we said WTF! IS THAT! True story!! We walked real fast back to the car.

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 11:36 PM

Originally posted by RUFFREADY
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

Yeah, I'd like to go back to that area and futher north. Again. its a big place (and state) I camped alot in the Sequoia National Forest when was stationed at Lemoore NAS. I've been to Africa, and all kinds of places but, nothing better than the Forest in the USA. Like you said though, you can't just go to some remote area and check it out you got to have a plan.

As far as the UFO story, well I told it before but in short was an unknown bright group of colored lights that slowly sailed over a hill in the Angeles forest. Steve and I went to investigate and after walking to a small clearing we saw a low "round head-shaped cloud with almond shaped eyes", we said WTF! IS THAT! True story!! We walked real fast back to the car.

I have always wanted to see those trees! Maybe someday..... As a kid, we did a lot of camping in the Smokies, and I think that is about the prettiest place on earth. I have seen the Alps, and they are really amazing, but not as pretty to me. Africa would be very cool - in some area without unrest, if any exist. So much to see there.

I have never seen anything like that, that wasn't explained. Well, what was a helicopter, probably, in an area you would not think to see one, but no reason to think that was something else. In Jr High, we saw something weird, seemed oval, flying around, light pattern circulating. We were thinking "UFO", til it got closer, and we saw it was this weird advertising plane, with this light thing all around it, wing-to-nose-towing-to-tail. Wild, exciting, but we did discover what it was. Always wondered if others saw it then, and reported a UFO, because it wasn't close enough for them to see the truth.

That cloud, after your sighting.....freaky!

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 12:55 AM
Really enjoyed the video, ever since I saw Lloyd Pye's presentation on bigfoot etc. I've been interested in this.
Great video! Thanks for making this available to view!

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 01:39 AM
reply to post by thetiler

Most welcome! I stumbled across it by accident today, looking at various news stories. There was a link at the bottom of one, for a story about that supposed DNA evidence that's been discussed. For some reason, they added the video. I know I like seeing the various stuff people film, and had not seen a lot of these, so I figured others might not have as well.

That one, from the car....WOW. Why aren't any of those TV shows looking at some of these?

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 08:11 AM
Great video. Lots of clips I have never seen before. A couple clips I feel I could call BS on but overall there is some intriguing footage there. Side note: Fake or not, if I would have seen the white one in the woods at night, I would have pooped myself.
While growing up in Ohio, I was always playing in the woods behind our house. I would go back there for hours at a time often by myself. I never saw or heard anything strange that I can remember. We moved our family to Michigan last year and we have woods and farmland all around our house. One night last summer, I was having a bonfire by myself. The fire pit is on the back of our property in a corner of a tree line. I heard what sounded like branches and twigs cracking heading in my direction. We do have lots of deer in the area and this was my first thought. However, the closer it got, the more it sounded like a person walking through the brush. Soon, it sounded like it was within 20-30ft from me and then stopped. Silence. That started freaking me out a bit, so I made a loud coughing sound to scare off whatever animal it was. Instead of going away from me, I heard two big crashes towards me. That was it, I was off to the house. The next day, I went out to the tree line where I heard the noises and didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. I searched the ground for tracks but, we had been going through a drought, so it was very hard and dry. Maybe my imagination got the best of me that night, but I have a hard time believing that a deer, coyote, etc., would have come that close to a human standing by a fire at night. It also made much more noise than a deer would. All I know is that right before I went to the house, I expected to see someone or something on two legs walk out of that tree line.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 08:56 AM
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

4:43 represents a "normal human male"? He looks like a McDonalds VIP.

The US is in big trouble, literally.

All of a sudden, Bigfoot doenst seem all that "big"...

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 10:04 AM
I thought the video was interesting because they tried to show similarities of physical characteristics and movements via examining lots of different video. If half of these are said to be fakes, could they have accidentally all created so many similar characteristics?

I do not like any of the Flir footage because they can be the most easily faked out of all the videos.. no visual footage that gives any details. We can't even get good measurements from the Flir footage because there is so little detail - we are at the mercy of the narrator and are expected to believe what he says is true.

There are footprints but what about feces? We should have had trackers and biologists find some and have it analyzed by now. I find it odd there is too little physical evidence to go with these videos. if i shot a real bigfoot video, I would comb the woods to find that evidence knowing some must be nearby.

I do believe they or something like our concept of Bigfoot is out there.. we just dont have good proof yet.

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