posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 01:14 PM
When there was nothing, there was ALLAH and when there will be nothing left, But there will be ALLAH.
And The Book says that they have no proof or sign of what they claim but is their figment of imagination.
We were not created just as a passing time, but for a purpose and the so called spiritualist and all this new age talk, nibiru and anunakis, stuff
like that is but a figment of imagination and the deception by the satan. And the people who are propogating such ideas are nothing but the devil's
accomplice. But then isnt that what somany people find attractive, the dark side? Of course, only for the dark prince's followers. And all the while,
when you and I are leading our lives, these forces are at fight, within us, around us, in everything we do, in our thoughts, words, actions.
We are given the ability to make the choice between light and darkness. And the satan will come to you in many faces, so intricately designed that
you'ld think, wow that must be the real thing. Just like the ancient people. For them Sun was god, though we all know that sun is a burning star like
billions out there. For these people, satan is god and they are waiting for their messiah. Lo on all of them!
Blessing is only for the guided ones and the seekers.