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I fell into a trap and so did you, We WILL BE destroyed

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posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 12:59 AM

Originally posted by JewAgainstZionism

Originally posted by forgetmenot
No, but you did claim you were a Wall Street Trader and you're implying you can prove it with the question business; so the burden of proof is on you. Convince us you are. At the very least compelling anecdotal evidence might persuade us

ok here is something only a trader would know, and this is last post I will entertain on that

Stop order placed with most forex brokers never reached the exchange

Stop order placed at most legitimate currency brokers never reached
the exchange because it was matched internally (broker traded against
you legally)

Trading strategies divide into mean reversions and breakouts

Money in futures accounts of US brokers is no longer under insurance
protection only money in securities accounts, if you don't believe me,
read the fine print of your broker.
edit on 2-1-2013 by JewAgainstZionism because: (no reason given)

I'm not saying that you are definitely not telling the truth about being a trader, but the fact remains that anyone can "convincingly" appear to be anyone 'online' with minimal effort. IMO, and I may be wrong completely, but you sound like a middle-man or a "lower-on-the-totum-pole" trading employee.

I can appear to be professional trader too.... "online"...


Goldman was paying out 44% of all corporate revenue as compensation for his employees

When times are good and people are making money, the inherent conflicts in the business are "masked"
the liquidators that the majority (approximately $6.2 million or 95 per cent) of the assets held in the company's brokerage accounts were located in Canada, and the majority of those assets (amounting to approximately $5 million or 81 per cent of brokerage account assets in Canada) were held with one specific broker.

See what I did there? I just said all that stuff and it took 2-5 minutes of my time on Google search, and will only take an additional 5 minutes to quickly Google convincing responses to please questions anyone may have for me.

Also, although your OP was a good one, none of this in inherently NEW information... Many see this happening. Some efforts were already taken /still being taken by the Occupy movement, where thousands gathered to occupy government property to protest.
edit on 3-1-2013 by unb3k44n7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 01:01 AM

Originally posted by Cinrad
If you want to see the kind of extended family unit I am talking about, study a Pacific Islander village and how they work, how they make decisions, etc. Many still work on the extended family, patriarchal model still. They are not perfect but have retained a lot of the things that we have given up to become "free".

Agreed. The family has been all but destroyed in the USA and many other countries in the name of "progress." Most cities around the world are westernized, as are the mentality of the people. They don't know how to slaughter a chicken and make it food, let alone how to support their family without money.

When a community/large extended family effectively works together in their village, they don't need anyone telling them what to do -- they have their own food, water, and shelter. What more do they need?

The largest threats to this way of life in my opinion, are outsiders telling them how to live (religion, corporations, individuals etc.), or "selling" land out from under their feet, without their knowledge and being forced to move at gunpoint. Land ownership is relatively new for these old villages.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 01:05 AM
(continued from last post..)

They have to stop being whores for TPTB.
edit on 3-1-2013 by nOraKat because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 01:06 AM
reply to post by JewAgainstZionism

‘JewAgainstZionism’, THANKS for trying to warn us. Great OP.

Those “having difficulties” with recognizing you’re telling the full truth are either blind or willingly denying/plotting.

edit on 3-1-2013 by giugliot because: spelling

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 01:33 AM
I cannot agree with the premise of the OP -- that we are doing 'nothing' by posting on ATS.

Speaking from an American perspective, the basic premise underlying the creation of the country was a belief in and reliance on the marketplace of ideas. We were encouraged to have meaningful and frequent discourse about the issues that needed to be addressed by the citizenry through a representative government.

Now, granted the noise level has gone up to WAY beyond 11. However, ATS and other like sights at least represents a collaborative effort to discern what is valid, material information regarding our world as opposed to manufactured or sponsored misdirection.

Are we always successful? No, for sure, not. But through ATS are people often armed with better and more complete information than they would receive from mainstream sources? Absolutely.

Unless your position is that any action is futile (which is really what the OP boils down to), then discussion forums such as ours are anything but futile.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 02:51 AM
reply to post by JewAgainstZionism

Let me throw you a bone the cabal is finished, the dracs are gone only the hybrid and power shills left and we will them up, pardon the pun but they deserve none. The pa-tal have arrived in the name of source, along with all the galactics.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 02:59 AM
Not saying you don't have somewhat of a point, but your rant reminds me of something a wall street hot shot would spout before jumping to his death.

Money isn't everything, yet I hear about these wall street guys jumping, why? The only reason they'd jump is if money were their god.

You need money to live properly, but living in poverty isn't the worst thing in the world.

No one is going to march against the establishment and result in anything other than [pick the major cable news network] will result in being scoffed at & mocked.

As for occupy wall street, that group didn't have *focus*, if you asked any random protester *who specifically* they were marching against they couldn't tell you. The most generic march to date.

Next time maybe they should pick a face, who marches against a faceless mass?

The elitists have faces, if millions actually marched against a face, united against that face(s), then, maybe then, could the [pick the major cable news network] have a reply that could theoretically set off a viral protest that might actually have a worthwhile effect.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 03:15 AM
Information is the key to change the status quo....The more we,read,write,watch,and talk,the more people get Informed...Words become thoughts ,thoughts become behaviors and behaviors become actions....The truth can not be hidden forever,and when the majority of people are aware of it ,there is nothing stopping them anymore.Just like what happened in a lot of other countries around the world whom their people decided they needed a change.....But when I am in Disneyland and I decide to change my ride from the temple of doom to pirates of the Caribbean, I feel a big change in my mind, but in reality i am still in Disneyland!!

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 03:32 AM
A new government will not do it.
they will just sneak back in.

all people in portent positions would need to have open lives.
bank accounts statements on the web. web cams in the office.
gps on the mobile. and they should No go to jobs with big business.
witch is just a pay off. just be given a smaller job in government.
so they can not hid corruption.

as much as possible should be taken over by the government.
water gas eclectically public travel ALL medical things!
like hospitals dentists and the production and distributions of drugs.
how is it only non government business can make lots of money from them.
but when a government runs them they show a big loss?

make a government bank. it would be a BIG fight.
and THEY would Kill many to stop it.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 03:33 AM
Are you guys really kidding yourselved that being informed will make a difference? While you try to educate more people they just get more power and more money and then even more power.

Posting on websites and debunking and comming up with more comspiracies, even though some are true, the rest are just made up stories.

We will lose, if we keep acting like this, and fooling ourselves that being informed and informing 1-2 new people a day will get us somwhere.

Nobody is truly fighting and this is sad.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 03:38 AM
Great majority of you agree with me and that's all cool, I will respond to few attackers because it is fun,

But I do know majority agrees.
edit on 3-1-2013 by JewAgainstZionism because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 03:44 AM
I'm speculative. When I read this and then look at the people who think like I think.. It makes me think ATS is becoming dangerous. They're watching us even closer than they were before.

But, maybe he could be telling the truth. HA.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 03:46 AM

Originally posted by SteveR

Please expand on the point.

People who make a killing in the market are high end traders who group
together into hedge funds, some do solitary CTAs, these are very
computer and statistics savvy people.

Math oriented, logical, and courageous. And of course you have FED and
ECB people who simply print money, and their cronies who are given
sweet deals, like investing in arms manufacturers right before a war and so on.

Now that is minority,

The majority of people go to their bank and broker and do mutual funds,
the majority of people receive either loss, or earnings that don't even
surpass REAL inflation rate.

I could go into more details but there are so many of you, I gotta respond
to more people.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 03:55 AM

Originally posted by sepiritu
I apprciate your post and would like to ask a more appropriate question given your experience that can perhaps help at least some of us. If I were interested in learning about the stock market and actually making a profit what advice would you give me?

You are not gonna like this

Becoming a good trader, requires a very intelligent mind and 3 years
of passionate learning. This is not easy because trading markets
ANY markets requires that you know a little about fractals.
How to tell the difference between randomness and testing
for patterns using software like Monte Carlo and so on.

Finding a mentor is next to impossible,

Tell you what, you won't know what you are made of until you

Open a small Oanda account, put in 800 bucks, start trading
some amounts like 5 dollars or something, keep analyzing
what went wrong, keep a diary, after 3 years you will either
be a trader, or you won't


posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 03:57 AM
Until the sheep are willing to identify the wolves for what they really are and get rid of them in whatever way necessary, nothing will change.

More sheep wake up every day but not enough yet.

Something I realized a while ago; the internet is like electronic telepathy. It's training us... I can have a thought and write it down and minutes later, someone on the other side of the planet is reading it and having the same thought. As time goes on, the connections spread like wildfire and coalesce and strengthen.

THEY are terrified of the internet for this reason, and may take it down at any time, but they need it for their commerce and money-stealing.

Meanwhile, we're all learning that humanity as a group is much more on the same page than we ever knew before.

Just think if every Spartan resisting Roman rule knew what every other Spartan was thinking.
edit on 3-1-2013 by signalfire because: addendum

edit on 3-1-2013 by signalfire because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 03:58 AM
reply to post by Cinrad

You make a really good point, you really do

You are smart guy for sure.

OK, maybe you are right, in that case, if Government doesn't dissolve in 2 days

People have to storm the building break windows, spill blood.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 04:01 AM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

Hey believe whatever you want.

IN FACT I too will believe what I want, and I believe you are a paid shill.

See how nicely that works

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 04:02 AM

Originally posted by JewAgainstZionism

Originally posted by sepiritu
I apprciate your post and would like to ask a more appropriate question given your experience that can perhaps help at least some of us. If I were interested in learning about the stock market and actually making a profit what advice would you give me?

You are not gonna like this

Becoming a good trader, requires a very intelligent mind and 3 years
of passionate learning. This is not easy because trading markets
ANY markets requires that you know a little about fractals.
How to tell the difference between randomness and testing
for patterns using software like Monte Carlo and so on.

Finding a mentor is next to impossible,

Tell you what, you won't know what you are made of until you

Open a small Oanda account, put in 800 bucks, start trading
some amounts like 5 dollars or something, keep analyzing
what went wrong, keep a diary, after 3 years you will either
be a trader, or you won't


This sounds a bit like counting cards at a casino.

However the big difference is that in trading stocks, it's part of the game!

At least, that's how it sounds to me

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 04:07 AM
reply to post by JewAgainstZionism

IN FACT I too will believe what I want, and I believe you are a paid shill.

A Wall Street trader whose most intellectual response to a challenge is “you are a paid shill”?

That response alone is proof enough that you’re not an investment banker

Look why don’t you just admit to lying to us all and move on, everyone get caught out lying online it happens just take it on the chin, don’t do it again and move on.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 04:07 AM

Originally posted by darkstar57
Ok, wallst trader, jew against zionism... here is your question.
How do we track the actual holders...corporations, street names, etc to the actual holders of the 600 trillion in credit default swaps and other derivatives????
thank you.

my view is that the holders will be found on threadneedle street in the city of london. but i could be wrong.

The biggest holders are Federal Reserve, Goldman Sachs, Bank of England,

You take these guys down, and you won 95% of war.

Federal Reserve must be abolished, and new central bank formed that
creates money without interest attached to it.

simple as that

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