posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 03:55 PM
here are some things i have discovered researching the events of my father CW2 james p powell III who was kia sept 1 1984 during an attack on a
sandanista helicopter training school in santa clara nicaragua. he, along with dana parker, former green beret and vietnam vet, and an fdn freedom
fighter named m. pozo, were reported to be in a hughes 500 attacking the facilities when they were shot down by small arms fire an killed. he and dana
were in country with tom posey, cliff albright, walter "cisco" blanton, louis mcknight, jack "col flaco" terrell, and mario jose calero. they were
members of civilian military assistance, a group founded by posey and parker. they all attended my fathers funeral except jack terrell. im not sure if
it was before or after the funeral, but a man came to see my granparents powell and told them the true reason they were in nicaragua. the next day
they were visited by some men with the stereotypical agent smith look. they said everything they were told the day before was false and if they were
to go public with that info it would be denied. my mother, sister and i drove to kenner, la to retrieve a briefcase from mario calero. my mom took it
to someone in memphis. she maintains she no longer remembers who she gave it to, probably for my own good. the briefcase contained a quantity of co
cai ne. a time afterwards, my moms sister got held up at gunpoint by some guys and they kept asking her about the briefcase. they thought she was my
mom but realized she wasnt and let her go. i know my father was doing alot of flying in the carribean before his death. he made numerous trips to the
caymens, bahamas, and jamaica. this is probably how he got involved in the first place. in the journal oliver north turned over to congress,
everything from late august 1984 to sometime in december was all blacked out. this is when they were in damage control mode. two americans had been
killed and people were going to ask questions. the cover was they were on a rescue mission. the real story was something else.