reply to post by Mugen
I could not comment in the post sorry.
I'll try and be civil in my reply, but I do believe, EVEN IF Ernie had a knife, the cop unloaded the whole clip of his gun, about 9 or 10 rounds,
maybe more.
Can we say it was a bit excessive?
It was not justified in any way, shape, or form.
That cop should be stripped of his badge, and gun, and black balled.
And what is it with the cop handcuffing him, the guy was dying for crying out loud.
And could you please tell me where in the hell all those cops came from so fast?? Maybe a set-up?
I know alot of cops in my community, and I can assure you that every one of them would be DISGUSTED by this. As a matter of fact, I will show it to
them and ask for their replies, and I will relay them here. I don't care if the guy has a rap sheet a mile long, he's still a human being.
The cop looked kinda young, you know about young people. Loose cannons.
Did he not have a Tazer?
what is the world coming to? Glad my local cops aren't like that.
Where is the sound at the beginning?
THAT WAS JUSTIFIED?????(went back and read the rest)
OK??? Quick question, if an inmate spits on a corrections officer, that person can get charged with attempted murder, so does the CO have the right to
unload a clip in the inmate, cuz in all actuality, the CO's life is threatened, same thing. I'd worry more about AIDS than a damn knife. Sorry done
edit on 3-1-2013 by thepolish1 because: (no reason given)